What's on your 10 things to do before I die list?

I thought I'd keep the list smaller as normally it's 50 things to do before I die list. (You revise it constantly as you achieve some of the goals.) This way we can all participate..yes Ron I want to hear yours and everyone elses!

I've been fortunate and have accomplished most of my 50 things but keep adding more - One was taking a stand up comedy course at a college which I mentioned on another post. Oh betcha Ron is jealous!

sits down and grabs bag of popcorn for some good reading.....

Marianne and the boys
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Get to a size 10 (uk) - think US is 6
Get Cadbury to make fat free chocolate, to help me on my size 10 journey !
See the pyramids - in person
retire in 5 years (at the age of 55)
take that train ride that goes thru the Canadian Rockies
learn to dance the salsa
lose about 20#
foster OES kids
teach my husband to close the kitchen cabinets
buy a house on the beach (won't happen, but I can dream)
take lapidary classes
have 100% recovery from Transverse Myelitis (I'm at 90% now - whoo hoo)
Be pregnant again before turning 35 in Oct.

Be on an acreage.

Be out of debt?...well most of it...LOL

Be a healthy weight.

Continue striving to be a great wife and mommy.

Go on a vacation that is outside my country. Like New Zealand.

Volunteer more...esp for spca, or nursery at the hospitals.

Be a foster home for babies or pets.

Go back to school so I can make a home business....like a boarding kennel.

Paint my house again.

Get rid of furniture, and get new stuff.

Have a container garden this summer.

Be willing to let other kids come into the house to play, more often.

Have an updated kitchen, esp the lino.

Learn piano with the kids this fall.

Go skating with hubby and kids. (I hate skating)

Take kids to learn to ski, and join them.

Take part in a walk for breast cancer, and remember my grandmother.

Be a volunteer at the kids school, and enjoy the moment.

:cow: this is hard...
Ollie's Mum wrote:
Get to a size 10 (uk) - think US is 6
Get Cadbury to make fat free chocolate, to help me on my size 10 journey !

This made me laugh because as crazy as women's sizing is, depending on the item. I have clothes in my closet (no exaggeration) from a 2 to a 12. You never know. You may have hit your goal already!

This is a really good question, Marianne. I really have to think about this. You'd think I'd have a list of stuff ready to go off the top of my head. Even I can't believe I'm this content! :twisted:
Here's mine:

1) Take Stand Up Comedy Course (enrolled last week)
2) Buy Acreage (someday) and have animal sanctuary
3) Appear on Mad TV
4) Travel to Venice
5) Travel to Holland
6) Bring garden back to former glory
7) Take University courses
8) Perform musical agility with Panda at an event
9) Visit the Great Apes in Gombe
10) Go to IBM (International Brotherhood of Magicians) convention.

(The last list I had, I did accomplish within a 5 year period - I'm writing this down as I hope to accomplish 9 of these goals within 5 years.) Number 2 is more long term - 10 years or +.

Marianne and the boys
Marianne - I know what agility is but what's MUSICAL agility?
Different than Freestyle??
What's with Canadians and acreage...lol, just kidding!
Hi Andy,

Here's an answer to your question: Musical agility or freestyle as otherwise known is choreographed steps with dog/upright dancing step to step with music. Not picking up dogs paws and walking with them as some might think. I've seen a couple shows and it's amazing!. Dogs twist and turn to the beat of the music with the uprights and go in and out through their legs. One champion last year was a dog dancing the flaminco with his mom and at the end brings her a rose between his teeth. There's a very famous vid out with a woman and her golden , perhaps someone can post the link?

Here's some photos of one woman and her career in musical agility.

This explains the rules/regs and clubs in North America


Barney..lol and funnier still is Canadians have a large land mass with only aprox 33 million citizens and we still all want to live on acreage!
Good question, Marianne. I'm always saying or thinking "that's on my list", but I've never actually sat down and made out the list. I'm going to have to think on it a bit.
Ooops...I didn't read the 10 part.

Acreages are great, but actually finding one close by our city is harder than I thought.

Hubby needs to work in the city. I grew up on a farm and I miss the peacefulness.
Hey - see my new post about freestyle. It is a video that is AMAZING!!!
1) Take Stand Up Comedy Course (enrolled last week)

wow, that's so neat, M! You're always full of surprises.

My top 10 list would be to just live life as God intended me to, so that when I go to Heaven, he won't boot me to a not-so-nice place. That's all. I'd be the happiest as long as that's accomplished.
I've never really thought about even a list of 10 (let alone 50).
I need to think on this one. I admire those of you that can rattle one off so well :D .
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