Skin Infection - HELP

I took my OES to the vet with scabs on the sides of her mouth and under her chin. They recommended antibotics, sulfur shampoo and a spray for the itching. Also, prescribed somthing for her itching.

It's been 3 months and she doesn't seem to be getting any better. She has now established white pustules with redness under her hind legs which look like they are spreading.

Has anyone ever gone through this with there OES?
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Please call your vet today. If it's been 3 months since the vets last saw her, she needs to be rechecked and have periodic rechecks to make sure the condition is clearing up. Was she diagnosed with a staph infection? Maybe it's just that the original condition wasn't treated long enough.

I am NOT a vet nor trained in medicine but staph hypersensitivity might be considered if it's been going on this long. ... icleid=151

I also think it's important to consider a full screen thyroid test to make sure the levels are good. Low thyroid can leave a dog susceptible to infections and this breed is known to have issues with hypothyroidism.

Please let us know how your she does.
Hi ssaused
So sorry :-(
I just hate it when stuff doesn't go away after a trip to the vet & meds
Beebles had some staph pustules on her lower tummy at about 6 months.
It took about 10 days on an antibiotic for them to disappear
It was red splotches with the whitish pustule in the middle...not pretty 8O
Go back to the vet ... again ... keep in touch
Here is some info from my stash :wink:
Causes of Fluid-filled Bumps on the Skin ... icleid=426
Staph is a bacteria that lives on all dogs, and it's common for them to get a staph infection. They need to make sure she is on the right antibiotics, and it can take 2 months of antibiotics to clear it up, most commonly 3 to 6 weeks.
Here are some good links
Abigail initially went to the doctor 4 times. Twice in March and twice in April. She's had this skin condition 3 months.

I called her vet and he has recommended Gulft Coast Veterinary Specialist in Houston and she will she them June 2nd.
Good luck with Abigail and her new vet. That has to be very frustrating seeing her have the same problem for so long and not getting any better.

Chewie would be happy to kiss her and make it better!
Please let us know how she does with the new doc.
I hope she'll be feeing better soon.
And for the thyroid test, I urge you to look to Dr. Jean Dodds. She has studied OES needs more than just about any other vet.......and the breed has certain quirks.

Some reading and her address. Getting your vet to work with you on this is tough since they have to draw the blood and you have to airmail next day to Calif. People who have had it done have nothing but superlatives....and the vets willing to throw aside their ego do too.

Dr. Dodds talks to you personally with the results.......coooooel!
Source: http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-ang ... isease.htm

A symptom of low thyroid:
Dermatologic Diseases-
dry, scaly skin and dandruff / coarse, dull coat / bilateral symmetrical hair
loss / rat tail, puppy coat / hyperpigmentation / seborrhea or greasy skin
pyoderma or skin infections / myxedema / chronic offensive skin

Pyoderma- a bacterial skin inflammation marked by pus-filled lesions.
Staphylococcal Pyoderma- ... icleid=480

Just wondering IF low thyroidism is detected and treated that it might allow the skin problem to be corrected this time around.

But then again, maybe it has nothing to do with staph or low thyroid . :? Good thing you're going to a specialist!
I just put the second URL above for Dr. Dodds address. I didn't necessarily mean you had to read the vax protocol article. You can also google Dr. Dodds and get more info on her.

Has anyone ever heard of a Hostic Veterinarian?
Do you mean holistic?
I do not think holistic is the way to go with staph. It has become very resistant to many antibiotics and I think it would just be too strong now for homeopathic remedies.
I agree... some things can be helped or fixed with an holistic approach but I don't think staph is one of them.

I feel you CAN however take steps to make your dog healthier while on necessary antibiotics. We switched over to an holistic dog food that some of the forum members also use (and one that has not been affected by the recall). It's Eagle Pack Holistic Select. We also give a probiotic and digestive enzyme with it because of health issues in our pack. We also added a Culligan drinking water system for them... mainly to see if it would help with Panda's struvite crystals.

I wish we had taken this approach to nutrition long before Panda's surgery. Panda had recurrent bladder infections and struvite crystals; loads of antibiotics over her 1 1/2 years with us- then 5 months straight of antibiotics; we requested more tests to see if they could find a correctable problem when yet another bacteria appeared during treatment. Panda had surgery to correct bladder defect that we're cautiously optimistic has been corrected. While the nutritional approach would not have fixed her problem, I think it would have saved her some suffering...

All the antibiotics eventually caused a yeast problem and terrible itching. This is why I say to ask about adding the probiotic and digestive enzyme while giving antibiotics. Some vets will be receptive to this... others may not be.

Good luck in choosing the best approach... I know first hand how frustrating it can be.
Adding probiotics to their diet while on antibiotics is a must in my opinion....
I buy probiotics capsules with 6 billion active cells of several different "friendly bacteria" and put 1-3 capsules in their food per day. I just break open the caps and sprinkle the powder on their food.
Since doing this Dancer's stubborn ear infection has completely cleared up and hasn't returned in months.
Thank you all for your help. My heart breaks looking at her, since she is such a beautiful dog. But, I'm sure the specialist will cure her.

She's on Purina One dog food which I didn't know might not have enough protein for her. I've had dogs all my life and never heard of such a thing before. But, who ever heard of dogs dying of dog food?

Times sure have changed. :cry:
I took Abigail to a dermatologist and he did some skin grafts and found mites. If only the other doctors would have known this would have been cleared up along time ago.

He also took some blood work and found she is anemic and recommended a multi-vitamin such as Centrum or Teragram.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and help me with this, but it looks like she is going to be all right. With the Antibotic and some other medicine to kill the mites and bathing her twice a week.
That is good news. :D

It is so nice to actually know what the problem is!
That's wonderful you finally have an answer.... I hope she feels better fast! :)
ssaused wrote:
I took Abigail to a dermatologist and he did some skin grafts and found mites. If only the other doctors would have known this would have been cleared up along time ago.

He also took some blood work and found she is anemic and recommended a multi-vitamin such as Centrum or Teragram.

Did they mention Demodex mites? If that is what she has, then we can chat.... :wink:

These mites can flare up when the dog is in a vulnerable state...either physical or mental ..stressed, for example. When the immune system is compromised their body cannot keep them under control, like a healthy dog can. Thyroid, allergies, infection staph infections, ear infections, etc. etc. etc. Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt... with Dixie.

Great vitamins can get them back into shape, with a good food, low stress. If it is Demodex I can forward you a great article that someone sent me months ago, with all kinds of information compiled together that you can share with your vet. It is a Word document, so PM me if you would like it.
Yes, please send me the article on Demodex, this is what she has.
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