Let them eat cake!

Beware the dangers of leaving the puppy in the kitchen! 8O

This weekend we were having some friends over, and my daughters spent all afternoon baking an angel food cake from scratch! If you have never done this, it involves separating over a dozen eggs, and many other time consuming tasks.

As many of you know, we have three sheepies: Wembley (4) who spends most of his time outside, which he prefers; he is the designated yard guard. Hannah (3) is the mother of our youngest, Elle (9 mos). Most of the time when we have guests over, especially when they have young children, the whole herd is a little overwhelming, so we confine them. The girls were in the kitchen while we ate dinner in the dining room. After dinner, my wife went in to the kitchen and came back with a smile on her face (bless her) and said , "Well, we have a change of plan for dessert."

Evidently, Elle decided that the angel food smelled pretty good, and she was no angel herself. :twisted: She had gotten the cake off the counter and the only thing left was the plate. Not another crumb in sight. She ate the ENTIRE ANGEL FOOD CAKE! 8O Not bad for a nine month old, even if she does weigh about 40 pounds! She was kind of puny for the next few hours, and threw up her breakfast the next morning, but seems to be fine now. Maybe she will think twice before she does THAT again. Maybe not. :?

She is now popularly known in the house as "The Cakeinator" :roll: What else can you do?

Here's Elle in December. She's BIGGER now...

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Oh boy! Nope I think you have a lil devil in your midst :twisted: .....lol....but honestly Ken, who can resist temptation of ANYthing homemade???

Must have been yummy! Too bad you didn't get to try it to find out!
Sounds like Elle enjoyed the dinner party!
Pretty funny. I can't believe she ate the whole thing--she needed some Alka-Selzer afterwards. Did the cake have frosting?
No frosting. We were going to have it with fresh strawberries!

Here are some more recent shots of the Cakeinator...
Please disregard the date stamp on the photo. They were taken about two weeks ago, with the daughters who baked the cake!



She looks angelic...but then don't they all?? :twisted: :lol:

I doubt she'll stop counter surfing now after that huge haul!! She'll be on the lookout for something else yummy to steal. :lol:
She will be back.........once they've found a treat, they never stop looking. Getting sick doesn't register because vomiting was so much later than the event. Trust me, I've lost a few delights from the counter or dining table over the years. Wasn't hard to figure out who ate the Greek salad, just waited for the olive pits to reappear....... :wink:
Great pictures! It's nice to see a recent one of her! Sorry about your cake!!!!
That is hilarious. It's so funny all the things these dogs get into. Your daughters are beautiful. You must be proud....of the human kids not the Cakeinator. :lol:
AWWWW I love the photos of the Cakeinator and her girls. I wouldn't think she had it in her....that face is just all innocence and sugar and spice...mmm then again might be from all that cake eating.

Marianne and the boys :hearts:
I love her face it's beautiful :hearts: and she sounds like a lot of fun :D
Sneaky girl! Thanks for updated pictures.
Your human girls are beautiful! :D
Ha ha ha love her sass, cakeinator is a good description, the stuffie terminator sends her love. :lol:
Cakeinator. hahahahaha Great pics!
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