Pippins Great Big Announcement

Hey Everybody! Pippin here!

I'm sneaking on to mom's computer at home... sssshhhh, don't tell her! She's at work right now and doesn't suspect a THING!

The reason I snuck onto the fourm this morning... other then to give a big ole shout out to all my buds (Yo Fozz, when you gonna come to MN man???) Is I have a great big secret to announce!

Are you ready???

Are you???

Sometime around Halloween this year, I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!!

Mom says we're going to have a baby. Now somehow I don't think that's the same as getting a puppy... I've heard they're less fluffy, they smell funny, make weird noises, and they take longer to be big enough to play with! Not to mention they get wheeled around outside in those strange plastic thingies. (I don't like those.. whatsum called... STROLLERS very much. I barked at the one mom brought into the house that one time. I mean really, it smelled funny and looked funnier!)

But anyway, back to the news. Mom and Dad are really excited, and have been wanting to tell everyone. But look at me, I got the last laugh and posted before Mom could! Ha ha! Score one for the Boo Bear!
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:banana: :banana: CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! Let the dancing bananas begin!!!!! :banana: :banana:

Pippen, you are a lucky fella.
Wahooooo!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Pippin! You'll make a wonderful big brother! Tell your mom and dad we're very happy for all 3 of you!

Pippin please tell your Mom and Dad that we said :excited: :yay: :excited:
Oh and Congratulations too!

I WANTED TO TELL PEOPLE IN CHAT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad... but I was a good girl. :lol: Glad the bean is healthy!!! WE WANT PICS!

You absolutely don't post enough pics. Let's see that belly ;)

More Pippin pics too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOOHOO :yay:
Karen, I am so happy for you!
How far along are you?
Best wishes,
What wonderful, exciting news!! :kiss::excited::yay: Congratulations Karen and Mike, and big bro Pippin!! Ooooooh, we are all so HAPPY for you all!!
Well, well.

Look at that. I leave that dog alone and see what happens! No more computer privileges for him! Man, you can't even trust your own canine these days :evil:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks everybody. We're very, very excited. I'm at 10 weeks (11 on Thursday), and everything is going great with the baby! I even got to see it on ultrasound a few weeks ago, but the printer wasn't working so no pics :cry: . I'm feeling as well as could be expected.. all the normal pregnancy stuff :wink:

sorry, no belly pics yet... not that there is much to see besides my pooch and a slightly expanded waistline. :lol:

I'm working on Pip pics though. He got his spring haircut and is very dapper looking!
:clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Kar!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: I am so happy for you both!! Cant wait to see the little one!! Im here for you if you need help with the nursery!!!!!

I love that Pip has a big mouth....good boy for letting the secret out!! :D
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Whooooooo Congrats Pippin!!!!!!! Tell your mom and dad congrats from me as well!!!

Yup, kinda like having a pup in some ways and don't be concerned when bodily fluid talk overtakes your mom and dads conversations. It only last a short time. Did baby poop, pee , burp, eat...not always in that order :D

What a happy occasional for the entire family and I'm so thrilled for all of you!!! :go:

Marianne and the boys
Congrats on the upcoming human baby!! :D :D
Thanks Pippin for letting us all know! :lol:
Congrats! How exciting!......

Get lots of rest Karen!

Pippin you be good to your mom!
WOW!!! I'm thrilled for you! Now you'll have to start shopping for OES baby-related toys. Where did that rocking sheepie go?!!!!! :D Congratulations!
Wow! That's wonderful! Congrats!!!
Oh Pippin'! Tell mama and daddy congrats!!! And congrats to you, too.
You'll be a great big brother!!! That lucky little baby having you to protect him/her!!!

Wonderful news!!!!

Keira wanted me to tell you, its really fun to smell babies diapers. She said they smell really good!!!
Yea, that is such good news. I was gonna PM you and ask how things were, any news etc. Beat me too it...

We might be next....I'll let you know as the time gets closer.

Congratulations, and enjoy the pregnancy.... :cheer:
Yeah Pip.. you are going to be the bestest fur-brother there is.. tell your mom and dad gratulations.

Murphy and Dudley
Congratulations Pippin!!!!
Cool! A new chew toy for Pip! :twisted:
OMG!!! That's wonderful!!! Congrats! :)


But we already knew that. :lol: Thanks guys!
Woo Hoo fantastic News Pippin, tell mom and dad CONGRATULATIONS :cheer:
OMG, Pippen! That is fantastic...I think! I like little people, but I haven't met a real baby yet. I did jump up on Mommy's pregnant friend the other night and I got in trouble. I guess you have to be very careful! Tell your Mommy & Daddy that I'm very happy for them. I'll need to live vicariously through you, Pip!

The Foz Man
Iriskmj wrote:


But we already knew that. :lol: Thanks guys!

Yes, I am. But, I wanted to break up all the congratulations with something different that wuld be memorable. :twisted:

Congratulations! :P
Karen and Mike,

Iriskmj wrote:


But we already knew that. :lol: Thanks guys!

Yes, I am. But, I wanted to break up all the congratulations with something different that would be memorable. :twisted:

Congratulations! :P
Congratulations at such a happy time!
That's wonderful news!!! Congratulations, Pippin!! You'll enjoy being a big brother - eventually. :wink:
Karen, congratulations! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Oh my gosh...congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you guys. Pippin, you will love your new baby brother or sister. :)
Thanks so much everyone! Unfortunately, I've been struiggling with the mother of all colds the last few days... I'm just back at work today. Pippin took very good care of me and baby at home, even making sure to "dispose" of my kleenexes :roll: He's a very good snuggle buddy though!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Sheesh! I go away to Europe for a few weeks and all sorts of news happens!! Congrats!!
:ghug: OMG... i am soooo happy for you. big hugs to you and you family and pippin for being so smart that he can figure out a computer. man Olive nees all kinds of help just to pee! :oops: no but really thats wounderfull news. so can i call it now it will be twins...thats always what happens in my family anyway! :wink:
8O 8O 8O 8O


OMG I sure hope not! Ultrasound only found 1, hopefully I'm safe! Not sure what I'd do with twins!!!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S S :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana:
Iriskmj wrote:
8O 8O 8O 8O


OMG I sure hope not! Ultrasound only found 1, hopefully I'm safe! Not sure what I'd do with twins!!!

Twice as much fun for Pippen :D
Take it from me.....twins ROCK!!!!
That's right, twins are awesome (from the mom of twins, not the actual twin!) After we had the girls, I wanted twin boys . We got 1 boy, so we called it quits with 3!
Twins are awsome, I agree. I'm a twin, and hope to have twins.
You all are brave brave people! 8O In the end I'll be happy with whatever we're blessed with! One, 2 or a whole litter! (But I'm pretty sure it's just 1!)
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