
Has anyone read "Secret"? All of the sudden there seems to be a lot of buzz about it.

I think it's some sort of self-help book.
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Are you talking about the metaphysical movie The Secret?

It's been making it around for quite a while now and at one point could be downloaded on the internet for free and also there were parties you could attend and watch it.

It's awesome.
I think it maybe a movie...I'm not sure. I just saw something about on the news, how its a best selling book now, and a lot of people say, it changed their lives (for the better).

Is that it?
There was a whole Oprah show about it yesterday. I was kind of watching it (working at the same time...) but the concept seems to be that you basically control your own destiny by your thought processes. Kind of like think happy thoughts. I believe there is a lot of truth to that but then again things do just happen, so I don't know how you would control them. :roll:
Maybe its the theory of making lemonade from lemons.

I'm curious about the book. Think I'll have to pick it up.
VerveUp wrote:
There was a whole Oprah show about it yesterday. I was kind of watching it (working at the same time...) but the concept seems to be that you basically control your own destiny by your thought processes. Kind of like think happy thoughts. I believe there is a lot of truth to that but then again things do just happen, so I don't know how you would control them. :roll:

Sounds very similar to The Celestine Prophecy that had a similar buzz when it came out about 10 years ago.
here is the link
I watched Oprah yesterday and thought.........this is a real crock :roll:

All very "New Age".
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I watched Oprah yesterday and thought.........this is a real crock :roll:

All very "New Age".

Yeah, I am always wary of the people who seem a little too happy & upbeat... I always wonder what lies beneath. They seemed kind of cult-like to me.
Th Secret is about the law of attraction. It is about being positive and using the power of positive thought to attract what you want in life.
You don't get what you want through "positive thought" you achieve results through positive "action"; working hard getting an education, treating people well.

I believe that being a "positive person" helps to attract people and opportunities that have a good end result. ANd I suppose there is a certain degree of "positive thought" required to achieve that. But , that panel made it sound a bit to simplistic.
It isn't only about positive 'thought" it deals with actions as well. It isn't as simplistic as "I want this" and boom its there.
It is about choosing how to deal with what you are given and how to improve on that. You chose your own destiny.
This isn't a new concept, a lot of other people have written similar things about this subject. But since it was Oprah, it is all the 'buzz' now.
Boy, that sure was the message on Oprah. I can't remember what the third word was but it was some like "Believe", "Receive" and "_____".

There were only two people on the panel who really SAID action was required (the black woman with the stand up hair and the Chicken soup guy). The others were all kinds of "easy breezy".
I have the Secret DVD, and the book. I find this kind of subject fascinating. The thoughts in it are similar to Sarah Ban Breathnach and Wayne Dwyer. Some of the things in there are also similar to what Dr.Phil is always you teach people how to treat you.....
I have the CD. If you keep positive thoughts and take positive action toward the goal of that thought you can acheive it. Dr. Wayne Dyer talks alot about the same thing. Stay positive and you atract positive people. Example: If you go to a job interview and don't have a positive upbeet apearance and outlook towards that job, odds are you won't get it. The Little Engine That Could.

It's like a smile, Smile at someone and they will usualy smile back, and is infectious :D
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