Rainy Day games

So what games do you play with your Sheepie when its pouring rain out? We usually get at least two long walks in daily plus three times a day playing "crazy dog" outside and fetch, etc...Today, we only get out enough for a quick pee and poop...what do I do for exercise???
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Ashley -

It's funny you should ask this. I'm going to pm you my "game" :evil: with Bingley this morning so I don't hi-jack the thread.

Kongs are my favorite rain activities, but they don't last as long as the rainy day so I am also looking forward to suggestions!
My husband and I played hide-and-seek with our first sheepie. We would go upstairs, and my hubby would hide. I would tell Quincy to look for him, and then I would race to another bedroom and hide, and on and on. Quincy had a great time, running back and forth looking for us. It's a great game, but not for a deaf dog :wink: , so we really can't play it with Oscar.

With Oscar, we do a lot of retrieving in the house. I take small toys to a carpeted area (for better sheepie traction), like our master bedroom, and throw them down the hallway. Oscar races after them and brings them back, until he wears out a bit, and then he takes his last toy to his bed and gnaws on it. Or, if I'm desperate, I give him an ice cube on the hardwood floor or tile. He bats that thing around like a soccer ball! A bit messy, but it will do in a pinch.

And if I'm really, really desperate, and it's not thundering or lightning out, we walk in the pouring rain. Oscar could care less, and I figure I won't melt. :)

I'm finding that working on basic obedience (down, sit stay, etc) is as exhausting for my dogs as outside play...at least mentally. they just flop down limp afterwards! 8)
I throw a cuz through the house for the dogs and they play tug o war with each other and they nap a lot on cold rainy days..........
We go in the basement where I have the rally signs hung along the wall and the high jump in the middle and broad jump on the other side and practice the rally, novice and open routines.
Well, thanks for the suggestions...We did our obedience practicing, downs, sits, stays...retrieved a bit but I ahve all wood floors and its diffuclut for traction :wink: then we went out when the rain tapered off, ran a bit until it unexpectedly started to pour and we both got soaked...then it was brush and dry and I think that tired both of us out..he is out like a light right now!!!

George, I like your set up in the basement. I don't have a basement but I've been bugging my husband to take the car out of the garage so I can use that on cold and rainy days...by the way, do you ahve mats? Where did you get them?
I have rainy day toys for Breena. We have a cube where she had to get the balls out, a puppy stack rings ( like for babies but plush) and get the squirrels out of the plush tree etc. ITs great puzzle toys keep her going for a long time and if all else fails I have taught her how to role the ball back and forth.
Last week it was raining most of the day, and I made sure he had interactive games to play with me..... Training while playing was pretty fun. I don't think he even realized he was being trained... :D
Mine seem to sense it - but failing that I keep an old shoe and tell them they can't have it, of course, its one big game to keep it away from me and we play chase round the house. I buy them a big bone, that keeps them occupied for a few hours. The other thing is, don't let the rain get you down, sometimes we go out and get soaked and muddy, the dogs love it. I then leave them in the utilty rooms with towels whilst I take a long hot bath .... and a glass of wine :wink:
LOL...I am with you on the wine :D We actually did go out and play in the rain and although his feet got muddy, he seemd to love it! Too bad it wasn't warm rain or I could ahve given him a bath while we were out there\
By the way, it was suggested to me that when it is raining and you plan on staying out there a while, you might want to spray your sheepies coat with detangler before so it doesn't mat up from getting soaked :wink:
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