Mad 5 minutes? Puppy behaviour

Having just brought home a 3 month old pup, we are now going through the 'Mad 5' where she runs around out of control for a few minutes..This is our second OES, and our first OES did exactly the same when he was a
pup - Can anyone tell me if they have similar stories, and if so, how can we control this behaviour?.. Although we are always there for her, I worry about her hurting herself..

Many thanks

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Hi and welcome! I look forward to seeing pictures of your pup.

Here is a brief article on the "frenetic random activity period" from my favorite dog training experts:

Good luck!
:lol: :lol: FRAPs :lol: :lol:

Oh yes, puppies do this.........and so does my 7 year old girl. At least as an adult it doesn't happen twice a day......maybe once a week now. When she is in the zone, stand back!!
Thanks so much for the advice and link to the article..Margaux has her Mad 5 in the evening, so I guess we are lucky its not twice a day!! She spins around the room like a greyhound at full speed..

I'm a bit new to uploading etc, but I'll try and get something on the site soon..Thanks again for your kind help..

:D Hi Mike, My OES Willoughby does this from time to time and he's 22 months. When he's done, he comes over to me, panting and grinning. :lol: My two other OES also loved to run around in the same way. Willoughby would run around more often but my townhouse has a very small back garden. Cheers!
Heehee! Foz (1 yr) still does this about once a day in the house around the dining room table. He enjoys antagonizing Annie along his way too. The link says not to laugh, but I love it :D

Annie (almost 10 yrs) does the "puppy run" about once a week or every other week. I egg her on because it makes me think she's still a spring chicken.
We have a 10 mth old that does it once or twice a day - normally outside though. We have two older dogs 5 and 6 (approx) that do it maybe once a week.

Good luck!
We call it the "Sheepie 500"

I think it's a pretty good indicator of a lack of enough exercise. It's a good thing they age.
:D I always think of it as " building up a charge". We have long walks everyday but he still needs to serious energy burning! 8O
Mouton usually does his outside, but Margaux loves to weave in and out of the furniture. I think they both have enough exercise, its just a way of getting out some stress..Thanks very much for all your help on this topic..

May I ask another one more question please which is is slightly more problematic.. I'll call it Young and Old..

Mouton is 6 and Margaux is 3 months.. They get on well, but there is constant play and, Margaux loves to climb over and nip Moutons ear..He in turns gets upset, and then the fun/scrum begins.. We are training Margaux to behave well in the house, but as we all know its a struggle at that age..Moton is an angel, placid, and wants a peaceful life..(although she loves to romp outside) - Any ideas and thoughts on how to keep old and young in harmony??

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