Any sign???


About 2 weeks ago we brought a 11 months old girl-OES Loona. Could anybody help me to cope with some problems we have with her, PLEASE?
We took Loona from a country-side located kennel and brought to a noisy city and I see that she cannot get used to the sounds and surroundings. She is afraid of air-plains, stairs (we are living on the 6th floor), streets, vehicles, people - everything.. :cry: Are there any ways to help her?

Another problem we are facing is her toilet matters. We see that she is not happy when she DOES it inside, however, she doesn't know how to ASK for going outside.. Is it still a teachable thing for a dog older than a puppy :oops: ?

Vilnius, Lithuania, EU
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Hi and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your new baby! I can't really give you much info on how to deal with your problems, but there are other members who will post good advice! How long have you had her living with you? We took a puppy from a quiet farm life to NYC, in addition to that we live next to the train! She was afraid for a few days, and then she got used to it. I let her watch the train from the window, and then took her out for about 5 minutes and sat with her, holding her and telling her it was ok. Now she is a trooper with the noise the train makes. I would say that its a matter of time. Intoroduce her to the cars, stairs, etc. slowly. Do you have wee wee pads for her to go potty on? It will work out.
Hi and congratulations on the new addition to your family.

First - yes you can teach a dog of ANY age proper toilet habits. We got our first dog when he was somewhere between 11 and 12 years of age. He had never been inside and obviously had never been house trained. or taught to go up stairs, or leash trained etc. With some perserverance and watching his body language very carefully we were able to housetrain him in about two weeks. Just watch Loona carefully and give her a little time to figure out what you want her to do. You'll soon be able to figure out when she wants to go outside. While you are working on training Loona, just get some Nature's Miracle to clean up any accidents.

As for getting used to the noise, that will also take some time. You may want to get some Bach's Rescue Remedy (available at health food stores) and either put a few drops in her water dish daily or put 4 drops in an ounce of water and give her a droperful twice a day. This will not affect any medications she is already taking. It may however help her anxiety.

Good luck.
By the sounds of it, you didn't get your pup until she was 11 months old - is this correct? She's learned alot over the months - and much of that "learned" behavior will not be what you hoped for - and will involve some re-training. It will take a little more effort and time - but it will work!

What was her upbringing like before she came with you? Was she socialized, receive any training, etc? Where did she stay (crate trained and/or inside dog, outside dog)???

I would enroll her in a positive reinforcement training program ASAP - where she can learn to socialize - learn some basic manners and also get used to different things (noises, etc.).

Try and convince her to go up the stairs - by offering her treats (6 flights is not going to be an easy task!). You can get her used to noises by distracting her with some obedience commands - and or play during a noisy period (you can also buy some tapes that have noises on them to de-sensitize her).

She needs to gain some confidence - and by providing her with positive reinforcement training and socialization - she'll do much better!

In terms of housebreaking - you'll have to start off at square one - this will take some time - but you're one step ahead because at her age - she can physically hold it longer!

Best of Luck!
Thanks for information. I took a couple of weeks vacation from work in order to understand Loona's behavior better. I think she is making a progress everyday. Yesterday I heard her first real bark, when I was getting home late :) And from Tueday there were no accidents at home! We go for a walk every day in the same hours and I think this helps her. Probably the former accidents were mainly influenced by the sudden fright of some noisies??...
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