Roof Rats.....

I now have a new subterm.....roof rats can be people too....

Last night about 2:30 am...I awoke to running across my roof, laughing and a few swear words....

Called the police...they were out within minutes with the lighted helecopter and four officers with guns drawn....

I did everything right this time....left the alarm set, didnt turn any lights on and stayed on the phone with dispatch....

They didnt find anyone but a scared woman with an even more fearful officer said that Panda was the most "beautiful, useless dog he had ever met" 8O and got a HUGE laugh at our "Beware of DOG" sign on our back gate....

Why does this stuff never happen when Brian is at home??????
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Yikes! That's outrageous and scary. Sounds like the policy made a valiant effort though.

Darcy wrote:
one officer said that Panda was the most "beautiful, useless dog he had ever met" 8O

That's funny because I was just reading the line up for the Boulder Film Festival next week and there is a short film called "Useless Dog" about a sheepdog that is afraid of sheep. I found the film online:
Useless for vandals...but if those were sheep on the roof I am sure Panda would have taken care of it :lol: ...well maybe stuffed-animal sheep
Val, that was the funniest think Panda may be a long lost
PEOPLE WERE RUNNING ON YOUR ROOF?????????????????????????? 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

What kind of neighborhood do you live in?????????

make note-cancel plans to visit Darcy
I happen to live in a VERY nice neighborhood surrounded by ghetto......i guess thats what happens when you buy into a historic neighborhood....downtown area that has good spots and bad spots.....

If only we could ''fence'' off our whole neighborhood....
Tasker's Mom wrote:

make note-cancel plans to visit Darcy

LMAO... ditto!! 8O

Seriously Darcy, you need to talk to Panda. She may have a complex now, mean officer saying she is useless! :evil: She is a Princess you know! :lol:

Must have been scary... I don't think I'd want to come home alone anymore for a while.
Scary! 8O I'm glad you called the police this time.
Even if they did insult Panda. :roll: :lol:
well, it didnt help any that she kept dropping a tennis ball at the feet of one officer hoping to entice him into a game of late night fetch.....when that didnt work, she laid on the ground groaning and wiggling with all 4 legs in the air....

Shameless flirt....
Yowza!! Guess you'll have to install motion detectors for your house alarm on the roof!! :roll:
Darcy wrote:
I Last night about 2:30 am...I awoke to running across my roof, laughing and a few swear words....

Called the police...they were out within minutes with the lighted helecopter and four officers with guns drawn....

I think it's time for you guys to move! I would hate not feeling secure in my own home...

We have a friend that bought a house a half hour outside of Washington, DC for 185 k (before the boom) and basically the house had to be gutted. It's located in what I would call a ghetto as they have been broken into twice and she has gotten mugged on her own sidewalk.
ironically, i actually DO feel safe in my house....i know it doesnt matter what you pay for a house...there is always an off change that you could be robbed.....I just feel violated that people obviously do not respect others property, whether it be a prank or for real....
Amanda P wrote:
Useless for vandals...but if those were sheep on the roof I am sure Panda would have taken care of it :lol: ...well maybe stuffed-animal sheep

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Definitely having an alarm & dog (even useless) in the house are great deterrents but it's just a little scary that you've had 2 incidences in a relatively short time. I just feel bad that you have to go through that.
i just wish Brian would have been home....Im starting to think that HE thinks that im overreacting......
Darcy wrote:
well, it didnt help any that she kept dropping a tennis ball at the feet of one officer hoping to entice him into a game of late night fetch.....when that didnt work, she laid on the ground groaning and wiggling with all 4 legs in the air....

Shameless flirt....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The mental picture of Panda has me rolling.
That's crazy. I never even thought of someone doing that! I'm glad you guys are ok.

No matter where you live, and how secure you think you are, you're never safe from someone who really wants to access to your home or belongings. Obviously areas with historically higher crime rates are going to increase that chance, but even the best neighborhoods have incidents. I think depending on where you live, there's a different kind of thug for your neighborhood!

As Darcy knows, Grosse Pointe is a wealthy city in Michigan and a lot of those little rich punks love to mess around by stealing car stereos and breaking into garages. The last time we went to visit a friend, someone egged James's new car. It happens everywhere.
Darcy, I'm so glad you're okay! Did they just run across once? Or did they stay up there? I wish the helicopter had found them.

Poor Panda...she's letting you know that just because she's a dog she doesn't have to be useful! they didnt stay up there...what i think i heard was one of them falling least i have really steep roofs...this may be mean to say, but i hope one of them hurt themselves...........
Scarey stuff and glad you and panda are ok :D
YIKES!! I can't believe they had four policemen and a helicopter there in minutes - were they standing by? Sounds like they're really trying to help.

Scary though. Is your house close enough that they could've jumped from another house's roof onto yours? Or did they come into your yard and then climb up onto your house? I don't know why it matters, but it just seems more invasive if they "targeted" your house.

Have to laugh at Panda though. She makes the most of every situation. House guests at 2:00 a.m.? Let's play fetch!! :lol:
yes our house to the south is within jumping distance of our neighbors carport...
OMG Dacy that's scary. But I have my LMAO at the thought of Panda. Most of our sheepies would do the same though.
Wow! I'm so glad you guys are OK. Stuff like that is scary enough without you being home alone. By the way, Darcy really does live in a lovely house in a charming neighborhood. But she does live on the corner of an alley, which probably make her more of a target for mischief.

I'm not sure what Bailey would have done about people on the roof - he would have been perplexed. But woe unto them if they had come anywhere near the front door. In fact, Kyle's buddy just knocked on the door and Bailey scared the snot out of him. He sure sounds mean... But I still rely on the alarm anyway.
one officer said that Panda was the most "beautiful, useless dog he had ever met

That's the way I've felt about all my sheepies. Well, I dare say Jack would put up a good bark, if you woke him up first. :lol:

Glad all is well.
What the heck, Darcy???! 8O The scariest things happen to you. Do you have a target on yoru house?
Stacy wrote:
What the heck, Darcy???! 8O The scariest things happen to you. Do you have a target on yoru house?

Im beginning to feel like it :? I just wish some of it would happen when brian IS home!!!
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