Attn Humans Attending Sheepiepalooza!

(You must read this with a southern Louisiana accent.)

Dear Humans,

Mom is letting me get on her computer just this one time so that I can write a letter to ya'll. I am going to get to meet all ya'll and your sheepies. I just want you to know that I will make it my mission to personally come up and greet every single human and jump up on you in the hopes that 1) you will pick me up or 2) you will fall in love with me and convince Mom I really am just a misunderstood youth. I will run and run and run and play with all your sheepies. If there is a mud puddle nearby I will find it and let all the other sheepies know where it is. Do not mention to my mom that I will be the only sheepie there that flunked obedience school. Those people that ran that school obviously do not understand the value of making friends with all those other dogs and socializing. :roll: Mom wants me to wear pink bows in my hair and be lady like. She has been telling me this for weeks now along with not to embarrass her in front of her friends. EXCUSE ME but I thought she told me this party was for me and MY friends. Good grief MOM! :roll:

And we get to run up and down the hallways of the hotel. Me, Johnnie, and Maggie (she belongs to Val) are going to have a blast running from hotel room to hotel room causing chaos. :sidestep: Mom said I have to behave or we might get kicked out of the hotel room. Uh, pulease, I will just turn my doe eyes on the hotel humans and they will love me. It is my lot in life, that every human must love me. :oops: And I look so adorable in my pajamas. :oops:


Anyway, I am going to be the sheepie there that causes the most havoc and will be voted Miss Congenality. :D (Don't even think about it Chewie, Bear, or Harry!)

Oh yeah, don't kick off your shoes because you may never find them again! Mom will when she picks up the poop but you won't. :twisted:

Somebody should tell Mom to bring the Xanax, she might need it. IT'S PARTY TIME - SHEEPIE STYLE! WOOHOO!

Love and Sloppy Sheepie Kisses,


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Hi London,

My name is Bentley and I can't wait to meet you!

I love to run, but I'm not good with groups, I'm more of a one-on-one kind of sheepie.

If there are a bunch of sheepies playing, however, I love to be the referee! If someone gets out of hand, I will make them stop.

I like to jump! Do you like to jump?

ps - everyone is going to love me best. I know this even though my mom keeps telling me it is not a contest.
Hi London, Hi Bentley! (and humans)

I think we are going to have lots of fun together! I am just a puppy, so I am ready to play, play, PLAY! London, we are going to have so much fun jumping and running! I love to play tackle and chase and tug of war! Mom doesn't like it when I jump in mud puddles, but please let me know where they are, I love them! Oh, and any dirt and mulch are great too, the mulch is so tasty (once again, don't tell mom, just me). My cuz will be there too, trust me he'll stick out like a sore thumb because he doesn't look like me. Oh, and he calls me skunk, because when I get wet, I smell like fish (I hope it doesn't rain...). London, this is a party for us, not our moms, what she doesn't know won't hurt her

:twisted: !

Allow me to introduce myself.... I am Wild Angel and my mommy is a "lurker" on this forum. BUT... we're going to Sheepiepalooza with my Aunt Nita and cousins Nelson and Sassy!! Woo-Hoo!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

You may not catch me running down the hallways as I'm NINE years old but count me in the running for Miss Congeniality.

Here's my picture so you'll recognize me. Our "Indiana delegation" will be wearing checkered flag bandannas in honor of that silly Indy car race they run in the rain every year. Let's hope the rain stays in Indy and the sun shines on St. Louis!!!

Wild Angel

Hey guys, Barney and Maggie here. Don't worry if mom doesn't let you run around inside the hotel, Dad says he's not installing the new oak flooring until after you're gone, so even if it rains Friday we can all run around the house (PS. dad never cleans the place anyway).

We can't wait to meet you all. Dad bought a big box of our favorite cookies for you, and we'll show you where he keeps them in case he forgets to put them out (he's getting forgetful in his old age).

Barney and Maggie
Hey -

This is Bingley. Shhhhh I'm not supposed to be on the computer. Something about mice not being edible? Anyway, this is a super-secret mission for you, London. I've been smitten with your fun attitude and I've decided to head to Sheepiepalooza. Unfortunately my uprights will be in New York and they think I'm going to be staying in FL with my sisters. Huh - thats what they think! I've got it all figured out. All you have to do is slip off a secret message without your mom finding out - make sure it says, "OK for transport, direct for sheepiepalooza." I'll carry it around in my mouth until someone reads it and brings me. BUT it has to be secretive. I want those mud puddles!

See you then - I'm counting on you -

Hi Everyone, This is Bella here, Mom calls me Boo. I am looking forward to meeting everyone, we are going to have a blast :lol: I also LOVE the mud, my mom is always telling me to behave like a lady, whats a lady :lmt: ?I go to obedience, but I only follow instructions when I want to. My brother Murphy behaves most of the time, my little brother Elliott is 7mos. old and is a pain in my a##. I do put him in his place though. If you guys hate leashes I can get rid of them for you, I eat them, I have a special talent, I can swallow them whole, 5 so far. I also throw them back up whole. Mom and Dad get very mad when I sneak them so they put them in a dresser drawer now. Mom says Murphy and Elliott are more girly then I am :oops: . We will be at the Super 8 Motel, Can't wait to get there and meet everyone. Will you help me find some leashes? It's been about 3mos. since the last one.
Oh Bingley, Mom says we can't pick you up, she say's Florida is out of our way, and I am lucky that I am going with the way I behave :!: :!:
Psst Bingley....

London here. Look can you hitch a ride to Baton Rouge? Mom & Dad are renting a van and taking me, my 2 sheepie brothers, and my foster sheepie sister with us. We can sneak you in the van. I don't think Mom would even notice an extra sheepie in the back.

See what you can do ok?

Hey guys,
SamSun here....or as my mom loves to call me "Sampoo". Lord please don't let her call me that in front of all my sheepie friends. I will be so embarassed! Mom, sis and I have been marking the days off the calendar with nice size paw prints. I can't believe it's almost time for our big adventure to St. Louis.

I just wanted to mention that I am 3 so I am still full of energy. If we can run up and down the halls at Super 8, then I'm in! One thing I have to mention just so you are cautious when we meet. When I get excited I tend to dribble so stand back... I have never been in a mud puddle. I'm afraid if I got in one I might go HOG WILD. Get it....mud puddle/hog wild. Well that's a nice laugh to end my evening. It's past my bedtime. I gotta nice fan waiting for me and my sheepie dreams.
Chewie here..
I am so excited. I played with the cutest little corgi girl today at my herding test - she thought I was HOT! I can't wait to see all of you sheepdogs. I try to play with Clay, but he is too old.
Young sheepies UNITE!

PS - Bingley - I heard mom saying someone named Edy is judging at my show in MN . You should smuggle yourself along with. Bring your mom too! :D :D
Mud puddles???;I'M THERE. Running up and down the halls?? Playing with other sheepies?? You guys are killing me here!!! My mom keeps telling me we are going to have sooo much fun and after reading this I'm stoked. I like to jump too. I can get four off the floor at the same time. Mom keeps telling me I have to remember my manners but I can't figure out what the heck she is talking about. She also keeps telling me I AM THE CUTEST SHEEPIE AROUND. Sorry guys, but I've got you all beat. I will be 11months old when we get there, soooo I vote we young'ns stick together and bug the oldsters like my brother Taylor. It is so much fun to bite and run and catch me if you can!!! Simon...P.S. Dad tells me he's going to make a nametag for Mom to wear with my picture on it and OES.ORG. How embarassing!
Hello everyone just wanted all to know how mean my dad is. He said we can't go to sheppiepalooza. He gave some bogus reason. I did not like what I was hearing so I used the super sheepie power "selective hearing". I wont get to meet and play with all of you. I do get to go camping what ever that is, will be my first time (my dad says it's fun, I'll be the judge of that).
To all the sheepies that have nice moms and dads have fun playing and think of me when running in the halls, jumping in mud puddles and all the other fun things. He did promise me if there is one next year (however long that is) that I get to go.
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
You may not catch me running down the hallways as I'm NINE years old but count me in the running for Miss Congeniality.

Hi Wild Angel,

I'm 13 but I bet we can show those young pups a thing or two about what it means to be a sheepie. :D

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