A day that only a dog person could understand

Today I went to get my hair done and while I was there, one of the other stylists came in with her little 3 month old Yorkie. He was so tiny and super cute so, of course, I scooped him and let him sit on my lap while the girl got settled and while my girl was working on me. After about 15-20 minutes, the girl came back to get the dog. He had been licking me and chewing on my fingers (he was teething and I let him chew and lick because it doesn't hurt when a Yorkie nibbles!) so I had wet spots all over the cape. When she picked him up, she looked down and goes, "Oh no, did he pee?" I don't know how I didn't notice, but, sure enough, he whizzed all over my lap. Thankfully, it was on the cape and I was really happy to find that they're waterproof so I came through dry and unscathed. The poor girl was mortified and kept apologizing. Really, it was just funny. There was no harm done and I kept teasing her that she wouldn't have to worry about taking him out for awhile. ;)

So, I came home from the salon, open the door and am immediately greeted with a horrendous stink. Poor Clyde had diarrhea all over the living room and dining room-- and himself. I lost yet another rug to poo. :( I went out about an hour later to get him Immodium and he had another episode while I was gone.

If you're keeping count, that's one getting-peed-on for me and 2 poo cleanings all in one day. I'm tired...
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Oh NO!!!

Was it at least a good haircut??

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It better have been a good haircut!

I hope the rest don't get the poops too 8O !
Oh no! Poor you, and poor Clyde :(

Any idea what caused this bout?
8) It's only up from here! (hope the day got better for you)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, it could have been worse................Clyde could have pooped in your lap instead of the yorkie peeing in it!!!
Oh dear - well at least you looked good cleaning up a mucky job !!

Poor Clyde, hope he is better now - I had two diarrea episodes last week, I sympathise 8O
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Well, it could have been worse................Clyde could have pooped in your lap instead of the yorkie peeing in it!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:
Every dog has its day; and so do us owners. Hope things go better today.

Yesterday I scheduled the day to paint the kitchen ceiling while the dogs are at the groomers. I just finished covering everything with plastic, including the door going outside when the phone rang and I was told the groomer was sick. So I painted with Barney and Maggie impatient because they couldn't be in the kitchen with me and couldn't go outside. Murphy stopped by my place too. :D
Oh Jill! 8O What a day!! :twisted: :twisted:

Bless your heart!! You definitely won't forget that day. 8O Don't you just hate that sick in the pit of your stomach feeling you get when you open the door and are greeted with that smell? You know one of your babies is not feeling well.

I hope Clyde is feeling better today. Wonder what caused him to be sick? :?
Must be something "in the air". I came home to that smell also. And since everyone is in crates....ewww...It was Dawn but thankfully she was able to wait until I got her outside for the real butt explosion to happen. Poor baby! We did end up losing a crate pad..I refused to put it in the laundry....yuck...thank goodness it was garbage day today. What we don't put up with for our four footed kids... :lol:

Glad I have my "secret weapon" cleaner to get rid of that smell. eww...it was bad.

Great story...and I too hope that it was a fantastic haircut!
Drez had a bout with diarhhea the other day too. Unfortunately, it was in the house. When we took her outside, she threw up her entire supper too. By yesterday she felt better, knock wood. Geesh!!
Oh Boy...I sure hope Clyde is feeling better today
Ew, Jill, I'm sorry! But it's true--better to have a yorkie pee in your lap than Clyde!

Pooy boy...I hope he feels better today.
hahaha jill ...dont mean to laugh :twisted: but that is funny....I would have talked you thru the poopie explosion!
No, I agree, the peeing part was funny. Everyone was so apologetic at the salon and it such a non-issue for me. I told the girl, "My big dog poops larger than your whole dog and I have to pick that up!" My stylist was laughing and yelling at the girl, telling her to lose her own clients. ;)

Clyde, unfortunately did not bounce back so well. I was up all night with him. When I finally did doze off, he went downstairs and had a couple more bouts all over the dining room. More butt washes than I can count. We just got back from the vet with some meds. The vet said she's seen a lot of it lately. She said a lot of it could be because the wild animals' poo and pee sits on top of the snow and then the dogs eat the snow (along with the poo and pee) and get sick or they track it in and lick the snowballs off their feet. Makes sense, I suppose. Sucks, but makes sense.

If I had to guess what wild animal caused it, I'd blame my neighbor's stupid dog that comes in my yard and poops and pees. :( So, I'm home babysitting today to make sure he doesn't start vomiting. If he does, we'll have to let the vet know as it could be more serious. I think he'll be fine though but I always like to err on the cautious side.
Oh Geez, Jill. What a crappy day :D :(
Poor Clyde! It's no fun to be sick. I hope he keeps it all in today...
Sorry to hear Clyde is still feeling poorly. :( Hopefully, the meds will kick in and he'll be back to normal quickly.

Hugs & kisses from me & the wigglebums....well...probably just a punch in the shoulder from Beau & hugs & kisses from me & Gen. :wink:
AW, feel better soon Clyde :(

Daisy (who loves to eat snow, and the boys (who eat snow then throw up :roll: )
Poor Clyde..... :pupeyes:

Poor Jill...... :pupeyes:

Hope things go uphill today for you....take it easy ...you need your rest....!
I hope Clyde is doing better! At least you have a good attitude Jill - you are definitely a dog person!
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