It's Me Merlin and I'm in Grade 6!

Hey furry friends and their uprights.

It's me Merlin. I'm writing this from Elementary School where I was invited to spend the day. I must be smart because they placed me in a grade 6 class!!! You'd be so proud of me..I sat when the kids did and rounded them all up at recess.

Well I'd better run and get back and make sure everyone is doing their jobs.

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Hey cool....can you steal the apple from the teacher for me....Ill give you extra kisses..

Hi Merlin. I'm too little to be in 6th grade. You must be really smart!
Chewie :D
Wow 8O You're old :D
Gosh Merlin - you're lucky!! I wish I could go to school. I like kids. :D Do they let you sit in their laps and eat out of their lunch boxes?? :P
:excited: :excited: CAN I COME TOO? CAN I? CAN I? I CAN BE CALM! CAN I? I WANT TO PLAY WITH KIDS? CAN I COME? CAN I? CAN I? :excited: :excited:

London "Trouble Maker" Hawks
Wow! Recess sounds fun - you are so lucky!

Harry (The Play "Ho")
So cool, can you go again?

Remy :excited:
Hey Kids watch out for those sloppy slurpy sheepie kisses. :lol:

Merlin on recess duty what a good boy keeping all those wild kids in line in the playground. Round-em-up and head them back to the classroom when the bell goes and recess is over, go merlin go. :banana:
Well sorry I didn't repond sooner to all my friends...boy was I wiped from my hard day in the 6th grade. How was I to know about angles and measuring degrees? I fell asleep halfway through the math class...okay maybe a bit longer. I laid between the kids desk ..stretched out and not a peep out of me! I only woke up at lunch and recess...cause you know food is a big motivator.

You wouldn't believe what my mom did...she's so embaressing at times. I did my business outdoors and she picked it up but only had a paper bag in her pocket. So she placed the bag underneath her van and said she'd dispose of it in an outdoor bin later on. She forgot about it and ran over it! oh I almost died when my mom had to race around the parking lot trying to clean it up as the wheels dragged it all over. :oops: :oops: :oops: Parents are sooooo embaressing sometimes.

London - YES!!! Panda girl,
the apple was plastic...phooey!
The kids didn't share their lunches with me as my mom brought Pizza flavored doggie treats but I did score some Sponge Bob cookies!!!
I was so well behaved the principal and teachers said I can come back anytime!

Way to go Merlin! Glad to hear you were invited back, you must have been a really good boy.

Marianne, how embarrassing!! But I can't help but laugh at the thought of it. :lol: Sorry! :oops:
8) Hey Merlin: I am glad to hear you had a great day at school. I am sure you wheren't the only one sleeping in class. lol Regarding the incident in the parking lot. You know your Mom is only doing these things so she has something for her comedy routine.......remember new career, 50 things she is going to do before she dies.........get it. You are really in for it now. lol :D (maybe it is good the heater isn't working....terrible smell from the tires)
Gold star for Merlin :kiss:
That's so awesome!!! :banana:
Thanks Everyone!

When Merlin was 12 weeks I tried to socialize him with a variety of situations ...crowds, traffic, loud noises, other dogs..ect. Although I haven't taken him to school with me in the last year I was pleased to see he remembered his manners. Well maybe more like shocked :wink: .

I'm very lucky my school is so pet friendly (5 staff members regularly bring their dogs to school almost daily). Granted they are little "wee" dogs with the exception of a Lab whom is being trained for work as a seeing eye dog some day.
My boys are so big that I haven't had much chance to bring them to school. I was so pleased that Merlin chose to lay stretched out near a particular child's desk,a little fellow whom has autism and is normally is afraid of dogs. OMG!! Hyper Merlin (the most rambunctious of my boys) was gentle as a LAMB and sat down each time a child was going to pet him!!! I think he was tring to advocate for all the sheepies out there and was a good ambassador for all big dogs.

I also had a chance to do a educational pet talk the day beforehand on how to approach dogs when you meet them for the first time, and I think that contributed to the success. (The children remembered not to crowd around him and not get over excited around him.)

Yuppers, Merlin made his mama proud!

Gold star for sure Ollies mom! As for the incident in the parking lot...well..ha ha have to laugh about it! Thanks again for all the comments everyone!

Marianne (can't log in due to computer problems)
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