Mystery Illness-Ideas????

Very crazy week for us. My 14 week old puppy started vomitting and diarrear last Tuesday. Went immediately to Vet and he was running a fever too. But he was lively and bouncy and just acting like a regular puppy. Vet gave him a shot of penniciln and some meds to take him with the direction to come back in the morning to check fever, etc...Diet of no food or water ( ice chips okay) for at least 12 hours then boiled chicken and rice...

Next day fever gone but still vomitting and diarrear...scooting behind along the ground...long story short...blood work was done, ex-rays done, stool samples done...everything comes back normal...and again, puppy full of life and not lethargic at all....

Vet suggested an ultra sound...but today, after all weekend of no vomit and passing loose formed , (not diarrear), stools, I decided to wait. At four months old, I felt the puppy had been through enough...But, what could it have been? Food allergies? Food intolerance? Bad bag of food? Teething? He is still on medications but otherwise acting fine. Still on the boiled chicken and rice until follow up with Vet later this week...But I';m starting to think maybe a hypoallergetic food???

Anyone with thoughts?
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I'm sorry your pup isn't feeling well. Sounds like your vet was very thorough. It is a positive sign that he is no longer vomiting though. It could have been a virus, or it could certainly be an intolerance to something in his food. You might want to talk to your vet about a food change, something easier on his digestive system.

Give your pup a hug from us.

Laurie and Oscar
I'm thinking it could have been one of about a million
things. Sometimes dogs just get sick. As long as there
is no fever and no skitters or pukes anymore, I'd
chalk it up to a passing tummy upset. I know how much
we worry about our little guys. Is the vet concerned that
there is something further?

Could be that he just ate something outside that caused him to get sick. Could be that maybe he had a mild obstruction but eventually passed it. There have been a lot of obstruction problems with giving dogs rawhides & Greenies, especially if fast chewers, so you might want to keep an eye on what types of treats you are giving too.
Sounds like what happened to Callie a few weeks ago... We never did figure out what caused it. After several days with no food, and then easing back into a bland diet and eventually her normal diet, she seems to be fine -- Probably just something she ate. It's amazing how sneaky they can be about finding and swallowing things without us ever noticing. If all the vet checks were good and your pup is acting normal, I wouldn't worry too much. :)
The Vet said all that's left to do would be a sonogram/ultra sound. In the x-ray his intestinal wall was inflamed but he thought that was due to whatever infection he had, etc...Now after feeding him boiled chicken and rice all week, he is not making stool so I am cutting out the rice and giving him just boiled chicken until we finish our meds...

Will have a follow up check up end of the week...meantime, he is chasing the blowing leaves, loosing some teeth, chewing on my pants, etc..

So you don't think is real serious?
Oh, by the way VervUp ( Deb ), I don't give him greenies or rawhide. he has the Kongs and any tos or chews are supervised...someone is always here with him. But he could ahve gotten something from outside. He's kept on a leash outside and walked - never alone. But when it snowed, he was happily chasing and eating the snow and I wondered if he picked up something like a rock or wood chip while eating the snow...He is sooo quick! Lost another tooth today too...

But the x-rays were done and nothing was seen...I'll tell you, I think if I had adopted a baby, it would ahve been easier! :)
When Katrina was a puppy we would always give her ice as treats and she loved ice.

She threw up all of the time. The vets couldn't figure it out. Even went so far as when she was spayed to check every organ they could.

We finally correlated it that she was throwing up from the cold of the ice. Once we stopped giving her ice she never threw up again.

Good luck, amazing how much we love these dear souls.
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