Max Update....

Well, today was the first day of therapy for Max- and I thought I would be more hopfeful when I wrote this update tonight.

I dropped him off this morning- and was given an agenda of his day- evaluation and then he would walk the treadmill and do land therapy- and then more aqua therapy. I was given a promise of a call at 1:00 to discuss the treatment plan.

When I spoke with the therapist- she couldn't have been more negative if she tried. Said that Max should be farther along than he is now- and that she could not honesty say that Max would ever walk again. She said he was timid in the water- and that he didn't seem to have much movement in his left leg. She asked if we had thought about a dog cart- and said that may be the best option!!!!

I asked her why her prognosis was so dim and bleak... told her that just Sunday he had moved himself around - and seemed to be getting stronger. She told me that he may benefit from therapy ( they can only schedule him on Thursday's ) and if we were interested to call and make an appt. Said she would only recomend the 6 week "plan" and then we would re-evalute..

I had a whole list of questions and was so upset that all I could ask was if there were excercises we could be doing at home. She said to get an excercise ball and to let him stretch over that. No talk of range of motion excercises or anything!!!

I am in shock. We were so hopeful- and I can honestly say that we are not ready to give up yet. The bedside maner was not what I expected from a staff that - to this point - has been wonderful.

We are at a loss.. I have been sitting on the floor with him for the last two hours- wondering what our next step is. Take him back for therapy? Find another facilty? Throw in the towel and just love the dickens out of him? John and I are determined to do whatever is best for him. He is our baby... and how ever this all turns out - that won't change.

Any advice is welcome.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Max. Lori and John
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Oh this is not the update I wanted but on the other hand, she sounds inexperienced. Didn't have "much" movement in his left leg -- Chum had little and Gunner had none!

I'm obviously in no position to judge whether she is right but I wonder if you could get a second opinion from the folks at Alameda East? I will ask Chum's people what they would recommend at this point.

Don't give up!
Of course, I'm not an expert at all on this...but still...

Stay hopeful and get that second opinion

We'll all be here, hoping and praying our hearts out for you, and Max
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I say seek therapy elsewhere, there negative attitude would annoy the heck out of me.

He has not long had his surgery and recovery time from anything spinal takes time and patience. They sound like they have not got that at all.

Geez of course he is going to be nervous with the water therapy gawd that is all new to him, what do they expect that he is going to take to it straight away.

Disappointing for you all it must be with this type of attitude displayed on only his first visit.

So maybe look for another place that offers more encouraging support for you all.

I am sure Max will end up walking with good, enthusiastic therapy, patience and time.

Keep the faith and hopefully the end result will be a good one for you all

Hugs and sending all good positive thoughts for Max :wink:

I can understand your frustration and dissapointment at what was said to you. I agree with the others don't just take one person's word for it!

I know I'm completely off topic here, but I remember reading long ago about all the people in history that were told they should quit. Elvis Presley was told he couldn't sing, Abe Lincoln failed running for the Senate a gazillion times, The Wright brothers, Henry Ford, and many others were told to quit. Glad they didn't listen and went on to prove their detractors wrong.

I say the same thing about Max's physio was just one person and her another opinion! We are all sending positive thoughts your way and please give Max a special belly rub from me.

Marianne and the boys
I totally agree what have been said about not counting on just that one person's opinion. I am sorry I don't have any wise suggestion but I just want you to know that I am one of all these supportive people here and I have a lot of hope that things will turn out better. Please don't give up hope. In such an unfortunate situation, it is still a blessing that Max has you and your husband unconditionally loving him.

Hang in there!

I keep thinking about this and I was reminded of the Vet that Chum and I visited in Los Angeles who told me that Chum was hopeless and wasn't going to walk again and it was time to put her down. . .

None of us knows what the future holds for Max but I think we all believe that a second opinion is in order. . .
I think you need a second opinion too. I don't know how large the facility you are at - maybe there is another person with a more positive attitude in the same office?
Alot of healing involves mental attitude and positive thoughts. This person sounds like they are not the right person to be working with.
8) I agree with all the before mentioned advise. As I was reading your story and the comments, I just kept remembering Chummie's journey to where she is now. Don't give up, we are behind you. Please keep us posted of Max's progress.

How you were treated is just infuriating!

Is it the only place available? If so I would utilize all of the resources possible and completely ignore their negativity. Maybe you are there to have a miracle to turn around their approach and unoptimistic viewpoint. I would maybe contact Alameda East for a course of treatment you could do at home as well.

If it's not the only place I would run to change places as fast as possible.

Of course your poor sweetie would be uncertain in the water after just having major surgery. Please. Some dogs are uncertain in the water period. And it also seemed like a really big expectation on their part for his very first time.

Also, are you open to trying acupunture or alternative methods in conjunction with traditional approaches? Our vet has actually helped dogs walk again that couldn't with alternative approaches. If you are open to that, it is a fantastic avenue with a lot of resources available. Some traditional vets have that added onto their practice.

It's really hard for me to believe he can't get well. Especially after seeing the remarkable progress of Chummie and others. Just keep Chummie and Val in your thoughts as you move ahead to give you courage.

And know you have a HUGE sheepie lover network sending so much good thoughts and prayers.

I know this must have been extremely upsetting for your family. Maybe if you can look at it as this was just one bad day. Try to move forward and put it behind you.

Wow! She is an idiot! Okay, really, she has a major lack of ability to communicate and intelligence. I predict a major career change in her future.

Get a second opinion. Now! Once a week appts are not acceptable for a serious rehab - pets or people.

FWIW, Chummie was doing the treadmill before surgery. This made a huge difference for her rehab - I honestly think it was a contributing factor in how well she did. Once Max gets an idea of what he is expected to do, it will make huge difference.

<whisper voice> Alameda East <whisper voice>
:ghug: we are here for you!
I am appalled at how you were talked to and treated! :twisted: Is there a supervisor of this witch that you could talk with? If for no other reason than to make sure she NEVER talks to another client like that again!!

Can another therapist work with Max in the same facility? Did he ever or like to swim before his accident and surgery? If not, of course he would be timid in the aquatreadmill. And even if he did, he's in pain!! What a moron she was to think that he would just take to it automatically!!

You said you had a lot of questions before she started talking to you. It's very understandable that you were so upset you couldn't ask them, but you can ask them now - to someone else.

Please don't give up on Max!! Come here and vent, yell and scream any time you want - we're all here for you! :ghug:
Good morning to all!
What a group of wonders you are.... well wishes and support while we try to find different care for Max.... the best!!! Bless all of you- whether it is sloppy kisses or links for facilties- they are all very touching and welcome.

I left a message for Max's surgeon this morning-- We need his feedback ASAP.

Val- I have called and left a message for the facility in Dayton- it is only 2 hours away from us- not bad at all! Is there a person - or number at Chummie's faciltiy that I could speak with directly?? I so appreciate you taking the time and energy to help us. With your leg and all... what a dear!

Our options seem so limited in the Columbus OH area. My husband just sent me an email with the name of a Vet that has a good rep in Marysville for large animal rehab- horses etc. Someone he works with said that this vet was associated with OSU Vet Hospital.

I just know that Max has NOT reached his peak. The therapist said that nerves regenerate at a rate of 1/4 of an inch per month... so why is he at his limit after only a few weeks??? Makes no sense at all.

Yesterday all I did was cry for Max ... today I am back and ready to FIGHT for him!!!!

Thanks and a big 'ole HUG !!!!!

Max- Lori and John
Lori and John, keep your thought positive!! Max has a long way to go, but hopefully with good rehab and lots of love, thoughts and prayers, he will get better.

Its definately not too much for us to add Max to our ''get better'' prayer and thought list.

Go Max and hang tough Lori!

I'm so glad you've got your "fighting spirit" back today! That's what you'll need to get you through these next few days finding other options for Max.

I'll be thinking of you all and hoping for success. Hugs & belly rubs to Max!
Abuckie wrote:
I left a message for Max's surgeon this morning-- We need his feedback ASAP.

Val- I have called and left a message for the facility in Dayton- it is only 2 hours away from us- not bad at all! Is there a person - or number at Chummie's faciltiy that I could speak with directly?? I so appreciate you taking the time and energy to help us. With your leg and all... what a dear!

I'm glad you called the surgeon! That was very smart. He should have a better sense of what Max's neurologic condition is.

Here are the bios for Chum's two therapists:

I actually told Carrie about Max and she said she would call me later to discuss his situation. But if you want to call them directly, this is the number: 720.975.2800.

Hang in there!

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