Urinating in sleep problems with fully house-trained OES

Hi not sure if anyone else out there has this problem but our OES who is 4.5 yrs old, seems to be little incontenant when sleeping (she is fully house trained otherwise and has never had an accident whilst awake). I was told by someone this is because she has been de-sexed but not sure if this is accurate.

Problem is, because she sleeps inside and either on the timber floor or leather lounge (prefers these to her mat) she seems to soak up the wee and starts smelling absolutely awful by mid week. We can then barely go near her and definately not allow her in our bedroom etc. until after the weekend when we have had time to wash her again.

Is there anyone who has experienced the same problem and if so, any possible suggestions. I want to keep our behaviour with bella constant as at this stage the poor little chickie must think we are mad at her (we are cuddly and hands on early in the week, then tell her to leave the room later as we are gagging due to the smell of her coat).

Any comments would be appreciated!! Cheers Kathy
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Poor baby. There have been other posts about incontinence following spay surgery and there is a medication that may help. I will let someone with experience address that issue. But I can add that as a person with a sheepie that likes to get dirty, have you thought about trimming her fur so that cleanup is easier and less time consuming? If she had short hair in the critical areas, you might be able to clean her up with a washcloth or a baby wipe in between baths.

Just a thought so that you can keep cuddling your sweetie all week long.
Hi welcome to the forum. There has been a few posts about this problem if you read through the posts in the Medical section.

We have/had the same problem. Spay incontinence is very common in this breed, especially if you spay them later in life. In order to eliminate the problem there is a hormone based medicine called Proin. When girls are spayed they lack a hormone to keep their bladder muscles tightened. The Proin will take care of this. In the US a prescription from your vet is needed but the medicine itself is not expensive. Definitely look into getting the meds for her. It's no fun smelling urine, plus it will irritate your dog's skin.
I'm afraid I don't have any advise, but I'll be watching for what other people have to say, as our 8 year-old girl Abby has this same problem. Believe it or not, I was JUST about to post about it myself, when I saw this post! I was reading here on the forum, with Abby curled up next to me on the couch, and when she got up, I realized there was a small wet spot. This has happened before, and our vet has done lots of tests...no urinary infection, or other cause was ever found. Fortunately, for us, Abbys "accidents" are just little dribbles!
ravenmoonart wrote:
Iand our vet has done lots of tests...no urinary infection, or other cause was ever found.

Your vet never suggested spay incontinence? This is a very common thing that happens to spayed bitches with many breeds. We used to be left with big puddles, like she released her whole bladder though so maybe that is what threw them? Seems to always happen when she's sound asleep.
Hello Sydneysider :D greetings from Melbourne.

Two things, could be spay incontinence, There is a hormonal drug that a vet can prescribe to help with the drips called "Stilbestrol".

Firstly though I would have her checked for a mild urinary tract infection as well, that can also lead to drips and leaks if there is a slight infection there. Urine sample needs to be taken to the vets for assessing, then if that is clear, it will be an early incontinence problem that can be controlled with hormonal tablets. If it turns out to be just a UTI then prescribed anti-biotics will clear up the problem in no time. :wink:

Keeping the hair well trimmed around her you know what will help allieviate the urine smell at the moment till you find out what is causing the drips. Also get some waterless shampoo to do under her backside (Skirts area) to remove the urine and odour from her coat, it should help there for the time being with the smell and then you don't have to wait all week till the weekend to wash her, just quick spot treatment to get you by. You spray it on, rub with your hands then just dry with a towel. Bio-groom has a good one and you can get it up in Sydney at "Petcetera" an on line store as well. :wink:
Thanks all so much for your suggestions. No doubt after taking her to the vet, we will end up using one of the recommendations and get it all sorted so we can all live happily ever after. I have tried to upload some photos - although am a bit of a web novice and may not have done it correctly. I checked out all the oes piccies in the replies and they are adorable and appear to have led full and fun lives. It is great to see there are others out there who love their babies as much as we do!!! :)
Welcome to the forum!

Sorry that this issue led you here, but I'm glad you found us!
VerveUp wrote:
We have/had the same problem. Spay incontinence is very common in this breed, especially if you spay them later in life.

Actually as far as I know and understand, it happens more frequently in bitches spayed before their first heat. It can happen regardless of the time of spaying though.
Ditto stacey, early spaying more chance of earlier incontinence in this breed. :D
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