Lucy Collapsed Today

Lucy and Clyde went to the groomer today. When I went to pick them up, Clyde and Lucy were lying down near the back of the store. I didn't recognize her at first because they clipped her all the way down, which made no sense to me since Lucy wasn't matted. Heck, she just doesn't mat ever. I ran over to her and the owner came over and said that she couldn't stand up in the bathtub-- her back end kept failing and she went down. Since it was midway through the bath, a couple of girls helped hold her up to be rinsed but she couldn't get up to finish the grooming. She was shedding and blowing coat so heavily that they couldn't get rid of all the hair and it was sticking all over her so they clipped her. It was a surprise but she actually looks pretty cute. She looks a lot like she did when I first brought her home. :)

I had to lift her into the car and when she got in the house, she collapsed and fell into the water bowl. We got her all fixed up and she got up enough to lay in her new bed that someone sent us for the wedding. I had called the vet and was going to get her some pain medication but James just told me (literally as I typed this) that he doesn't like the way she's breathing so we're going to the vet right now.

Think good thoughts for us.
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Oh God Jill,

I pray it is nothing .. maybe over tiredness.. Fingers crossed.

Dudley and Murph
Oh no...poor Lucy...thinking good thoughts for her

WizardMerlin wrote:
Oh no...poor Lucy...thinking good thoughts for her


crossing fingers and toes too!
I hope Lucy is ok!!
Oh no. Hope she will be ok. :(
Oh no....poor Lucy :cry:

Izzie, Melissa and I send her hugs and hope she feels better soon

:ghug: :ghug:
Oh Lucy, I hope this is just a temporary situation. Clyde and your uprights need you back.
We just got back from the vet. Her breathing sounded okay to the vet and she said a lot of the raggedness of the breathing could be attributed to her wincing in pain. Her back end is way dropped down and she fell right down when the vet touched her spine. Luckily, it looks like it's a pretty bad arthritis flare up probably exacerbated by all the partying that they did last week when they were with the petsitter.

It was really scary because Lucy NEVER sits down in the car or at the vet and she collapsed in both places, both times. My poor baby, she's just in a lot of pain right now. The vet sent us home with some meds so we're going to administer those and she said to call her in the morning if we didn't see improvement. My vet is great and I have a feeling she'll call us first.

Getting old sucks.
poor lucy... maybe some extra treats will make her feel better?
Best of wishes to Lucy
Oh jill sorry to hear what happened to Lucy, stay positive and hopefully the meds will help with the backend collapse. Rest her and help her up and put her on a lead to potty outside.

Maybe Val could give you the link to that lift harness to help her till she mends.

Maybe she just overdid it and with the meds and rest hopefully she will be up and about soon.

Hard when the babies get into the older age bracket, give Lucy a cuddle from us and we are sending all positive good thoughts for her. :hearts:
Poor Lucy :( Sorry to hear she's not feeling her best, hopefuly the meds will help her feel better quickly...
Oh my! I hope Lucy feels better soon!
Oh, my. I just read this post....I held my breath the whole time!

I really hope she is better tomorrow, after a nice rest in her new bed, all nice and clean and with some good drugs :wink:

Lucy is a dear, dear lady. I am so happy I met her last summer....Very sweet gal... :kiss:
Poor Lucy :( . You have a great Mom and she'll take good care of you. Belly rubs from the boys and a big hug from me.
my computer at work isnt working...and i got home and just about had heart failure reading the beginning of this post....

Give lucy a kiss from me.....yup, tell her aunt darcy totally agrees with that one....she obviously had more fun than i did(and thats saying A LOT)....poor baby
:( Poor Lucy. I hope she is feeling better really soon.
Do we get to see a picture of her new do?
Well, she got some rest and she's starting to get back to her ornery self again. She's still not moving around but she's expressing her disapproval of the boys with a lot of grumbling. She ate a full meal and took her pill easily, which is a shocker in itself. Usually pill taking is a serious undertaking with her.

Part of me feels bad even mentioning it when so many others have gone through so much worse with their dogs. This has never happened to her before and it was tough to see her struggling like that. Scared the heck out of me. I hope the vet was right and the pain meds start working soon. I'll keep everyone updated.

And yes, I will take a picture when she's feeling more up to it tomorrow. They left her tail too fluffy and I'm going to clip it down a bit more but I'm not going to bug her until she's feeling better. She looks like a giant Westie. :)
ButtersStotch wrote:
Part of me feels bad even mentioning it when so many others have gone through so much worse with their dogs. This has never happened to her before and it was tough to see her struggling like that.


We all worry when one of our forum dogs is sick. Hugs to both you and Lucy.
Good luck Lucy.... That's so hard to believe after all your excitement this past weekend now something is wrong with Lucy. I'll be thinking about her!
It is VERY hard to watch them as they age and develop aches and pains. I totally understand how frustrated and helpless you feel when you watch her trying to get around. I do it all the time with Drez, but she just never gives up. Sounds like Lucy won't give up either. Just give her a little time to let the meds start working.

It's funny that she's still growling at and keeping the boys in place! Atta girl, Lucy!!
Feel better soon Lucy! :(
I was away all day today, and was also dismayed to see the heading on this post....I'm so relieved to read on and hear that its something treatable! :phew:

Cant wait to see the cute shaved Lucy pic.s! :D
ButtersStotch wrote:
Part of me feels bad even mentioning it when so many others have gone through so much worse with their dogs.

No way! What you described sounded really scary -- alot like when Chummie had her breakdown last year when I took her home from boarding. It is terrifying and awful because you have no idea what is wrong with them and it is such a shock to see them incapacitated and suffering.

I really hope the meds, rest and love get Lucy feeling better lickitysplit. :hearts:
Just woke up to find this post! Hope everybody is okay at your house!
How's she feeling today, Jill?
Jil, Don't feel bad about posting. When its your baby that hurts we all hurt.
Hope she is feeling better today.

Hugs from Barney and Maggie
glad to hear she is slowly getting better..It is very hard when you see your babies in pain...hopefully the meds will kick in soon and she will come around
Sending Lucy love and gentle hugs :ghug:

It's so hard to see one of our furkids in pain. Hopefully, she'll be fully back to her ornery self soon.
The thread made me sad because I like Lucy so much. So... I hope she has a feels better soon and is back to her ol' self. Big hugs and puppy licks from Yuki.
Poor Lucy! Hope she's feeling better!
I just read your post, so sorry to hear of all your pup stress! Lots of hugs and kisses from Hendrix, Zappa and me too!
Poor Lucy!! Hope she is better today :(

Yup, getting old sucks!
Poor Lucy...
i feel your pain .. my girl daytona is starting to have trouble getting up by herself .. hate that she just can run and play and keep up with the pup .. it tears me up to have to help her up i know in her mind she feels like she can run a mile.. hope she is better soon
ButtersStotch wrote:
The vet sent us home with some meds so we're going to administer those and she said to call her in the morning if we didn't see improvement. My vet is great and I have a feeling she'll call us first.

What medication? How is Lucy doing??
Today is her best day yet. The vet prescribed Previcox and it's made an incredible difference. She's bouncing around, tail wagging-- which is something I haven't seen in awhile. The vet said using her tail may have been bothering her because of the arthritis but she's carrying it up high today. It's really nice to see. She's been getting up and down no problem, too. The part that makes me feel bad is that I think she's been quietly uncomfortable for a long time now but she's not a whiner and she's tough so I didn't recognize it. :(
She's bouncing around, tail wagging

Yes! That's wonderful :D

Some dogs are very stoic and it can be difficult to tell if they're in pain
especially if the pain gradually builds over a long period of time. We
sometimes think that the dog is less active simply due to age. Don't beat
yourself up. It sounds like you've got Lucy on the right track and that's great
Jill, glad Lucy is feeling better. Kathy
I just saw this. I am so glad she is feeling better. It is so tough when our "babies" are not well. Lots of good thoughts are sent her way.
I'm sorry I just caught this. I have been ill for the last few days and haven't logged on.

Poor Lucy- I am glad to hear she is feeling better. How scarey for you. Give her a big hug from me and lots of kisses from Max. We can certainly sympathize :ghug:
I didn't see this earlier. Very glad to know that Lucy is doing better.
I am so glad that she is feeling better. Hopefully all she needed was a few days of rest and some good drugs to feel like herself again. :lol:
OMG, Lucy, you just gave us a big scare. :hearts: Get well Lucy! :ghug:
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