climbing or jumping

Does anyone else have a sheepie that climbs into the vehicle or refuses to jump in. Maybe I am being a little bit impatient not sure. He is 9 months now and close to 70lbs. He will try and climb up onto the bed instead of just jumping. Has he just not realy figured out that he can jump up on the bed or jump into the truck?
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Maggie sometimes climbs and sometimes jumps. I don't care how she does it as long as she is doing it by herself. :D
Chewie is mostly a climber. Slowly, foot by foot, he gets in the car. Lots of times he puts the front 2 feet in and looks back at me , like "ok,mom, boost me up now!" If he is really excited to go,he does jump in with a big bouncing leap.

This is a big change from Ollie, who could leap into a 4wheel drive big pickup box (over the side) from a stand still - just one quick hop!
Bart was in the middle - always leaped in, but not quite so spring loaded.
Dutch is 6 months and she puts both front feet on the seat then looks over her shoulder for me to pick up the rear :D
I'm proud to say that at 2 1/2, I no longer have to give Clyde a boost. In fact, our Element has also fooled him into thinking that the Jeep is a doable jump now, too. Much to be surprise, I opened up the door to the Jeep the other day because Lucy prefers riding in that car, and he did a giant leap in. I couldn't believe it.

Both my boys climb more than they jump though. They get up one foot at a time onto the couch and bed, which I prefer since it's more gentle on the furniture.
Walter once climbed a 4 foot fence :roll: He does jump onto the couch though
Mine have all been "climbers" foot at a time, like the others have described. Apparently, its a "sheepie thing". :roll: :lol:
When Violet (4yrs) goes in any vehicle she always puts her front paws up and then waits for me to hoist the her rearend in. Getting out, I have to move seat belts ect and let her get out in her good time. Now in the house, if she climbs on the bed or doggie chair it is usually one paw at a time, but on many occasions she runs and jumps up on the bed or doggie chair. Violet never goes on the coach. It must be a sheepie thing. :D
thanks for the input. he does do the okay i made an attempt can i have some help. he has jumped into the bed of my truck once, and onto the couch and bed. Mostly climbs so i was just wondering, me or sheepie thing. thanks again.
i am amazied derby is 75 and can not figure out how to jump he climbs into bed and the truck
George is a climber with the odd jump!!

He climbs into my car which is VW Golf but my husbands Jeep he can jump into but most of the time he puts his front paws onto the back and waits to be lifted in!!

I think he wonders why he has use energy when someone else will do it for him!!! :lol:
I hadn't thought about it......both MO and Jack do both. MO has the rear end strength to leap into just about anything, but when it comes to furniture, she's a lady and climbs. The beds are leaping time. Cars are mostly leaping.

Jack doesn't have a good rear end and didn't leap when he first got here. Took a year before he could leap onto the 18" high porch, but not before some spectacular crashes. :lol:

Like MO he is a furniture climber but the low bed he can either leap or climb. The higher bed is beyond him. He can't get his rear paws up to climb.
We just had our first try at agility with Eggbert yesterday....he insisted on going over the jumps one foot at a time :roll:
Merlin is a climber, Avalon is a jumper...there is nothing graceful with Avalon....she's all full steam ahead LOL
We just had our first try at agility with Eggbert yesterday....he insisted on going over the jumps one foot at a time

Sorry I missed that! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for my guys getting into the car (which was the original question):

I make them come through the side door, but still only MO jumps right in. The rest climb and Glacier gets a butt boost. Fox doesn't ride anymore.
Chancey gets into the car with no problems ( I have a problem keeping him out {which isn't often } when I'm not taking him ), but Bob's truck is so high we have a hard time getting in. He's a daddy's boy & doesn't understand why he goes with mom & not his best, he just can't get into the truck.
Bailey climbs up on everything. A lot of his movements remind me of a polar bear. He really moves just like them a lot of the time.

Madison on the other hand jumps everywhere.

I think Bailey is just lazy. :D
Mine climb, 2 feet up and then a boost. Because they're so heavy I can't lift them out of the truck so we have a ramp, with a little guidance they can get out themselves. I don 't let them jump down because I'm afraid of injury.
Barney climbs, but usually will just put his front paws on the bumper and then look back and say Help Me Please 8) And even the rear half of a 95 pound sheepie is heavy!
To get both dogs into my high SUV I hold the leashes as I stand back and then go running toward the back of the SUV. Its either crash or jump. It works every time.
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