Just how much bad luck can one dog have?

I've just taken Daisy to the vets again this afternoon as she now has a problem with a mucousy discharge. The vet has diagnosed open pyometra which, until this afternoon, I had never heard of. My vet is on holiday and the one we saw today has prescribed super-strength antibiotics and I have to take her back at 12.30 tomorrow, unless there is any change in her in which case I have to go straight back in. He was reluctant to perform the surgery to spay her straight away beacause of the Chemo she has been on as he was worried about her white blood count and wanted to try the antibiotics first. He did warn me that the next 24 - 48 hours are crucial and I must keep a close eye on any changes. Her temp is normal which is a good sign and shows we caught it early.

I just can't believe that my poor baby has to go through yet another trauma.

PLEASE can I emphasise to all owners of Sheepie girls out there to have your dog spayed as the mammory tumours and this Pyometra could have been avoided if we had done this for Daisy. I feel so ashamed that I didn't know all this and sooo wished I had known sooner.

Most of the cases of this that I have read about on the internet this afternoon did not have good outcomes. Please has anyone any better prognosis that you can share with me? Thanks,
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Poor Daisy :(
I hope the anti-biotics work! :plead:
Don't beat yourself up about this..... You had no idea this would happen.
Poor sweet Daisy! I have no experience with this but alot of sympathy.
I have had 3 or 4 dogs come into rescue over the years with pyromtra. They all survived the emergency spay...but it was very touch and go......They all had further complications, due to over-all bad health etc. 2 of them were dumped at the shelter because they got sick and the respective "owners" didn't care to treat them.

They need lots of rest and antibiotics...

The uturus is filled with infection....and opening it up can spread it internally, so the antibiotics prevent further troubles....She will need to have the surgury soon, I would suspect.
Poor Daisy- We are thinking about her and sending her bushels of well wishes and hugs.

You too!
Poor Daisy. We are pulling for you dear one.

sheepieboss and the 3 "sheeps"
Karen - you and Daisy have my sympathy. My Macy (chocolate lab) who also has cancer at age 13 (diagnosed about 18 months ago) also had pyometra about 6 yrs ago. She nearly died - very, very scary. She actually had a raging infection with pneumonia when it was diagnosed. She really had no outward symptoms before the respiratory stuff - she is a tough girl and not a wimp at all. She also was on strong antibiotics first. They made her so sick - vomiting. My vet was not very optimistic she would live to get the spay done. I think it was 2 or 3 weeks of antibiotics, then the spay. She actually did fairly well with that.

Looking back, she had a very abnormal heat before getting sick - lots of spotting afterwards.
This is Macy this winter - feeling good in the snow.

:hearts: to Daisy from our house :hearts:
Just sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts. :ghug: :hearts:
Daisy wasn't so good this morning. She didn't really want to get up and was quite lethargic. We couldn't get her to take the antibiotics at all - everything we tried - out it came. Took her to the vets again at 8.30 to see if they could get her to take it but by then her temperature was up and vet advised doing the spay today. We had to leave her there and they will let me know between 2 and 4 how it goes.

I think all my clocks have stopped because time is just not moving. I'm trying to keep busy but the house is so quiet, its horrible.
Your Daisy is a strong, tough girl. She will make it through. :ghug: Stay strong Mom, you'll get through this.
Thinking of you both and sending prayers and positive thoughts.

Daisy is a real fighter with a strong spirit. Stay strong Mum for her too.

Hug to you both. :ghug:
Daisy, we are sending all postive thoughts your way! Also sending sheepie hugs and kisses to your Mom until you get better and can give them yourself. :ghug:
Time will stand still for all of us until we hear how Daisy makes out with the surgery. Big hugs to all :ghug: with thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome.

Our good thoughts and hugs are with you and Daisy today.


Laurie and Oscar
:hearts: to you and Daisy. I hope the surgery goes well. Keep us posted.
Well, the vet called to say he had discussed the case with one of the senior vets at the practice and they decided not to do the surgery today after all as Daisy's blood results weren't good and they are worried she wouldn't make it through the op. They are trying intra-venous antibiotics and another drug to contract the womb to expell the infection. She will have to stay in for 3-5 days so they can keep a close eye on her and keep her on a drip so she doesn't get de-hydrated. If all is well after this time she can come home on oral anti-biotics for another 10 days.

I'm now going to take in her favourite toy to remind her of home. Not sure whether to go in and see her in case she gets upset that I'm not taking her home but I don't want her to think I've forgotten her either.

Thanks for all your good wishes. Give your dog a hug from me.

The house is sooooo quiet.
Oh Poor sweetie! This is all so heartrending! Im sure the toy will help cheer her up. I'm hugging and kissing my dogs enough to drive them crazy :wink:
hang in there :ghug:
Poor Daisy. When our first sheepie was ill and had to stay at the vets for a few days, our vet encouraged us to go in and spend time with him, as they were concerned that he would get depressed if he thought we had abandoned him. We are so glad we did, as it was good for all of us.

C'mon Daisy, we're all pulling for you, sweetie.

Karen, I just gave Oscar a big hug.

I just had Macy out for a big play time in the yard. Good thing I hugged her right away, beacause Todd took her and Tator (our other lab) for a run down to the lake. They swam in the skanky water and rolled in a dead carp. Nasty!

I would go see her, even at the risk of getting her sad after you leave. Especially if she is a calm girl. I think it was a wise decision to hold off an the surgery. It sounds like the vets have a good plan.
What a time you are having!

I think about Daisy often, always sending positive thoughts your way.
My thoughts and prayers are with Daisy and you :ghug:
Maizie Hattie and Me send Daisy A Big!!! ((((hugs)))) :kiss:

:ghug: Karen
Daisy was even more lethargic this morning and refuses to eat anything. Her back legs are really weak and she finds it hard to stand up. I've spent the day at the vets just sitting on the floor with her and giving her lots of ear rubs, cuddles and kisses. The vet wanted to scan her this afternoon to check the cancer hadn't spread to her liver before starting the prostaglandin drugs to contract the womb to help expell the infection and, thank heaven, the scan was clear and they will start the drugs today.

I've just come home for an hour to stretch my legs (I've been sitting on the floor all day - not very comfy!) and let the practice nurses have the ward to themselves for a while. They say I'm not in the way but they have to keep stepping over us - its not a big room!

I'm going back again for a little while soon but then I guess I'll have to leave her for the night. That's the worst part. So far I've taken in: tuna, cod in butter sauce (usually her favourite) corned beef, cottage cheese and some home made beef casserole but she hasn't touched a thing. Don't know what to try next - any ideas? (but not chicken - it gives her an upset tummy - strange dog!)

Thanks for all the good wishes and hugs.
How about sardines or those little vienna sausages? Or maybe just some
cooked beef? When Kaytee wouldn't eat the vet opened a can of those little
sausages and she ate it right up.

I know how concerned you are... I hope Daisy will get better soon.
Just bring her your lap for her head and an extra rub from me. Behind her right ear please.
Hope she is Ok.

Thinking of you!
How is Daisy doing today?
I hope she's doing better :plead:
Daisy is home!!!! When I got to the vets this morning they said they were really pleased with her progress and she was at the stage where they couldn't really do any more for her there than I could do at home so they took her drip out and sent us on our way! (My daughter insists its because they didn't want me there sitting on the floor all day again today!) She's a bit sleepy but definately better than she was yesterday. I have to take her back twice a day for further injections of the prostaglandin drug but at least in between she can be at home - nothing like your own bed when you feel poorly!

So I've been giving her all the hugs and kisses you sent - thank you again (and a few of my own!) and sneaking a look on here every now and then but, even though I know we're not 'out of the woods' yet, at least I might sleep a bit better tonight having her home.
Thats wonderful news!!

I bet she is pleased to be home too.

Big hug to her (and you!) :ghug:
I'm so happy for you both that things are looking up :D
We're so glad to hear that Daisy is home and doing better.

Many, many more hugs from us.........

Laurie and Oscar

Another rub behind the right ear for me, please!
That is so good. Give her a hug from me too! :D
I'm glad she's doing better and that she's home with you. :D
I'm sure she's much more comfortable.
Thanks for the update.
Huggles to Daisy!
YAY daisy, sending sheepie cuddles for you both.

I'm so glad you're feeling better Daisy :) . When my Daisy was so sick she wouldn't eat I could (sometimes) tempt her with flavored yogurt and baby food. Gotta eat Daisy girl, so you get strong and your meds work faster.
Just to let you know that Daisy is getting a little bit better everyday. We're still going in to the vets twice a day for the injections and they make her quite poorly for half an hour or so afterwards, sick, dribbly and really panting but the vet says thats just a reaction to the contractions that the drug sets off. Afterwards she's a bit sleepy but I have managed to get her to eat, even though she needs a bit of persuading, she has started to take food when I hand feed her. She even ate two of her bonio biscuits all of her own accord yesterday - I was so happy it made me cry to see her do that. (I'm such a wimp!)

She's still drinking masses of water but she's good at going outside regularly and today - well, lets just say I've never been so pleased to see a poop before! First one in about 5 days! At least I know everything's working internally now!

I'll keep you posted - she has another scan tomorrow to see how well her uterus has contracted so fingers crossed for that although the discharge has definately eased off a bit today.

Thank you again for all your positive thoughts, I'm sure Daisy knows you're all thinking about her and it certainly has helped me!
siiigggghhh poor Daisy.

I'm so glad she's starting to come around a bit!

Go Daisy, Go! :cheer:
Thanks for the update. I am so glad she is doing better. Still, it sounds very stressful and hard for you. You are amazing to see her through this. Sounds like you've got a good Vet. Hope tomorrow's scan brings good news.

Go Daisy!!
Poor lil Daisy girl! :oops: But glad to hear that slowly she is feeling better. :lol: A gentle rub from across the pond to that precious girl, please!
Thank you for keeping us posted on your lovely girl's progress. More hugs for Daisy..........

Laurie and Oscar
The vet scanned Daisy last night but the results weren't good. Her uterus has hardly reduced in size at all and the fact that the discharge is now less is not a good sign either as there is a danger that her cervix might close and 'trap' all the rest of the infection inside - then surgery will be the only answer. We're continuing with the twice daily injections of Lutalyse (the prostoglandin drug) and anti-biotics and the vet will scan her again either end of this week or beginning of next.

She does seem a little brighter in herself and I am getting a bit more food into her but she's suspicious of everything I offer as she thinks I'm hiding her tablets in it. She will also only eat anything if I hand feed her - refuses point blank to eat from a dish but its a small price to pay to get some food into her.

Thanks again for your kind wishes - we both really appreciate them!
Hang in there!! I was hoping for better news but it sounds like your Vet has firm grasp of the situation and you are doing everything possible to ensure the best results for her. The fact that she is willing to eat at all is good and it will help keep her strong for whatever comes next. What's her attitude at home? Has this affected her energy level and mood?
Most definately Val
What's her attitude at home? Has this affected her energy level and mood?

She is quite sleepy most of the time and when I do try to take her for a walk we get a little way and then she just digs her heels in until we turn round and head for home. She then trots along quite happily once we're headed back home! I keep trying though as I'm hopeful that a bit of exercise will help her appetite and also 'keep things moving' internally. I'm also going stir-crazy at home as the only place I've been for a week is to the vets and back!
Keep eating, Daisy, you need your strength. We are all pulling for you!
Guess What! Just got back from tonights injection and while we were at the vets he weighed Daisy again (a daily occurrance at the moment) and she has gained half a kilo - since YESTERDAY!! Makes all the cooking of steak/ sausages/ liver/ fish and hand feeding all worthwhile!

Keep it up Daisy girl - We'll get you well enough to go to the UK sheepie day yet!
Yay Daisy! Way to go, girl! :go: :hearts: :hearts:
:clappurple: You go girl!
Good girl Daisy.... Maizie & Hattie have a big :kiss: for you they are so looking forward to meeting you at the sheepie day...

yeah for Daisy!!!!!!!! :hearts:
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