Me and my shadow

Chum has been following me from room to room. Everytime I look down, there is her face smiling up at me. She is so happy to be home. She is cleaning up all the treats that Maggie has left lying around. Sometimes, she will stay on the dogbed munching a bully stick but as soon as she hears any sound that could be mean a treat is coming, poof! she magically materializes right at my side. She runs to the sound of a treat. I think she is getting alot of exercise just following me around and going up and down the porch stairs for her potty outings. She is very grubby but she lays back and smiles when I bring out the brush. I am just doing very small sections at a time. Maggie, on the other hand, is a big matted ball of dirt and desperately needs to be shaved down. I have a call in to the groomers as I don't think I could manage this on one foot. 8O

I was a bit worried that there would be some squabbles with Maggie, who had gotten used to being top dog while Chum was gone. So far, so good though. Chum is clearly the boss and Maggie is appropriately submissive to her. Maggie seems a bit needy though and has been seeking out extra cuddles, which is fine with me. :hearts:
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Awww that sounds great! Now getting Chummie up and around is giving YOU reason to get up and move around. How cool is that?!?!

I thought they would give her a bath if the stay was > 5 days? :D
Yes, they were planning on it but I checked her out early. So they didn't get to it.
Valerie wrote:
Chum has been following me from room to room. Everytime I look down, there is her face smiling up at me. She is so happy to be home.

That's just beautiful! :hearts: :hearts:

Welcome home to Chum and Maggie!

Valerie , you must be thrilled to have them home again !
Sounds like a happy reuinion :) I'm so glad Chum is doing so well :)
Now to get YOU better! :)
I think I detect a note of "Val was very anxious to have her sweet Chumster home and was a bit impatient." LOL

I don't blame you.

Are they going to name a new wing after you?
Now that everyone is home together, everything will fall into place!! Val, I bet you're so happy you made the move to CO, huh? It was the best place possible to cure sweet Chum.

BTW, did you or will you contact UP in Philly to tell them about Chum? At the very least, it could make them look for something like this if the situation would ever present itself to them again.

I'm so glad you have your girls home! :ghug:
Chummie sounds like she is VERY happy to be home with her Mama. :D
I think Maggie missed her big sister and is secretly happy to have her back, that is why there haven't been any squabbles. :wink:
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
BTW, did you or will you contact UP in Philly to tell them about Chum? At the very least, it could make them look for something like this if the situation would ever present itself to them again.

I'm planning on doing that -- but I want to wait til I have a great outdoor shot of Chummie in action. :D
Hi Val,

Glad to hear things are going to well!! Love the updates!

Marianne and the boys
Glad to hear the family is doing so well now that the girls are back together. :clappurple:
And your shadow is so precious, what a remarkable lady she is. So glad she is back home with you and maggie. All the girls together again, just so wonderful. :D :hearts:
I just love your shadow cuddle bear :!:
I definitely think it's a grea idea to contact UP and any other vet who has seen Chum and couldn't figure it out. If they were more thorough this could have been done long ago, giving Chum relief and a new lease on life sooner, and cost you a whole lot less.
That is just great Val!!! Hugs to you Chummie and Mags!!!!
Sounds like life is returning to normal, Chums is being grumpy, Mags needs extra cuddles. I hope Mags is still getting a chance to get out and run. She needs the extra exercise to keep her sanity.

SheepieBoss wrote:
Sounds like life is returning to normal, Chums is being grumpy, Mags needs extra cuddles. I hope Mags is still getting a chance to get out and run. She needs the extra exercise to keep her sanity.


Maggie is actually getting completely worn out. In the mornings, she goes out on a long hike with Ziggi (her favorite sheepdog best friend) and in the evenings I've got a dogwalker who frequently takes her on that same hike again! I had to increase her food because she was getting so skinny from all the extra exercise.

Chum hasn't been grumpy at all. She's smiling all the time, following me everywhere. She is up and down the porch stairs 5-6 times per day, exploring the yard. Today I actually took her on a walk around the block with me on crutches. . . or maybe more accurately, Chum took me on that walk. Who would have guessed that she'd be the one pulling me? I had to stop her several times to make her slow down. It was a risky thing to do but the weather today was just incredible -- sunny bright 60s and I needed to get out. I also went to the Rec Center and did 30 minutes on the stationary bike. It all felt good.
Keep up the good work Chummie :kiss:
Chums says she knows of a good water tredmill if you want to add another exercise.

Funny about Mags. Bet her thighs are rock hard!

Yeah, springtime can be just beautiful up there espec with the snow on the mtns behind. Glad you are getting out, your recovery should be going very well. We know Chums' is.

LOL. I actually plan on asking the doctor whether I can swim for exercise. . .

So glad that Chummie is home and doing so well!! I have been reading your previous posts to "catch up" and both of your girls are so precious.
The pictures are wonderful, and everyone is so happy!

Good for you and your determination to do the best for Chummie! You are a special Mom :wink:

Abuckie wrote:
I have been reading your previous posts to "catch up" and both of your girls are so precious.

Want some light reading?

Chum's troubles started here when they said she had cervical disk disease

Then on to talk of cancer:

Wait -- now it is not cancer:

Hip problems:

More uncertainty:

Or maybe a different kind of cancer:

more testing:

Finally some progress with the swimming:

And then the latest round with surgery, rehab, etc:

What a freakin saga. Now that one month to get Max the help he needs is looking pretty good, isnt it? :wink:
I just love reading your updates, Val. Makes me grin from ear to ear to hear how happy everyone is and just the fact that Chum is up and down the steps several times a day and following you from room to room is amazing. With Maggie getting plenty of excercise and needing extra cuddles, you starting your own therapy and getting out's just all so fabulous!! Life is good. :D
Will Chum be seeing her PT or doc for followup? OK, you don't need to be driving up to Ft.C or over to Aurora again for a few weeks :wink:

Makes me smile to think all is going well there.

Thinking of sending my husband to CSU Vet Med hospital and Alameda East for his back and hip..wouldn't he be cute sleeping in the cabins??
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