How often do you bathe?

Actually this question is directed toward the dogs, not their owners! :lol:

Seriously, though, how often do most of you bathe your dogs? Is too much bad for them or their coats? We have had a lot of rain here, so there is almost no such thing as often enough!

Also, with three, we pretty much have to bathe them ourselves, or we would go broke taking out a second mortgage for the groomer! 8O
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Panda get a bath on the first of every month!! :D
I used to do it about every week when Edgar was younger. But now I do it about every two weeks. I wouldn't mind doing it every month but Edgar is one stinky dog. :roll:
Violet (OES) and China (Aussie Shepherd) are bathed once a week. We live in Florida and both dogs are in full coat. We live in the suburbs so we do not deal with a lot of dirt like you would in the country or on unpaved streets. We do the bathing ourselves. Neither really likes to be bathed but are always so happy once they are through, they always smell so nice.
We can always tell they are happy when they are all cleaned up. Their hair does not seem dried out at all, and they do not excessivly scatch.

Most people do whatever fits into their lifestyle.
Izzie gets a bath no more than once a month...unless she gets into some dirt. She doesn't seem to be a smelly dog at we pretty much just wait until she gets dirty...usually every 1 1/2 months to 3 months.
2 or 3 times a year, here!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Paws: whenever dirty.

Face: when I can't stand looking at the dirt (though he does get a quick spritzer clean when we come in from a walk)

Body: we are going on 6 months
whenever her hair doesn't look fluffy, or when she looks dingy, and EVERY time she runs in mud.

no set time period. if i were to guess, i'd say once every 2-4 months, depending on year and what's going on
Wally used to get bathed once a month but his skin is starting to get really flakey and dry, so we are trying to do it every 2-3 months.
2 or 3 times a year unless necessary more. Mine don't stink and stay pretty clean.
I bathe whites more often on a dog I'm showing.
Less is more over here as I don't have a big dryer! :wink:
Now that she is on the raw diet she doesn't stink as much. Except this weekend and she was on a sheep farm; that was stinky! We have a new do it yourself dog wash open up; gave that a go. Was nice had those really powerful dryers NICE! and they clean up your mess. :lol:
Unless he has rolled in bear poop Tasker only gets a bath about twice a year.
Bear Poop! 8O

Oscar gets a full bath every two weeks, and a partial bath (face, behind, paws and "undercarraige" :wink: ) twice a week. I think that Oscar has overactive sebaceous (sp?) glands, as he gets pretty oily on his back at about the two week mark. Our first sheepie, Quincy, was not this high maintenance. He got a full bath about once a month.

Laurie, and the bath-hating Oscar
3 times a year tops. I find if I keep Clyde well brushed, he doesn't get too dirty, although his whites could probably use a touch up a little more in the summer when he's more active. I'm thinking of taking him to the groomer just for that purpose.
Oscar's Mom wrote:
Bear Poop! 8O

Oscar gets a full bath every two weeks, and a partial bath (face, behind, paws and "undercarraige" :wink: ) twice a week. I think that Oscar has overactive sebaceous (sp?) glands, as he gets pretty oily on his back at about the two week mark. Our first sheepie, Quincy, was not this high maintenance. He got a full bath about once a month.

Laurie, and the bath-hating Oscar

Yup, our yard seems to be the local potty stop for the black bear population :roll:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Oscar's Mom wrote:
Bear Poop! 8O

Oscar gets a full bath every two weeks, and a partial bath (face, behind, paws and "undercarraige" :wink: ) twice a week. I think that Oscar has overactive sebaceous (sp?) glands, as he gets pretty oily on his back at about the two week mark. Our first sheepie, Quincy, was not this high maintenance. He got a full bath about once a month.

Laurie, and the bath-hating Oscar

Yup, our yard seems to be the local potty stop for the black bear population :roll:

We just get white Bear poop. :rimshot:

Look what years of Ron have done to me. :twisted:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Look what years of Ron have done to me. :twisted:
I understand this completely. Joan used to be sane.
Darcy wrote:
Panda get a bath on the first of every month!! :D

You crack me up, Darce :D

Mine get a real bath and grooming every 4-5 weeks. Fozzie sometimes gets a bath in between from Daddy after getting messy at the park.
Chewie gets a partial bath evey week, or every 2 weeks when its a bad week (like now).

He is in full coat and the pee smell is bad... :roll:

Thankfully he absolutely loves bathing and grooming. And I got my cord rewired/replaced on my stand dryer, so I am a happy camper now.
Fred has a bath once a month but, now that the summer is here it is probably going to be every three weeks. I was contending with the same pee smell problem that Got Sheep described as he was in full coat until two days ago. I had him shaved for the summer though and hopefully it is more difficult for the little squatter to pee on himself. :lol:

I suppose bathing preference really comes down to what level of smelliness you can tolerate without irritating your dogs skin by overbathing and in the process drying out his/her coat.My level of smelliness tolerance is on the lower side.
Fred,CanYouSeeMe? wrote:
I suppose bathing preference really comes down to what level of smelliness you can tolerate without irritating your dogs skin by overbathing and in the process drying out his/her coat.My level of smelliness tolerance is on the lower side.

A dog that is brushed and "spot cleaned" should not smell (barring of course the above mentined bear poop encounters). I f a dog needs to be bathed frequently because of "smell" I would investigate the cause of the smell (ear skin anal gland problems).
Zoinks! 8O

There sure are a lot of opinions on this! I guess our "every once in a while" isn't as bad as I thought! :lol:
thepreacher wrote:
Zoinks! 8O

There sure are a lot of opinions on this! I guess our "every once in a while" isn't as bad as I thought! :lol:

Everyones reply seems to be...when they need it. I'm sure everyone's opinion of when they need a bath differs as well. Basically, whether you bathe twice a month or once a year you fall within the norm :lol: :lol:
Mine, i bath them once a week but sometimes every two wks. I let them play outside almost evryday. But then it depends on how dirty and smelly they are. If I smell them then it's time to have their bath.
Mine all over once or twice a year. Whites never longer then a fortnight.

If you use a grooming mist bottle when you groom them then the greys don't need as much washing. Unless they roll in Bear Poop, that is obviously another story. :wink:

What's a bear, we don't have them here :lol:

Cow poop well a dam on a farm is great to throw a sheepie in till you can get home and put them in the tub and dry them off. 8)
It has been sooo rainy here (unusual for Texas) that we have had to make Elle much more of an indoor dog. Or else...


lisaoes wrote:
What's a bear, we don't have them here :lol:

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