pregnancy foods

Ok I've been dying to ask this, and now that the news is out, I can!

I'm trying to make sure I eat a healthy, well balanced and above all varied diet while I'm pregnant. So now's the time! Get out all those recipes for your favorite yummy snacks and meals. Esp the things you loved while you or your loved one(s) were pregnant! I'm trying to come up with new ideas for things to eat! The only things I haven't been able to handle have been broiled fish (I can't stand the taste :cry: I normally love fish!) and anything spicy(can we say agony??).

Bring em on!!!!
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A girlfriend was addicted to anything popcicles, oranges, orange juice and she couldnt stomach any type of meat what so ever.....

what type of yummy recipes do you want...what are you craving??
One thing I really think is true is to follow your cravings. Your body will let you know what you need... really! :)

Folic acid is really important, cereal is a good way to get that.

With each of my kids I had different cravings, with Ashley it was dill pickles dipped in peanut butter, with Tyler it was eggs all the time, with Aaron it was burritos. :lol:
Sorry, I can't help! I ate 6 Snicker bars *full size ones* A DAY, plus all my regular meals. Then after that craving past, I wanted chicken fingers and fries for every meal with a disgusting amount of restaurant ranch sauce. :oops: :lol:
Willowsprite wrote:
One thing I really think is true is to follow your cravings. Your body will let you know what you need... really! :)

Folic acid is really important, cereal is a good way to get that.

With each of my kids I had different cravings, with Ashley it was dill pickles dipped in peanut butter, with Tyler it was eggs all the time, with Aaron it was burritos. :lol:

no way! you really ate pickles and peanutbutter?????
I wanted and tried at first to eat soooo healthy, but cravings were too strong. Didn't feel guilty at all though since I took prenatal pills, stopped eating too much sugar after 1st trimester, and I knew the baby would take what it needed. I was probably hurting myself more since nutrients came to me last, and the only thing left was fat. :lol:
Just eat healthy and fresh, with lots of fruits and vegies included. Cereal is great for folic acid and also meat to keep your iron levels up. And of course yoghurt and milk is always good for you too. :wink:

Follow the cravings to a degree as your body is saying you are lacking something in your diet.

Mine were Salt and Vinager chips with my first one, could not get enough of them, use to buy bulk bags of them. 8O Not a healthy craving but heck it satisfied me. :lol: The other with my second one, was tomatoes, cooked or fresh, over everything for 9 months, my hubby hates them now. :lol: at least that one was a bit more healthy. :roll:
Just a few off the top of my head. With Ryan I craved kosher pickles and would drink the brine. Mmmmm lol Also craved Slurpees. 8)
With Hayley I craved Pumpkin Pie......big time!!! :lol:
I went through Freeezies in a big way with Donald. Especially the banana flavoured ones....

And with Spencer I could not stand ckicken. Just the smell of it cooking would make me gag. Very weird, because I love chicken.

And on a side note, you may find that your sense of smell increases dramatically.
My sense of smell got very strong. The smell of eggs and bacon almost made me puke with the girls - and I normally love them. I could smell anything and everything - this must be how animals are all the time :D .

With the girls I craved bananas! I ate them constantly. My MIL even kept them for me so I would have some when we came over (several times a week). I would eat 2-3 at a crack. Thankfully that was a healthy craving.

All I craved with Travis was showers! I was in my last trimester in June/July/August and it was a beastly hot summer. I was on my leave early d/t health reasons and we didn't have AC. I literally peeled clothes off my pregnant body and showered as often as I could. :lol: :lol: I hate sweating and it took over my life. Todd thought it was funny. I did the laundry, so I guess it didn't hurt. It made the blimped out preggo happy! :D
:lol: you guys are killing me. I'm not craving anything SPECIFIC all the time (Unlike my mom who constantly craved oranges!). One day I wanted potato salad, another a burger, another day some kiwi, another day some of those olive garden breadsticks! I've been pretty successful eating healthy stuff (well, except for those urgings for cheesy garlic bread, I do love the cheesy garlic bread!) It really varies, that's why I was hoping for some tasty recipes to cook, since I want to break out of my culinary ruts! The only things I can't bear to be around are fish and spicy stuff.
You mean like fresh fruit salads with nuts and maybe a honey/yogurt dressing?

Or dump that into a blender for a fruit smoothie?

Here's something I just found:

Note: This recipe is especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but it can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need to consume extra calories and eat a variety of nutritious foods to contribute to their baby's growth and development.

Prep time: 10 minutes


½ c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Hass avocado, flesh only
8 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped
1 c. + 2 tbsp. evaporated skim milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Chill before serving, if desired.
Note: The amount of evaporated skim milk needed may vary, depending on the size of the avocado used.
Makes: 4 servings

Serving size: about 1/3 c.

Nutritional analysis (per serving):

288 calories
7 g protein
8 g fat
1 g sat. fat
47 g carbohydrate
9 g fiber
2 mg cholesterol
50 mg sodium
152 mg calcium
4 mg iron
51 mcg folic acid

Nutritional analysis may vary depending on ingredient brands used.

Why this recipe is good for pregnant or breastfeeding women:

This no-guilt, no-cook, high-fiber, low-fat dessert is an excellent source of iron and fiber, and a good source of protein, calcium, vitamin K, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and folic acid, all of which are important nutrients during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

hmmm....prego cravings.. let me see.. With Amy chocolate donuts, Adam-Chocolate Malted Milk Balls, Aaron-pickles. Usually I can take pickles or leave them but when I was pregnant with Aaron, I really craved pickles. While I was pregnant with Amy I had this craving for Coffee flavored Ice Cream. So I ordered a small scoop and took two licks and was so sick. Even now 31 years later, when I see Coffee Flavored Coffee the feeling comes back. lol My Mother used to make this great homemade relish and when my sis was pregnant with my nephew she practically lived on the relish mixed into cottage cheese.

Good luck with the pregnancy! Enjoy!
What about sardines and peanut butter?
If she doesn't have morning sickness, she may after eating that. :twisted:
I HATE pickles. I was very curious to see if I would like or crave them when pregnant. But no, I still hated them, and still do now.
When I was pregnant with my daughter everyone would ask me if I was having cravings. I really didn't think I was until one day I realized that everything I had eaten for the last week or more was tomato based. Spaghetti, vegetable soup, chili, fresh tomatoes, etc...I even had eggs with salsa for breakfast. Literally, every single meal had something tomato based. It subsided after a few weeks but I did continued to drink V8 throughout my pregnancy which I couldn't stand before...and haven't had since.

That was exactly the sorta thing I was thinking of!!!! I'd never think to put avacados and dates together. I'll have to try that next shopping trip! I'm gonna make a yogurt/frozen fruit smoothie when I get home. I'd totally forgotten about those! YUMMY!!!!

And Ron ummm.....


Yeah, nuff said.
Spinach quiche is a great thing to eat while you are pregnant as it is loaded with protein and iron.
hi ,

cravings when i was pregnant with cheyenne i eat cold spag boll in the morning with mayo and salami

and with B'Elanna tonic water and ice tea and pizza at 10pm and i wanted to drink beer and hated the smell of baked eggs

wendy and gismo
A couple days ago, all I wanted to eat was FRENCH BREAD!!!! I was dying for a loaf fresh out of the oven, with some herb butter... yummy yum! I'm also finding I REALLY enjoy hard boiled eggs, which normally I don't particularly care for.

Jo- you craving antyhing yet, other then an end to morning sickness????

I want to vomit thinking of your hard boiled eggs... ;)

Are you going to tell us the gender when you find out, which should be soooooooooon!!!!! Or are you waiting until the end.. I forgot!?!?! I'm dying to know.

I crave sandwiches every day. It's so weird... last pregnancy, I just wanted chocolate (insane amounts). This time, I really want nothing to do with it. The thought of MOST of my favorite foods (pizza, etc) just isn't appetizing. I don't want to vomit ...just not wanting to eat those foods. Just sandwiches. I have no intentions to eat healthy foods... I just don't when I'm pregnant, ...but all I want are the healthy sandwiches. NO RED MEAT ...just veggie sammies or chicken or tuna sandwiches from Subway. At home, I just want bread with honey mustard on it. 8O
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