Just want to thank this group

Hi , I just want to thank this group for being so wonderful to our rescue.
We received a donation from Pepsi's mom from t-Shirt sales and we will receive some money from "Sheepiepalooza" from the towel sale.
Also thank you for all that have volunteered to transport and pick up and foster sheepies.
We have sheepies coming from all over and poor Betsy and Wynette have been there to foster. WE adopt 2 and get in three.
I have three fosters and received a call from a family that need to turn their 8 month old sheepie into the rescue.
We just picked up a sheepie that has been abused. She must have had a broken leg at one time and it healed on his own and now her leg is shorter than the other and she can't run as well. We have to see if this can be fixed. She is also a fear biter, no wonder.
She also needs to be spayed, so does the 8 month old, that, according to the owner, barks to much. Maybe because she is sitting in a crate all day long?
We have one in Ms in foster because of another baby in the house.
Betsy will get one this weekend.
Anyway, I thought it was time to thank everyone for helping.
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ingrids sheepies wrote:
Hi , I just want to thank this group for being so wonderful to our rescue.
We received a donation from Pepsi's mom from t-Shirt sales and we will receive some money from "Sheepiepalooza" from the towel sale.
Also thank you for all that have volunteered to transport and pick up and foster sheepies.
We have sheepies coming from all over and poor Betsy and Wynette have been there to foster. WE adopt 2 and get in three.
I have three fosters and received a call from a family that need to turn their 8 month old sheepie into the rescue.
We just picked up a sheepie that has been abused. She must have had a broken leg at one time and it healed on his own and now her leg is shorter than the other and she can't run as well. We have to see if this can be fixed. She is also a fear biter, no wonder.
She also needs to be spayed, so does the 8 month old, that, according to the owner, barks to much. Maybe because she is sitting in a crate all day long?
We have one in Ms in foster because of another baby in the house.
Betsy will get one this weekend.
Anyway, I thought it was time to thank everyone for helping.

Ingrid, thank you for all you do - I also rec'd a rescue about 7 weeks ago whose back leg was broken and not set - after exams, xrays, and consultations, she will also have limited use of her leg. There is nothing that can be done for her leg, but as long as she is running pain free and without distress my vet said she is in good shape. I am still on the fence about keeping her - I've never had more than one dog. Please keep giving us all your advice and good works.
A big thanks back to Ingrid and Besty for their tireless efforts bringing Sheepdogs in need of homes together with us in need of a sheepdog.

It's difficult to think about the long 2 months between Winnifred's death and when we got Sadie from OES Rescue Network of the South East. I think I was rescued by Sadie more than the other way around.

You are the best! Thank you!


Anything to help these dogs :), You are quite welcome.
The gang from SheepieFest of The West was happy to get some cool t-shirts and be able to help out with OES rescue in the process. 8)
The money would have gone to the local OES rescue, but I do not agree with their ethics. So I chose to donate to a rescue that does help all Sheepies in need, not just young ones.

Keep up the great work Ingrid, Betsy, Wynette and crew!!!
Thank you so much for doing the work you do and helping out the Sheepies!
you are the one to be thanked here!! i am a newbie on this site and seems like you are always stepping up to the plate!!
To Betsy, Ingrid and the rest of the OES rescue peeps,

All my life I have been involved in rescue in some sort of fashion. I would like to commend you all on your organization and devotion. So many things go into being a rescue person. Time and money are but two. Rescue folks are at the same time hard as ice yet soft as cotton. Rescue folk have to make the heart wreaking decisions on saving or humanly putting down. They the folks that are their taking the abused and sick guys and nursing them back to health. This is the hard work.. the close your heart to all for a moment and get it done work.. the cotton heart comes into play after that. The cotton heart is there to love and nurture those pups who would have otherwise never known what its like to have a true human friend. The cotton heart is there when the tears come when your pup finds that forever home and you kiss them one last time goodbye on the nose.. knowing what you are doing is worth it and special but at the same time your heart breaks a little when you say that goodbye.

Just want you gals/guys to know.. your not alone.. you are so appreciated and well thought of than you truly realize.

Thanks for being there and doing the things that some cant. Your actions are well above and beyond the betterment of the breed and the species as a whole than any breeder could ever contribute.

<3 and huggs to you all!

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