How long is too long outside for a short haired breed?

I'm looking to gather some opinions here. As some of you know, I have a neighbor who continually rides the fence on neglecting his three dogs. They get no attention, no exercise and are horribly unsocialized. He leaves them outside for hours at a time unattended and they bark their heads off.

Obviously, it's been cold lately. Currently, where I'm at it's 21 with a wind chill making it feel like 8 degrees. He has had his little pit mix tied up outside since before we came home from work at 5:30 and it's 9 now. The dog has no food, water or shelter and it's freezing out there. Am I making a big deal out of this? I know it's only a few hours but I think it's terrible. It would be one thing if it were a one time thing but our neighbors regularly do this-- it's not an accident. The dogs are left unattended outside all day quite often. I admit, the barking drives me crazy, but that's only part of it. I can't even blame them-- they're bored. They get no stimulation and never leave their yard or tethers. Ultimately, these dogs seem to live a miserable life.

Our Michigan law says:
(a) “Adequate care” means the provision of sufficient food, water, shelter, sanitary conditions, exercise, and veterinary medical attention in order to maintain an animal in a state of good health.

(h) “Neglect” means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized.

(j) “Shelter” means adequate protection from the elements and weather conditions suitable for the age, species, and physical condition of the animal so as to maintain the animal in a state of good health.

Am I just being overly sensitive but do you think a few hours out in this cold is violating these laws? Or is it just generally inhumane but not really neglect? I'm wondering if my anger about the situation is cluding my judgment.
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It sounds like all the laws are being broken :evil: I can't imagine how that dog is suffering, no food or even shelter to break the wind. I know it's snowing there which makes it worse, and will probably be below 0 soon. I think something needs to be done or it won't matter, the dog will die :( What I can't understand is why these people even have dogs :x
It is all over the by-law.

1- Inadequate care, 2-lack of shelter and 3-definitely the animals health is being jeapardized.

Please call animal control before the dog gets frost-bite.
Bosley's mom wrote:
It is all over the by-law.

1- Inadequate care, 2-lack of shelter and 3-definitely the animals health is being jeapardized.

Please call animal control before the dog gets frost-bite.

I agree
ARRRGGGGHH! I picked up the phone to call and looked out the window and the guy just came out to let the other 2 dogs out. Now he took in the freezing pitbull and let out another one. This drives me crazy because this is how this always works. He always manages to change the situation right in the nick of time before I call or someone else does. If animal control doesn't actually see the neglect happen, they don't do anything.

I really don't understand why he has three dogs. The worst part is, he thinks he's a great owner. He talks about how his vet is so great because he treats his dogs like they're her own. Wow, that's scary. 8O
Document, document, document. Start taking photos with date and time. Then it doesn't matter when you call.
Poor puppy!!
That must be so frustrating to see and not be able to do anything about it! I don't think you're overreacting at all.

Start recording/documenting what you see. Photos, video, a notebook recording times and conditions. When you have enough to take to the authorities, even if they only get a warning hopefully it will be enough for your neighbour to change the way they treat their dogs. If they don't change, then the second time you go to the authorities with evidence hopefully they'll get more than a warning.

Good for you for looking out for the other dogs in your neighbourhood! :go:
If he thinks so highly of his vet, get the name and take the documentation to him/her. Ask how long a pit bull can survive 9 degrees tied to a tree w/o developing frost bite? Lay some other statistics on her, maybe she can bang some sense into his head. As for leaving the dogs unattended for hours, I'm ashamed to say that was me originally :oops: People want dogs, but don't want them in the house........I understand and not don't understand.
I actually have been documenting for awhile. I can tell you without hesitation that his other dog has gotten into my yard 15 times in the last 3 months. Then once he's in the yard, he's there an average of an hour and a half (yes, I'm really documenting!).

The last time that I had to get the dog out of the yard after he had been there for over 3 hours (did I mention that the neighbor won't respond to knocking? He plays video games with head phones or sleeps so he doesn't come to the door), I called animal control and the officer was not interested in any documentation. He was very self important and said that only his word mattered. "Everything is at my discretion, you have no input," was exactly what he said.

I'm getting ready to make a nuisance of myself now because I'm really tired of this. I hate those dogs but I still don't like to see them mistreated.
Good for you! That man doesn't deserve the luxury of the company of dogs. And someone should have that animal office fired :!: Talk about self important, he shouldn't have anything to do with animal welfare.
That's terrible. :( I wish the animal control guy at the very least would have stopped by and told him he needed to provide shelter for his pets if they were going to be outdoors for long periods of time. :(
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