LOST preview for next week.

Some people don't want to read these, even if it was already given so instead of doing a "warning spoiler" post, I thought I'd make a new post.

*** Here's a NOT-REALLY SPOLIER (promo in slow motion)***

You can't really trust the promos since they always let you down, but if correct, next week includes a visit from a parachuter (this is where I think more portuguese may come in???), something happens to Sun, more Kate and Sawyer, Locke returns, possibly Desmond-centric, and another near death for Charlie.

Question will be... will Charlie make it this time?
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More preview... not really spoiler ...obvious hints or given info.

There's talk that there is a mole on the island. Maybe it's as obvious as Juliet or one of the islanders.

The last episode for this season was titled, Snake n the Mailbox, but is now Through the Looking Glass. Some say the change is telling...

This is why people say there is a mole on the island. The writers chose this name due to the shock one would have coming home to find a snake in your mailbox.

One of the things Wikipedia suggests when you enter "Through the Looking Glass" is the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It includes time running backwards, etc. It could also be referring to the people on the island always being watched with cameras..?

I can't wait for the season finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure why the last thread was locked, and I planned on just using this for potential spoilers... but I guess this can be used now to chat about the last few episodes!!!!!

The coverup for the flight 815 crash is getting to me. What do you mean the bodies have been found?!?!?! I would think they would have to look like them to fool their families???

I can't stand the looks jack and julliet give each other. What is up with them? It's almost too obvious that THEY are the moles.... Jack didn't seem too surprised about the information Kate gave him about the crash. He seems to know so much more...

I think Naomi is lying about the helicopter crash. My only real evidence is the fact that people don't use a parachute to jump from one (not high enough).

Locke's dad is a butt. Good riddence.
I don't know if I am liking where they are leading us in the show, but we'll see.

I agree, good riddance to Locke's dad, but I wish Sawyer hadn't done it. I wish he could have risen above it or something. And when the Others say that Locke's father has to be out of the way for him to be who they thought he was, I think it's strange that anyone could kill him and have it be okay, and not just Locke having to do it for himself.

And it's interesting that everyone seems to not really like Ben (like Juliet, especially now, but even before we knew what was going on and she was taking care of captive Jack, there were hints that she didn't like Ben) like that Other who gave Locke the file on Sawyer didn't seem to love Ben...but they all follow him (or do they?).

As for the crash being found, I don't know how hard it would be to fool people, because murky underwater cameras might not be all that clear, and if you were a family member and were told 'this is it' I don't think I would really want to look closely at the victims, personally. I'd have no reason not to believe them, either.

Oh, and that takes me to Jack. Of course I was like KATE, why did you tell Jack about Naomi and the radio thing? But, while it's obvious to us, Kate had been to the Others and held captive and not brainwashed or made into a mole, so I can see why she thinks Jack is still on their side (maybe he is).
Joahaeyo wrote:
I'm not sure why the last thread was locked
Topics larger than 10 pages start to give some problems.
I thought the SAME exact thing Barney ...in regards to where this show is going. Remember that big statue at the end of season II. It's of a BIG foot with 4 toes? Anyway, that is supposed to be the key figure/plot/or something of season IV. It's just so weird. I'm hanging in there though!!!

Ron, thanks for the explanation! :)

I'd write more because I have more to say but it's 1:20 a.m. and I can't think.
Was this a good week or what?!?

I don't even know where to start. There are so many questions and points to be made. Do you think Locke is/was Jacob? Or some form of him?
That's crazy that the Hostiles killed the Dharma initiative people. I wonder who they are...and that guy whose been around in the Others group and at the lab in Portland and in the woods when Ben ran away---why doesn't he age?
I could keep going and going!
That really was the best episode in sme time. That was a great twist that who we thought were Dharma really weren't Dharma after all.

I also loved that Ben's dad was Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.
You know it's a good episode when you can talk about it later. We have a group at work that gets together to chat about it on Thursdays and for a while it's been "So, what'd you think" "I dunno" type of conversations. But yesterday we were filled with thoughts! :D
My questions:

what happend to Alex's boyfriend Karl?

Why is the guy who Ben saw as a child in the woods not a day older now that Ben is grown up?

So has Ben even heard Jacob talk? He was standing right next to Locke when he said "Help Me" but couldn't hear it...

I wonder if the rabbit was another Alice in Wonderland reference.

Here is a picture of jacob which can be seen if you put your dvr on slow motion. People are saying he's connected to some black rock (slave ship that crashed on the island)? I must have missed that because I don't remember?

http://lost.cubit.net/forum/gallery/1_0 ... _43_58.jpg

Then here is Jacob (who he was with a younger pic): http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Jacob_Vanderfield

Lastly, what happened to Annie (ben's childhood girl friend on the island)? Did she die from the gas?
Random: The lady playing Ben's mom was his wife in real life.

I also think there was a reason they didn't show Locke dying. ...like when he was bit by his father yet the wound had healed the next day when he looked down at it!!!!!!!!
I don't know how many more seasons this makes it, but LOST producers announced the other day that it will be airing until 2010. Not sure that's a good thing or bad thing. I love the show, but am curious to how they will drag this out. 8)
That's what I was thinking--how will they drag it out for 3 more years. But, they are only doing a total of 48 episodes, so that's almost like a regular length of 2 seasons, so it might work. I'm sure they'll start to go into background stories of the Hostiles now...
Look how little that they've told us in the 3 years that they've had already. They should have no problem doing it for a few more years. They left a million loose ends to tie up. We haven't even seen the polar bear for like a year!
The preview for next week show bernard and rose back. I had been wondering where the heck they had been hiding!
Yeah! Bernard and Rose! I think Hurley said something about Bernard an episode or two ago, like I got this tarp from Bernard and Rose...

Here's a side-by-side view of Locke and Jacob.
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t233 ... acobvs.jpg
I hear a lot of people think it's Locke. That's a great side by side pic!

Some people also speculate that Locke & Rousseau reflect the real life historical figures of Locke and Rousseau, and Hobbs may be Jacob.
You guys are too funny analyzing the show so much! :lol:
You should see the maps out there of their actual flight! Where they could have crashed, routes taken, etc. I don't think there's ever been a show that has been analyzed like this!! The producers know this too, and have covered their butts pretty well, I think! Everything matches up nicely the more that is uncovered!
When looking to compare people, don't bother looking at anything other than the ear.
Interesting... well in the magnified pic of Jacob, I don't think you can see an ear. Just in the photoshopped images... I think? Would make sense if Ben brought him in the house to view himself (Locke ...Jacob) in hopes he "got it."

However, Ben sure seemed pissed that Jacob spoke to Locke, and he couldn't hear it.
I've been avoiding all Lost threads as I was behind two episodes until today! Since the new job, I go to sleep early and the weekends have been packed. I can't believe everything that has happened 8O .

I'm really leaning on the purgatory to heaven or hell scenario. The submarine may have been the road to heaven and Ben is the devil on the road to hell :evil:
I can't remember if this has already been mentioned or if it was a different convo I had, but the producers SWEAR TO GOODNESS that they are not in purgatory and they are not dead. :shrugs:

I had to watch the last episode online. It's totally not the same. I NEED DVR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're interested, here is some spoiler reading. The ones I read weren't "spoilers" rather than teasers. They tell you what to or not to expect in the next 2 episodes.

There is a good interview with Michael Emerson ....... BEN that gives his 'thoughts' to whether locke is dead or alive.

Most of the stuff was information posted in various reliable places (yahoo, news, interviews, promos, pics, etc). Other stuff is from an inside source, but not confirmed yet if it's completely correct.

This thursday after Grey's Anatomy is a special with the producers or writers or somebody of Lost. I am not sure what they will be talking about, but some of you may be interested. Grey's runs over the hour so the special starts around 9:10 or 9:15 central time.
Joahaeyo wrote:
I had to watch the last episode online. It's totally not the same. I NEED DVR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too and it really stunk watching that way. It was a tiny little screen
I hope the final episode is good b/c last night's filler was boring to me.

I'm excited and yet somewhat exhausted at the idea of introducing more characters (underwater station). At least their women. I always have hope for romance. Hurley needs a girl!!!!

It looked liked Desmond swims down in the trailer at some point since we see him pointing a gun in what looks like the looking glass station.

Wonder how the Nadia connections will come around. Charlie saving her in the street will have to mean something in the future....
I agree...this episode was pretty boring...very sappy with Charlie saying his goodbyes. But I guess it'll be good if it sets up next week's finale. Yeah, what's up with the underwater Amazon woman station! I wonder if they'll make them like the Greek Sirens and lure Charlie to 'cheat' on Claire, thus ultimately dooming him or something.

And Rousseau's wedgie pants really bothered me. I know she's a mountain woman and all, but you could at least pull your pants out of your butt! :lol:
I hope the I LOVE YOU that we see Jack giving in the preview for next week is to Kate and not Julliet. They insinuate it's to Kate, but ABC sucks when it comes to promos... In the end, I know Kate will probably end up with Sawyer, but I can always hope!!!

I read (accidentally) a sentence of what will happen, and I think it will be an EXCELLENT finale.
What the heck?! There's a dang American Idol post even though it was so dang predictable before LOST? :twisted: Wish everyone was more chatty so I wouldn't have to bug my husband about a season he hasn't even seen yet. :lol: TV Guide ranked last night's episode as the best season finale twist EVER.

I wish we knew who was in the coffin. I was thinking maybe Ben of Locke. Locke had no family or friends, and Jack knew he was right about the consequences of leaving the island... But how can anyone be so sure when there are a few more seasons left.

If you rearrange the letters of the funeral home (Hoffs-Drawlar), it says flash forward.
I was just completely in shock at the end of last night's episode. I thought the Jack scenes were flashbacks...until the end when he met with Kate.

I think the funeral was probably Ben's.

Really, what will next season be about if they have already been rescued?
i don't think we know if they've all been rescued. maybe sawyer is still on the island which could be kate's motivation to go back, and we already know Jack's on board to go back.

Seemed like Kate was miserable too by her saying she had to go "back to him" (which i doubt is sawyer). And Jack saying that "he can't lie anymore about the island" (paraphrased).

My only guess for now is it's Widmore, which is Penelope's dad. His company worked with Dharma, but may have lost connection with the island once Dharma went down, so he could be using them to find the island again.

It was interesting that Locke saw Walt of all people. In season I, he was said to have special powers, so i think he'll play a part in the next season.
I don't know, I didn't see Kate as bbeing miserable. She seemed annoyed with Jack though. I thought when Kate said she had to go back to him, she meant Sawyer. :?
I agree with Elissa...I thought Kate seemed fine, just not happy to see Jack, and I assumed the 'I have to go back to him' was Sawyer, too.

I have to meet friends for lunch, but I'll be back to write more later!!
I feel pretty strong that the funeral wasn't Ben because he wouldn't leave the island but, for the same token, neither would Locke. I found a blown up screencap of the obit that Jack found in the paper and it does look like the first to letters are "Jo..."

http://bp0.blogger.com/_RrObyQ3XzcY/RlU ... pping2.jpg

I don't think Jack would cry about either of them dying anyway. The coffin itself looked smaller than an adult size, too.

I'm also pretty sure that the woman that Jack saved from the accident was Juliette's sister. If that isn't her (because I can't seem to find her listed anywhere), I'm still 99% the kid was her kid. I'm gonna rewatch it again.
That was probably the best episode of Lost yet.

Thing I didn't get about the flash-forward was that Jack told the one Dr that he could got talk to his father upstairs who would be drunker than he. I thought his dad is dead.

I thought the guy in the coffin was Ben and Jack was crying because he thinks Ben was right about not leaving the island. But now with that close-up the newspaper maybe it is Locke and we definitely know it's a guy now.

I don't get the regeneration/healing powers that Locke & the Eye patch guy have. Now the question has been answered that they are not dead and/or in some kind of purgatory.

I think something is going to happen that they are not getting off of the island. Maybe the underground water station will accidentally blow up the boat or something.
It would blow my mind if that was julliet's sister! Good. I hated that she kissed him. Pfft.

Thing I didn't get about the flash-forward was that Jack told the one Dr that he could got talk to his father upstairs who would be drunker than he. I thought his dad is dead.

Jack was talking to his dad's replacement as chief of surgery. I think Jack was just saying that to rationalize his drinking. He clearly lost his mind coming back.
I think next season is supposed to be the last one. The writers said they would answer all of the questions for us. I wonder if it will be shown in the present (how miserable they all are for leaving the island) and flashbacks of how and who actually escaped. The writing is absolutly brilliant,and they are very careful not to goof up, but I can't help but wonder why Kate is walking around freely if her last legal status was as an escaped fugitive. Surely she couldn't have quietly slipped back home without any press!
Hmmmmmmmm...I can hardly wait until next season!
Lynne wrote:
I think next season is supposed to be the last one. The writers said they would answer all of the questions for us. I wonder if it will be shown in the present (how miserable they all are for leaving the island) and flashbacks of how and who actually escaped. The writing is absolutly brilliant,and they are very careful not to goof up, but I can't help but wonder why Kate is walking around freely if her last legal status was as an escaped fugitive. Surely she couldn't have quietly slipped back home without any press!
Hmmmmmmmm...I can hardly wait until next season!

LOST producers announced that it will be airing until 2010, so the 2008 season will not be the last one 8)
So I read an article last week that says producers just came up with an ending! I'm so excited. They said it's the most 'believable' one they feel they could do w/o disappointing LOST viewers too much.

And a possible SPOILER ALERT about who will be making an appearance below:

MICHAEL WILL be returning. They said they aren't revealing whether his son will as well, but Michael is in the next season. I don't view who is on the show as a spoiler, but maybe someone else would. In fact, ABC announced it, so I guess it's not since it's being advertised.
More TEENY WEENY SPOILERS that were revealed yesterday. I'm hanging onto to anything that is LOST, so I figure there is someone else who is too. Below will just be a few things expected next season.

Jack & Claire discover they're related.
Michael is back as a series regular and not a one-time appearance!
They plan to come back to Libby's story, and she may have worked for Dharma.
Are we ready for the season to start?? I have almost completely forgotten where we are in the story. I may TiVO the first few episodes while I re-watch part of the last season on DVD. As I was reading some of these posts from last May/July, I barely remember the scenarios. :roll:

The whole writer's strike and waiting so long for a series to come back really makes me lose interest. :evil:
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Are we ready for the season to start?? I have almost completely forgotten where we are in the story. I may TiVO the first few episodes while I re-watch part of the last season on DVD. As I was reading some of these posts from last May/July, I barely remember the scenarios. :roll:

The whole writer's strike and waiting so long for a series to come back really makes me lose interest. :evil:

I with ya on all points!!!! :wink:
I'm SOOOOOOOO stoked. That's all we talk about in this house. I do HATE the writer's strike and that they were only able to finish so many episodes :(
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Are we ready for the season to start?? I have almost completely forgotten where we are in the story. I may TiVO the first few episodes while I re-watch part of the last season on DVD. As I was reading some of these posts from last May/July, I barely remember the scenarios. :roll:

The whole writer's strike and waiting so long for a series to come back really makes me lose interest. :evil:

The first hour is just a recap of last season to bring everyone back up to speed. There's only one hour of new stuff. :(
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