Poor Drake is so lonely!

Hi all it has been a little while, busy summer! Poor Drake does not know what to do with himself and is going a liitle nuts because the kids are away for the week (which is one reason I have time to write to you all). They left yesterday and today Drake is acting very strange. He keeps on going to the windows and looking out and barking, I guess he is calling for the kids. He normaly takes a nap in the morning but has not even relaxed for a minute, he is either pacing or chewing everything in site. I hope he settles down a little bit or else I am not going to be able to get all the things I wanted to do while the kids are gone. :?

Also my daughter came through her surgury well and Trevor won the last 5 of his 6 ball games 8)
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Good to hear from you! Welcome back!
Poor Drake, he misses his pack....
Glad to hear things are going well :)
Hi there,

It is nice to have you back on. I also am glad to hear that your daughters ear surgery went well. If your anything like me, even though they say it's nothing, I still worry. :wink: That is wonderful that Trevor won 5 out of 6 games! Way to go, Trevor! :D
Poor Drake is missing his kids, huh. Poor guy, when does his babies come back home? He won't know what to do when they start back to school. It isn't too much longer for us, August 19th is when mine go back. I am not looking forward to losing my babies this year with Ashlan going into 1st grade and Joey in half day preschool. I guess the house will stay cleaner. LOL.
I hope you can stay awhile :wink: , Stormi and co.
Wow, do most schools in the states start school so soon? Here they never go back until after labor day, always the first monday in september, so this year they go back on september 7th.
No, not all schools, here in Oklahoma they scatter the towns so that not all schools start at the same time. I don't really know why, but I know a few towns that start 2 weeks behind my kids. We get out in late May. It works out better here when our summers can start in May and end in September. They give quite a few days off during the year, I like that, but I don't have to find the childcare when it happens. :wink: Stormi
Our school here in Manchester (IA) starts on Aug 24 or 25. They always start out on a Tuesday or Wednesday, not sure why. Maybe they think the kids can't handle a whole week to start! And there are some schools in Cedar Rapids that are now going year-round with 2 week breaks in between terms. They say the kids really like that better, but I don't see it happening in the rural areas, at least not yet. There are still too many family farms where the kids are needed to help out in the summer.
School starts here in Wichita the last week of August. However, I go back August 2nd to get ready for enrollment. Our school is currently under construction and will be 2x larger when finished. I just found out yesterday that the air conditioning isn't in yet! That means 100 degree heat with no a/c for a while. I'm sure enrollment will be fun (NOT!)..... The summer sure flew by!
My daughter starts school (U of IL) on Aug.24.

I drive her down to Champagne on Aug 21st. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

That sure is going to be a long, lonely ride home.

My baby's going to college :(
Drake is doing a little better today but is still being a sticky sheepie! He is still barking at everything he hears outside but the pacing has stopped. I am not sure if he is barking for the kids anymore or if he just hears more of what is going on outside because the house is so quite :lol:

The kids start school on th 23rd and this will be the first year they are all gone as Victoria starts kindergarden. My last baby is going to school :cry: I did my first drop of at college 2 years ago with my oldsest going to Eastern Illinois University and I can not believe we are already talking about graduation in a couple of years. Boy they grow up way to fast! For the first month or so I was talking to her twice a day and she was coming back home so often I told her she could not come back again until Thanksgiving! Then she got involved with school and a boy and now she is hardly home and I talk to her about once a week. I said boy what a differience a boy and year makes. She even stayed up there this summer because of a job. I miss her very much but I am very proud and excited for her.

As far as year around school goes I would really hate that because I really enjoy spending the summer with my kids! Lord knows they are up and out of here way to fast so I hang on to every moment I have with them.

The kids will be back at the end of the week and I am sure Drake will be all over them. When we went on vacation with out Drake the kids missed him so much and were upset that I would not drive an additional 3 hours to get him the day we came home. We had to get up first thing the next morning to pick up Drake, it kind of reminded me of how the kids get on Christmas morning all excited about the presents under tree. We could not leave early enough. Drake was so happy to see the kids! As I wrote before the next week Drake went nuts when he saw me taking out the suitcases again but that time he got to come also. This time I hide the suitcases from Drake so he would not know sombody was leaving :? Next time Drake may rip the suitcases to shreds if he sees them :lol: 8)
Boy, I don't know if I could handle the year round thing either. Noah starts preschool this fall. It's only on Fridays for 2 1/2 hours (and it's just around the corner), but I'm not sure I can handle it. He needs time away from mom, though. It's just that he had a rough start, 22 days old before he could come home, and we had to drive 45 min each day to go see him.
Oh well...COOPER and LIZ don't have to go to school!
Brenda, I was in the same boat as you last year....Joey was 3 and went to a preschool M,W,F for 2 1/2 hours a week. He also had a rough few years, but he is now a very healthy boy. I am sorry your son had a rough start, it sounded as if he is doing better, I am glad to hear that. I hear all of these mom's around me saying how happy they were when school comes back that the kids are out of their hair then. I am glad I don't feel that way, but it is so emotional to see them growing up so fast. My daughter, Ashlan, turns 7 soon and I told my husband that if the next 7 years go as fast as the first 7 did that if we blink she would be 14. I can't say it has been any slower with Jack or Annabelle, this first year has just flown. I kind of thought the all year around sounded nice, instead of waiting 9 months for some time with them.
Intradan, I am glad to hear Drake is a little better, he will be glad to see his kids when they get home. So your baby is starting kindergarten, is it full day or half day? It is Ashlan's first year to go full day, and Joey will go halfday this year. I feel for you, I guess you know how it feels to have them really grow up. It is wonderful that your oldest has done so well. I bet you are so proud! :wink: Stormi and co.
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