New to the board- Max our Old English needs good thoughts

Hello! Although I have been lurking on the board- this is my first post.
We have an OES - Max- who is 4 years old. He is our baby, and he needs lots of good thoughts and prayers right now. 6 weeks ago Max was playing in the snow - and to make a very long story short- had a freak accident ( tripped) and ruptured 3 discs. He has had spinal surgery to relieve the pressure- and we are now in the recovery stage. For the first 4 weeks we had to keep him still - turn him evey four hours etc.
He finally got his catheter out last week- and now we are walking him with a belly strap. He still has very little movement in his hind legs. :cry: We are considering physical therapy- but just not sure what to do. He is SUCH a sweet heart... we have poked and prodded and through it all - he has never even barked!! Just gives us lots and lots of kisses! Always such a gentleman. Have any of you had similiar experiences with your sheepies?? And if so- and advice for a quicker recovery?? We love him so and just want to do the best we can for him. Thanks so much!
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I'm sorry to hear about poor Max's troubles!

Sending you and your boy lots of good thoughts, prayers and wishes! :ghug:

If you haven't come across them yet, check out the several threads about Chumley and her mom Val, and their joint recovery from injury/surgery! Lots of inspiration and hope there! :D
Oh man, I'm so sorry. Who'd have thought your poor boy could do so much damage just taking a romp in the snow? You're definitely in my thoughts-- and I'll be keeping a more watchful eye on my pack when they go out to mess around.

Valerie's dog Chum just had spinal surgery as well. Different, but it sounds like the physical therapy that Chumley is going through could be really beneficial to Max. Val, what do you think?
Aww sorry to hear the news, we are sending well wishes and positive thoughts for Max. Therapy with help get him mobile again.

I am sure Valerie will chime in here, her girl has just been through spinal surgery but up in her neck region and could not walk after, she has been in therapy and is doing well, mobile again. :D

So keep positive and Max will be fine as he is still a youngster, Vals girl was a lot older.

Hugs and Positive vibes for you and Max. :D
I am so sorry about Max. We are sending hugs your way. My Lab(savannah)blew a disc jumping off our deck,it had three steps. She is 10 now but was around 4 or 5 when it happened. She is the light of my life and needed a lot of help in the beginning and it seemed to take forever for her to recover. I just wanted you to know we went through kinda the same thing. Max appears to have done more damage than my girl. My thoughts are with you and I hope Max has a complete and speedy recovery. :ghug:
OH WOW! How terribly awful for you and for Max!!!!!

Val is our resident expert on spinal surgery, perhaps she will catch this and give you some words of encouragement.

I am so sorry you are dealing with this, I hope Maxs has a complete recovery.
I'm so sorry to hear of Max's injury, I hope he heals up quickly and has a full recovery. After seeing Chumley's amazing recovery, I really think a positive attitude and the absolute best rehab program you can find will be a huge help.

Welcome to the forum. :)
Oh my gosh! In addition to my own dog Chumley, who had spinal decompression surgery, I have also met another dog Gunner with the same thing too. Both Chumley and Gunner have been enrolled in rehabilitation at Alameda East Animal Hospital.

Chumley's surgery was in her neck so her inability to walk afterwards affected all four limbs. Chum could only lift her head and sit sternal (lying down on her chest with her head up.) Helping her on my own was not something I felt I could manage. Gunner had spinal surgery in two locations and he could only move his eyes after the surgery. So your dog is already in a better starting point.

Both Chumley and Gunner are now walking again thank to the incredible team at Alameda East. The key for both of them was the underwater treadmill, but they also did other exercises to regain motion and balance and strength.

If you know of a place that offers rehab for canines, definitely go for it. Even if there is not a full rehab center, you may be able to find a place that offers swimming for dogs as that is a big help too. Your neurosurgeon ought to be able to recommend some places for you. I could even ask the folks at Alameda if there are exercises you could be doing with him to help him regain function in the rear legs.

For inspiration, here is a picture of Chumley about a week after the surgery:



And here she is this week strutting the stuff she learned in rehab:



I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope these pictures will encourage you to believe that your dog can recover too. If you want to pm or email me with any questions, please feel free.

Best to you and Max,

I am so sorry to hear of Max and his troubles. I hope he truly recovers 100%. Sending lots of sheepie hugs and kisses and prayers your way.
Thoughts and prayers for Max.
He is so young - and has a loving family to care for him.
Listen to Val - the voice of experience.
I hope your Max has a speedy recovery. Rehab is a lot of work, but it really does show results. :)
We are touched at the well wishes Max has received in such a short time.
I was reading the responses to my husband - and we both are so apprective for the support as we go through this recovery with Max.

Val- THANK YOU for the pictures. Tears are rolling down my cheek as I look at Chumley - for what she has been through- and more importantly- where she is now! Max had his surgery at MedVet in Worthington - and they have a rehab staff on site. Our neurosurgeon in fact suggested the aquatreadmill. We made an appt for next Wednesday- and now I can't wait to take him. We were skeptical- and Chumley's progress has given us hope!

Hugs and Kisses,
Max- Lori and John

Welcome to the forum. Special thoughts and well wishes to Max. You've come to the right place as this place is full of special folks who can offer advice and offer support. I'm so sorry to hear about Max and will keep thinking positive thoughts.

My three boys are sending sloppy kisses to Max and hugs to you.

Yay!!! I am so glad there are aquatread facilities near you! Make sure to ask what kind of schedule they recommend for him and whether there are things you can do at home to help -- like passive range of motion exercises and foot massage (which apparently helps keeps the neurons firing). I can't wait to hear how your boy does. Don't forget your camera! Chummie and I will be rooting for Max. :hearts:
Welcome to the forum... and POOR MAX! :(

I hope he feels better -- you too.
Best wishes to Max for a speedy recovery! As things progress, you might want to look into alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and massage. We have had some discussions in this forum recently about this topic, so you might want to check it out too.

Good Luck!

Laurie and Oscar
Welcome to the forum!

I too am so sorry to hear Max's injury. Hang in there! And please update us as often as possible on Max's recovery.

Let's give Max three rounds of sheepie bark for support...ROOF, ROOF, ROOF!!!!

Gigi and Clayden
Wishing Max a quick and full recovery!

(((for Max from Daisy and the boys)))
Wow - welcome to the forum. I hope Max heals completely and soon.
Oh my! Well, welcome to the forum and we're hoping for a speedy recovery.
My sheepies & i wishing you a full recovery soon.
Welcome and sorry to hear about your boy. Obe and I send a speedy recovery to Max. Only advice I can give is listen to Val.
:kiss: For Max and you from Willoughby the cats and me. :)
Prayers and good thoughts on the way.

Max has the most important thing on his side for a complete recovery, CARING PARENTS!

You are so lucky that you are coming here after Val and Chummie have been through so much and the other dog too from Alameda East. They are so much inspiration. Part of recovery too is knowing it is possible.

Your Max also has youth on his side.
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