Chewie passed his herding instinct test!

After the wedding and all, Chewie and I decided to go to a herding event about an hour from us. We signed up to take the HIT, and pulled up a chair at ring side and relaxed. We were there early -about 10 am, and we had a good time.

Chewie did his usual friendly "love me, pet me" stuff, played with a cute young Corgi female, and otherwise just was his usual calm self - laying next to my chair. I was starting to get nervous - we were sitting less than 10 feet from the HIT ring, and he showed mild interest at most. When I had our Ollie at herding stuff, he was so excited and got so wound up he needed to stay in the van until his turn - and Ollie was 4-5 yrs old too. I thought "oh no, my boy is a herding dud!"

People noticed we had been sitting there all day, and asked if I wanted to go next - I explained that my daughter just got married this weekend and I was just enjoying the sitting and relaxing. They all laughed, told me to enjoy myself. One said I was doing good knowing my own name! (I did forget my stick at home though :oops: - had to borrow one).

Then it was our turn next. i brought Chewie in, and he was staring at the sheep, but standing quietly. I thought - "OK, here goes nothing". I let him loose and..........

ZOOM!!! over to the sheep and he was the herding maniac!!! He even was so intense that he cut a corner too sharp and did a major wipeout from nose to shoulder, with back feet still running. :lol: :lol: He was on those sheep until time was called. Luckily he has a decent recall, or I would have had to go and pull him away. I know he surprised everyone watching - he was so not into it all day, has that long coat, and they probably thought here's another show dog wannabe. :D

Here he is - just a little butt shot blur:

Don't you sheep go in that corner!

Working on a little technique - pushing out to the fence to push better:

And the final shot - at the end, putting the lead back on to exit the ring:

A nice fellow tester took the pictures for me - even had to switch batteries in the middle of the test. Why do cameras always die at the worst times??
We had a good time, and Chewie was one tired pup!
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Way to go Chewie! :yay: He looks great out there, like a real pro! 8)
That's AWESOME!!!! Great pictures!

And no wonder he got to just chill out without freakin' about the sheep - he sees their cousins every day!!! He's just SMART!!!!
Awesome! Chewie DOES look great out there.
Chewie the Pro :yay:
That's great! :) Looks like he did a great job :)
Chewie Rules!!!.. he looks awsome out there...doing what he was meant to do...

Way to go Chewie! :cheer:
Yeah Chewie! :cheer: He was saving his energy for when he needed it!
Wow! I was so busy leading up to this weekend that I haven't had time to read the forum much. Wow again!

That is so awesome Dawn and for such a laid back sheepdog! He doesn't waste a lot of unnecessary energy like another sheepie we know. :roll:

Keep the progress reports coming - he is such a cutie pie!
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