Exhausted Sheepie

We were out of town over the weekend visiting our son at school. We took Harry to stay with a family that has a Golden Retriever the same age as him. This was his second visit and he got more rest than the last time but he is so exhausted. We picked him up yesterday at 3:00 and once we were home he followed us around until we finally sat down. Then he slept literally from 4:00 in the afternoon until we went to bed and slept soundly all night. He was still tired this morning when I took him for his walk.

Is this normal? I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this after having left their dog somewhere while you are gone.

I know he got lots of playtime which is a why we took him there. But he had time to eat, chew on a bone and he slept without crying at night. The only other thing I know he endured was a bath because it had rained and the two of them got all muddy playing.
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Izzie sometimes is especially exhausted after daycare. Depends on who is there. If her black lab boyfriend, Harley, is there...then she is always more tired. That is why we always take her on fridays...she sleeps in saturday mornings :go:
Angus is always exhausted when he comes back from daycare. He just flops down when he gets in the house and sleeps. He is usually still tired the next day also. He is ten months old and has plenty of energy but uses it all up when in daycare for the day.
Murphy always did the same thing when he would play with his doggie cousins. He would totally exhaust himself.

The funny thing is he wasn't an only child so it's not like he never had the opportunity to play with other dogs. I also have a 9 yr old Wheaten mix (who doesn't act like a 9 yr old when it comes time to play). My boys would play together at home but nothing like the all day wrestle and chase fests that Murphy had going on with his doggie cousins.
Lol. Are you kidding? That's why we take them to day care!

In all seriousness, he probably is exhausted. It's probably constant play for 2 days straight and a lot more than he's used to. The last time we went away for a few days, we went to pick them up and they were racing around the sitters' yard and Lucy was even up on their picnic table-- she doesn't even get up on the couch at home! I think they party like it's a vacation for them, too!
The first time I ever left a dog (my beloved Dane mix, Otis) over night with his Auntie Liz, he was so limp after we picked him up, that I called her and said "What did you do? You've BROKEN my dog!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think part of it is the play, but a lot of it is simply the tiring effect of coping with a new environment, and the overwhelming relief at being home with Mom and Dad. :wink:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Lol. Are you kidding? That's why we take them to day care!

:oops: :lol: :oops:

No I wasn't kidding! LOL
Just a little green on dropping my dog somewhere. I always paid a dog sitter to come into the house with Mopsy. But I figured the Play HO would need more stimulation than that or what a kennel could provide even with additional play sessions.

In any case I am glad I got what I was paying for! 8O
The bath alone would tire my dog out, so I can't imagine if it was combined with playtime!
Judi!!! Oh my gosh! Don't you remember being a kid and having a sleepover? Sleep is never involved!!!!!!

They probably stayed up all night, making phoney phone calls, ordering pizza to be delivered to the "nerdy" kids houses, trying to watch between the lines on the naughty channels, that never come in clearly, trying to make each other pee by dipping their paws in warm water, and generally gossiping about everyone and everything!

Hell! I'm tired just thinking about those days!!!!!!
debcram wrote:
Judi!!! Oh my gosh! Don't you remember being a kid and having a sleepover? Sleep is never involved!!!!!!]

you got it Deb even I remember sleep overs :lol:

Because Dutch doesn't see to many friends I take her to puppy play twice a week for 3 hrs each time and when she gets home she is zonked for the rest of the day and night :D and I get to read or whatever in peace LOL
ravenmoonart wrote:
The first time I ever left a dog (my beloved Dane mix, Otis) over night with his Auntie Liz, he was so limp after we picked him up, that I called her and said "What did you do? You've BROKEN my dog!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think part of it is the play, but a lot of it is simply the tiring effect of coping with a new environment, and the overwhelming relief at being home with Mom and Dad. :wink:
Ravenmoonart, you crack me up. You've BROKEN my dog! ROTFLMAO
I had a friend who had a black lab, I would go visit her for the weekend and McKenzie (the lab) and Tasker would play non stop from the moment we got there till it was time to go home. Sometimes after we got home Tasker would sleep for about three days straight!!! Doggie play is hard work.
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