OES and Kids

Do any of you have small children and own an OES and are they compatible. I have children ages 4 and 7, they have been around dogs all their life, big and small, and I just wondered if it would be smarter to buy a puppy so the puppy can grow up around them, because I was thinking about just doing rescue but they said having small children could be a problem.
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There are numerous families on the forum that have small children and sheepies. My personal favorite (I am borrowing Lil J's pic from another forum member) is:


The problem with sheepies that go through the rescue system is possible prior issues with small children such as nipping, biting or knocking a very small child over. There are sheepies that go through the rescue system that it is very apparent that they would do well around smaller children, but normally they are placed very fast. If you are serious about a rescue sheepie I would ask the rescue group to go ahead and do a vet reference check on yourself and do a home check. This will get it out of the way and when a sheepie comes into rescue that would be a good fit for your family, you will be on the list to receive it.
Thanks and that picture is too cute. They are supposed to contact me on setting up a home visit time so we will see what happens.

Thanks again.
I have had Old English myself since I was 11 years old, and I now have 3 children of my own (Their ages are 5,3 and 18 months)

My sheepies are fantastic with my children. They all live in the house with us, and are very good with the kids. Now mind you, my last litter I kept a pup, and when you are dealing with a puppy, they are not going to know right off the bat how they are suppossed to behave. So naturally the pup will try to jump on or pull on the young ones clothes, etc. This is where training and supervision comes in to play. Not only do you have to teach the pup, but you must also teach the children how to behave around a new puppy.
Blueshire wrote:
Not only do you have to teach the pup, but you must also teach the children how to behave around a new puppy.

I totally agree with Ambers statement. The kids have to learn when to leave the dog alone. So many dogs end up in rescue because the people didn't know how to read their dog's signals that it wanted to be left alone. And a dog's only defense is to growl or bite.
Also, kids and dogs should never be left together unsupervised, no matter how good you think your kid or your dog is. That is just an accident waiting to happen.

We got our Merlin when my kids were 4,6,7 and 9 years old. We already had a Chow at that time and my kids were very dog savvy. However a Chow would never tear around the house doing the 'puppy 500' like an OES. Also the Chow was not a nipper like OES puppies can be. At the time my 4 year old was not crazy about the dog. He still is not as crazy for the dogs as my girls are. He is very excited about our puppy coming home on friday...that is until she nips him and then he won't be so keen.
My sheepie was still a puppy when my son was born. From the beginning, things have been great! I think OES' fit the nanny description they are given :hearts:

However, I constantly worried about my dog running over my child. Due to their size, she injures ME all the time and I'm nearly 6' tall. Even when clipped, her nails dig deep into my skin, toes, or across my face when she is simply trying to give me some love or when she's super excited. I've also been knocked down several times from sporadic excitement.

Nipping has not been a problem for us, so far, but I ALWAYS hear it is. My dog tells on my son whenever he is bad or is too far from mommy. She barks directly in his ear (piercing/loud) which concerns me. She does nip mommy and daddy whenever we run or start playing rough with her. The OES' I've met do not like running children, so nip their butts or heels. 8)

Accidents happen here. My son has been tossed and flipped over. So far hasn't been ran on top of... (thankfully) but my son has lived and is fine. :)

So if you trust your kids can respect an OES, I'm sure you can help a potentially new OES behave around your kids. :)
I have had an OES since I was born. In fact my parents first OES was around long before me. The OES is gentle with children in nature ( the majority are) but they tend not to know their own strength. They love to play and flop and wiggle sometimes forgetting the child is significantly smaller than them and weighs way less. But they really are gentle and really loving to children. Breena is 5 months and everytime we go to the store and see a kid she looks at me like "Mom what aisle do they sell these in." :lol:
Thank you all for the input and advice. My children do know how to behave around puppies and around adult dogs big and small, so I think they would be able to handle it just fine and it is not like I will ever leave them alone with the dog I am always right there.
I've had oes around my kids since they were babies too, they're all teens now, but the dogs have always been very good with the kids. My kids are also very good with dogs though.
Supervision and reasonable expectations are key I think. As Amber said, teach the pup, but teach the kids too.
When I was born my parents had an OES. She was the most amazing dog and the reason why I always wanted to get one myself. I had the opportunity to get one when I was 7 months Pregnant with my daughter.
I knew that he'd be perfect for our family and I wanted to raise my kids with them. Pepsi was in the local shelter, he was approx 10 months old.
It was nice that he was a bit older, as I didn't have to deal with a crazy puppy. :wink:

Pepsi was @ 12 months old when my daughter Hayley was born. We got Rags the following year.
When the dogs get excited and are running around my daughter ocassionally gets knocked down, but she never complains and can no pretty much move out of the way.

As you can see they get along great, this was taken a while ago. Hayley is now two years old. One of her first words was Aags for Rags. :lol:

Here are Rags, Hayley and Pepsi

As with all dogs, supervision is a must.

that is such a good pic
SUCH a happy baby.

Look like happy dogs, too! :D
Well I got to see an OES puppy for the first time last night. These are the cutest dogs I have ever seen in my life. I found someone here local who raises them and has for 25 years, he was so helpful. I am just trying to learn all about them before I bring one home.
Good luck in your search!! I think that all kids should have a dog..and if you do decide to go the puppy route...make sure to enroll them in puppy obedience class! Its well worth the money..and will help with some of the issues that you may come across with your dog.

Personally, I think that if you can find a compatable rescue dog..that would be a great way to go for the first time OES owner. No puppy teeth and little kid hands, no potty breaks every ten minutes, and the dog more than likely will be a little more laid back and enjoyable for the kids. Puppies tend to aggrevate kids till they get out of the nipping! Cause kids LOVE to run...and herders will run after them!!!

Good luck!
Oh my gosh Pepsi's Mommy, that is the cutest pic! Haley looks so happy! What a cutie pie! :wink:
Thanks for the compliments on the picture of the dogs with Hayley. :D
That picture is a year old.
Yet another person that has an OES with a child wanting to add my .02. Fred is excellent with my daughter. He is gentle, loving and rambunctious. He actually herds my toddler when I am attempting to catch her. He's very helpful.
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