Anyone else have a drooler??

Gross! Twice now Lola has gotten me.

When I sit on the couch or in the chair I usually tuck one of my legs up under the other (on the couch usually both legs are up). And when I have my feet up on the chairs, I leave the slipper I am wearing right there on the floor beneath me.

Today was the second time Lola has fell asleep with her face in my slipper and soaked the bottom!! And how do you find out your dog has drooled in your shoe? You put it on! And then wonder how in the world it got so wait..thats not cold..its wet!!!
Anyone else have a drooling sheepie?
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I really thought this was about people ...sometimes I forget we're on a dog board. I'm a guilty drooler. It's especially lovely when you have so much salvia built up in your mouth that you're blowing bubbles while you talk. :oops:

Yuki drools when she is hot or when I've made her sit in front of her dinner for a long time. Ron has pictures in the Medical & Nutrition forum under "post a picture of the size of your food" thread by buttersStotch. His doggie is leaving drool marks everywhere...
My Clayden is a drooler.

He only does that when I brush him.

Every evening, I put him on the ottoman in front of my one seater to brush him. I sit with my legs spread out to wrap around the sides of the ottoman, so my legs would be positioned next to the two sides of the ottoman. I lay Clayen on his side to brush him. Once I laid him down, he wouldn't move. He would just go limp and let me flip him over and such. His head would hang off the edge of the ottoman...and starts to drool. I can feel the saliva dripping onto my foot 8O ...nonstop. I think it is his silence way to protest. :?

Oh yeah, we have a drooler. It's not the snot-like, slimy, Boxer, Bloodhound kind, but more like a running faucet! 8O Oscar gets me every now and again when he lays his soaking wet beard on my lap. UGH! (And it's not water from the water bowl, as he gets his face wiped every time he drinks.)

I notice little, dried drool puddles on my hardwood floor, in certain lighting, right where he stands to get his treats. My floors don't get dirty from Oscar's paws (they get wiped), but because of his drool!

Pip only drools in the car, but that's car sickness... poor boy!
lets put it this way, Pandas nickname is Pavlov 8O
Darcy wrote:
lets put it this way, Pandas nickname is Pavlov 8O

I hear THAT!! Drez has always been a BIG time drooler, to the point where Dale asked the vet if there wasn't something that could be done surgically for it. Of course, the answer was no - she's just a wet mouth. A slimer looking for a place to wipe! :roll:
Chopin definately drools in the car, I end up with soaked pants and towel by the time we reach our destination, that and he gets a sopping wet face whenever he drinks water (he has a face rag just for that purpose) he loves to soak his face and then give kisses, lol, very cute when I'm not dressing for work in the morning.
Yes, in anticipation of a TREAT!
Bunker is a drooler, if you are eating and she is sitting in front of you, you are guarenteed that there will be a huge puddle of drool in front you. Its slimey.
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