
As some of you know, Oliver came home about 1 week ago with diarrhea. He came home on a Saturday, and on the following Monday he had a vet check. Doc said he looked good, no worms or parasites, and not to worry about the diarrhea. Well, the new mommy that I am, I worried about the diarrhea. Doc gave him some medicine to clear it up, didn't work. Doc gave him more medicine to clear it up, still didn't work. So, on Monday Oliver went in to get blood tests, stool floatation, and a chemistry make-up.

I just received a call from the vet office and he is positive for Giardia. I called my breeder to inform her of the test results. She was adamant that there was no way Oliver got the microorganism from her house. Well, I hated to inform her, but the organism stays dormant for 5-7 days before symptoms show. So, she said she would pay my vet bill, and get her dogs checked, as well as call the other puppy owners. I am armed with many plastic bags (to pick-up poop right away), bleach, and hand sanitizer now. I should hear today how his parvo and other test results came back...I can deal with Giardia, should be easy to get rid of...but please not anything else :plead:

So, after doing hours of research on the web, I still have one question:

Can giardiah live in my soil? I know it is found in soil and water, but can it multiply and take habitant there? If so, how do I get rid of it?

Lastly, a piece of advice-
No one knows better than Mom. If you think something is wrong, be persistent with the Doc, NO ONE is ALWAYS right.
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Good thing you were persistent!
These links may give you more information on giardia... ... icleid=739

I should hear today how his parvo and other test results came back...

Please let us know what the tests determine.
hmmm...this has me worried now. Harley has had diarrhea for a day, and a few days ago he got into our cat litter (we now have a baby gate with a kitty door to preven that-- his breath afterward was horrendous!)-- one of our cats had coccidiosis a while back (a couple months ago, I think)-- the litter box has been sanitized, and both cats were treated, but I'm wondering if the little buggies survived.

Our cats are indoor only, so if it lies dormant for 5-7 days only, I really don't know where she might have gotten it. (I think Giardia (spelling?) is similar to Coccidia, but I'm not too positive). I guess I'll give Harley a few days to clear up and then take him in for tests. :roll:

Hopefully someone will know the answer for both of us.
This happened to Bingley when he was about 14ish weeks old. My vet told me that sunlight will kill it but if the conditions are wet it can remain active for weeks.

We just picked up immediately and were thankful it was sunny outside. I would try and remember every place your pup goes potty and don't bring him back to that spot for as long as you can manage. Giardia is nasty but can be managed.
Giardia is difficult to detect sometimes. The stool doesn't always pass it. Sometimes you need to do a few stoll samples in a row. It's fairly common for puppies to get. They pick it up from other stool and their immune system isn't developed enough yet to fight it off.

Medication will help and be sure to keep him hydrated. Very important too is to wash your hands THOROUGHLY after cleaning up. Humans can catch giardia. I had it once and its not fun... :cry:

Hope baby is feeling better soon.
Thanks guys. It is just so frustrating, I want my baby to get better! My brother actually had it when he was real little, drank some water from a fountain at a zoo, not a good situation for a wee one.

Good advice Mop lover, we've been picking up right after he goes, now if we could just get some warm weather and sunshine!

Any word on Harley? Has his diarrhea gone away?
Hugs to Oliver! I hope his tummy gets better soon. :(

Other than runny stools how is he doing?
jcc9797 wrote:

Any word on Harley? Has his diarrhea gone away?

He was a little more solid yesterday, so it may just be a coincidence, hopefully. We're watching him, so if it goes back into diarhhea, we'll take him in. We also gave him a bath the day before, and I shampooed his beard, so there's a possibility he may have swallowed some, so hopefully I was just an overreacting Mommy. :) Thanks for asking-- hope your little one is better soon!
Well, we found the cause of the diarrhea under our couch last night-- a chewed up empty can of freeze dried liver treats! It was full before he snatched it off the table-- have to put it in a cabinet from now on.

He must have got them when my husband was "watching" him-- although he has the best intentions, he tends to have only one focus for something, so if the tv or computer is on, I think Harley gets away with stuff, lol.

He had gas something awful the other day (my husband kept searching the house for a sheepie cowpie, lol) , too 8O so it has to be the treats. He's all back to normal now, though.

Hope your baby is feeling better!
Oh, I am so glad to hear that Harley is doing better! I understand what you mean about the husband "watching" the dog, works about the same way in my house, except ours is a puppy so instead of grabbing something from the counter, he pees in the floor...

Oliver is doing better, except the soft food is now making his stools runny. Two more days of medicine, then no more soft food, he is going to be so mad at me! We are STILL waiting to hear about his blood tests...I have been calling Doc 2-3 times a day, I'm just so anxious!
Hoping all goes well with Oliver :D
I am so frustrated! They took Oliver's blood on Tuesday, and it is now Friday...shouldn't they know something by now???? I've called 2-3 times everyday, and still no results! :evil:
So happy to report that Oliver went for a vet check yesterday (for shots and to be microchipped) and Doc said he looked great. All blood work came back great! Doc was also very suprised my baby gained 5 pounds, even with Giardia! Yay Oliver! :yay:
Yay for weight gain!

For puppies. :roll:
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