My gorgeous puppy has been replaced with a monster

Last Thursday George turned 4 months old!!

Over the weekend my gorgeous little boy has turned into a monster! He barks at us when he doesn't get his own way. He is told not to do something and then does it anyway and he has turned into a stroppy teenager! (At this point I would like to apologise to my parents!! :lol: ) This morning as I was getting ready for work he was told to get down off the sofa which he did and ran across the room and got on the other one!!
He was told to stop chewing my slippers so he chewed my boots!

If anyone knows the whereabouts of the nice George please would they return him to me!!

Thank you!
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But he is such a CUTE monster!
Naughty, but precious! Yep, just like a teen.
No question about it, the next few months will be challenging for you both. You'll have to be very consistent in your training because he will be very persistant with his misbehaving. :lol:
.......and that's why I don't do puppies anymore :lol: :lol:

I highly suggest taking up drinking. No seriously, I vote for extensive exercise for the two of you. One to wear him out so he sleeps more and ....the same for you.
LOL! He must have taken off with the naughty Foz monster!
Enroll him at canine university :wink:
-positive rewards training
(remember, he is still a baby )

*Lots of daily exercise

*Carry a few highly desirable treats with you,
make him sit for the treat. Repeat and repeat again.

* Give lots of verbal praise when he behaves correctly.

*And when very naughty--
crate him for a short time out

Remove anything he can chomp on or eat from the
enviroment-especially clothes, socks, shoes etc.

Be patient--He'll grow up
(that's why you need persistant training/exercise now)

He is a sweetie :hearts: :hearts:
Nice George may not be back til he's about 30 (in dog years) :roll:
Nice George and Ladylike Nice London must have ran away together lol
What a cutie.......puppy class!
I think it is spring fever for the dogs and they just want to play!!! I think when they are little you can't turn your back because trouble seems to find them so effortlessly.

Becky & Miley Rose
Thanks to you all for your advice/comments!

Yes George is a cutie and boy does he know it!!

Exercise is what he needs but he still won't go for a walk, infact he is going backwards in that department!
Last week he would go to my neighbours house. This week he won't go off the drive!!

I know it's just time taking but I so want George to come out and see the world beyond our garden! (which he is currently digging and eating!!)
Behave yourself, George!

Sounds like my pup a couple of months ago. Obe is still not an angel by any means but each day he gets better. Only advice I can give is train him, reward for something good and let him know when he does something you dont want him to do. Even enroll in obedience classes. Put a leash on him in your yard and teach him how to walk in your yard. When he gets that down move outside of the yard and start with a walk to the end of the road, around the block etc. You could even take him to a park and after he learns to walk on a leash. It is time and lots of it be patience and George will come around.
That sounds familiar :wink:

Exercise and consistency are two very important things in George's life for a while!!!!!! :D
Just like a teenager, he is testing you to see just what he can get away with.

The key word now is: CONSISTANCY.

You must stay on top of the situations, or, he will own you!!!!

They are so adorable, and its so easy to let it "slide". But just like with upright kids, you can't.

With love and firm leadership, he will grow out of this. This would be a great time to get him involved in obedience classes.
I must say i can relate all to well. I thought i would NEVER see the day when i had control of my olive. God she busted through screen doors, and through screen windows. she went piddle ALL over my house and not because she had to because usually we were just coming in from outside. She did it because she could. :twisted: Be very careful with things lying around. olive would eat EVERYTHING underwear, socks, cell phone chargers, remote controllers even silverware. hang in there and i agree with the others be consistent. give time outs in the crate if needed, and preprar to loose 5 lbs or so because you are about to get moving with your pup. :D
How old is your little "angel"? LOL sounds like my little "angel" with the halo around his ear. It has slipped just a touch. The other night I went to work and hubby was sitting on the chair. The pup wouldnt stop whining and moaning. He always does this when I leave. Then out of the blue and out of revenge of mommy leaving, he decides to get wound up. Wound up tighter than an 8 day clock. He harrassed Cheyenne and when she didnt want to play, he took a big run through the living room into the family room straight through into the dining room and then my husband said he took a giant leap into the kitchen and when he hit the slippery floor he slid into the food bowls and water bowl and had one giant mess. Needless to say puppy went to bed early that night!!!
He will be 5 mo on the 16th he is growing up so quickly
George is enrolled in puppy classes but I think he finds it a bit boring :? so I am considering taking him for some one to one sessions as well as the larger class (at least there he can mix with other dogs)

Our neighbour who looks after George today either didn't put him back in his crate after she exercised him or didn't lock it properly and he had the run of most of the house for a couple of hours!! 8O

He hasn't done too much damage but I don't want him to get out as we had to get a crate in the first place cause he trashed the dining room!

He has chewed some CD's thrown the cushions around the sitting room, has been on the beds and has peed on the kitchen floor!! Thankfully that's all and it could have been MUCH MUCH worse!!

The joys of puppies!!! :lol:
George sounds like a fun puppy :D Duch just turned 5 months and she has tamed down a wee bit (very small wee) we still argue over who is boss but I think I'm winning . she has those frap attacks once or twice a day and I just go sit in a chair and wtch her :lol:
Oh my! My Pirate didn't calm down until he turned 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(And he still has his moment. Makes him more lovable!)
Oh know, Max and miller will both be 4 this year, and they haven't calmed down at all. My boyfriend says he has never seen such hyper dogs.....when will they become more relaxed!!!! :lol:
Chauncey is 17 mos and I've just started to notice a change for the better, if this continues I may be able to taper off my meds :D
The trainer last night suggested that George completes his puppy foundation test next week!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

He was really good in class last night and he did EVERYTHING he was asked to do!! :cheer: And most of the time he did it the first time he was asked to do it!!

So fingers crossed for next week he will continue the good behaviour in class and pass his test and get his first rossette!!

I'd be so proud!!
Just to let everyone know (incase they are interested!!) that George passed his puppy foundation and got his first rosette and certificate!! :banana:

I was so pleased with him and it just goes to show that he can do it when he needs to !!! :D
:banana: :cheer: :rimshot: :clappurple: way to go George
Yay George!! How nice he is getting what you are teaching him -

:bulb: May the lightbulb stay lit!!!
:high5: Way to go George.
My husband use to refer to coming home to Bam-Bam and I as being ready for his blood letting. He nipped, he barked, he wouldn't stand still for anything. That big clown grin was the only thing that spared him a scolding. Now at six years old soon to be seven, he still maintains some of those obnoxious puppy ways that makes him so adorable to us, but a pain to others. You gotta love em in order to endure their unique ways. Wouldn't have him perfectly trained for anything, we would of missed out on a million smiles.

Good Luck to you and your little monster
and wishing you a million smiles as well.
Congratulations George :cheer:
First Congratulations george :lol: Great job!

Now, I understand oh so well what you are four and a half month old has gone crazy in the last few weeks...jumping and nipping, running around like a mad man, etc...My first OES started to calm down at about 13 years old...he passed away at 15 :cry: And he went to years of obedience school and even got his CD title...But always the clown and I wouldn't want it any other way!
Oh how I wish I could say enjoy the ride but its not much fun. This really is my last puppy.
Are you sure you are not talking about my pup Elliott? :lol: Last week was puppy graduation, and he was a disgrace, my husband and i could hardly keep from laughing, he was bouncing all over the place as if he knew it was the last day of school :!: :!: Then Murphy our 2 1/2 yr. old, whos in the advanced class spotted a Great Dane, bounced off all fours, about 4 ft. high. You should have seen the look on the instructor's face I thought she was going to drop over 8O She decided after she seen that to put him in as the show stopper in a public demonstration we are doing at the Arts Fest. He can bounce on command, but she never seen him do it before.
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