When dogs kick up their feet after peeing?

I have always thought it was funny to see Dancer do this, after peeing she kicks her feet into the grass and poses in such a stance it's hilarious. She looks so snotty and arrogant when she does it.
I've heard it's territory marking, more common in dominant males. Dancer is a doll, and so quiet about everything but all the dogs know without a doubt that she is the queen around here.
Anyone else have dogs who do this? Males or females?
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panda has done it on a few occassions...but not often....panda just feels it necessary to pee 9-10x's on a 20 minute walk.....by the end, she is just squating, bladder empty 8O
Abby does that too, sometimes...especially in a new place that she hasn't "christened" previously. :wink: She always has this very happy, satisfied look too...like "HA! So there!" :lol:
As far as I know Tucker has never done this, Zeke has only
a couple times. Zeke does it, however, when he sees our
one neighbor. Only ever that one person. I don't know if he
feels threatened in some way. Once he actually greets the
man on his own turf he is fine and stops. Oddly, he doesn't
do it every time he sees him. For all I know it could be the
tone of his voice or his body language, but I have never
noticed a pattern. Zeke does get the same posture, legs
spread wide almost like a pointer and he has this attitude
like, 'come one, I dare you' and then you see tufts of grass
flying from his back paws. It's funny to watch. I am guessing
the behavior goes back to their ancestral roots having to do
with territory or some such, but that's just a guess. I'm sure
there is a name for it, but I don't know what.

I think it's definitely a posturing thing. Rebecca occasionally does it after going #2. Haggis will sometimes just kick up his feet for the heck of it (without "going"). He usually only does it when he's around a few dogs, especially with mixed sexes present.
Yes, posturing. MO does it when another dog is nearby........This is MY spot! Otherwise she does her one legged pee.......squats with one rear leg out to the side......bisexual pee-er.
Both Lucky and Sam do it. As soon as they finish peeing, they do what I call the chicken scratch - flinging dirt everywhere. :roll:
Miss Ellie is queen of the world and makes sure she shows everyone at potty time
The neighbor female dog did this all the time. She was visiting for a weekend with us and when she left there were divets all over the yard.
My pep use to do that, her house, her pack, her spot to pee in the yard, any other that squirts over her special place watch out. :twisted: She would pee there again and rub it in just to show those young whipa snappers not to pee on her realm. :lol:
Fred does this after he does two and I always think it's hysterical. First, I follow the circular poop parade and then I know the parade is over when he kicks up the grass. He also does the "I am mighty, I just pooped" stance.
LOL I have to laugh at some of your responses. When I was younger I always thought it was their way of wiping their butt!!! lol they were shaking it off!!! lol the innocence of youth!!!! My female GSD does this all the time after #2. SHe also has to squat everywhere on the trail when we go for a walk. Beau still pees like a girl. I wonder when he will learn to lift a leg?? :? :? :roll:
Your responses made me laugh :lol:

I really thought it was more of a male dog thing but it seems most of the ones here who do it are girls 8O LOL
With the dogs that I have owned, I have definitely seen this more in females than males.
My only girl is the only one of my dogs to do this. We think it looks very cat like--and yes, rather snotty. Funny thing: she is much daintier than her brothers--they come in full of dirt and sticks and whatever and she always comes in clean. Her beard stays pretty clean, too. Stereotypical prissy little girl.
China, my Aussie Shepherd, does this sometimes. It is funny, she will do the "bury" movement and then stop and look around, then take off running.
Oscar kicks up the grass something fierce after pooping. I think he is trying to cover up his mess, before I run over with a baggie and pick it up! 8O

Laurie and Oscar
Pirate does this, too. Not only when he pees, but when he poos. The vet told me, they leave their scents through their paw pads, and by doing the little dance, mark their territory.

Oh...and did I mention, Pirate still squats, although he's all man!
debcram wrote:

Oh...and did I mention, Pirate still squats, although he's all man!

Pepsi says there is nothing wrong with squating. It, in no way effects his manliness. :lol:
I always thought it was just them trying to cover it up. The dogs i know only do it after they poo, so thats why it made sense to me, but after peeing...maybe its an "ok, im done now.....we can continue" thing. :lol:
Corky does this too, especially after he pees on Shelby.

Does anyone else have a sheepie who pee on another?
shelby,corky,&fergus' wrote:

Does anyone else have a sheepie who pee on another?

Um.....yeah that would be Merlin 8O Does Corky also mark in the house?

Merlin was marking in the house.....he seems overly concerned with Avalon(overly concerned for a NEUTERED male)....he hasn't marked in a few months since we changed where the dogs sleep at night....Merlin doesn't sleep with the other dogs.
My Sheepie Stella does this after she pees, especially if she's going potty somewhere brand new... and she gets that same self-satisfied expression, lol. I have a female Bichon Frise, and she never does it.
Corky doesn't mark in the house anymore. He just stopped a while ago, really don't know why!
I guess he is telling everyone that by peeing on Shelby she belongs to him

:D :?:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
debcram wrote:

Oh...and did I mention, Pirate still squats, although he's all man!

Pepsi says there is nothing wrong with squating. It, in no way effects his manliness. :lol:

LOL beauford doesnt even squat yet, he stands and poses, as the vet calls it :D:D anyway today he had a check up at the vet for his ears and the vet is very pleased with his improvement. On the way home I stopped at a friends house and he played with her two dogs. It seemed everywhere Beauford once stood the one dog had to pee and then didnt she turn around and kick up the dirt on him once. LOL but she is a very much an Alpha dog and she told him where he stood. LOL
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