

I have a 16 month old OES named Winston, we also had an 11yr old golden retriver who died last Wednesday. Although I would not have said that the dogs were "close" they did not play together and generally seemed to just tolerate one another, Winston has been very quiet since Simba's passing. He used to follow me where ever I went but now he basically just lays around and doesn't even get up to greet us when we come home like he used to.

Also, although he seems fine when sleeping or lying down as soon as he gets up and starts walking he scratches the same spot on his shoulder...can this be related to his coping with the loss of Simba or is something else going on?

If anyone has experienced any similar behavior I would appreciate any suggestions on how to help Winston through this.

Thanks in advance,
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Hi Diedre,

I really don't have any advice, I would "think" the behavior could be related to the passing. Winston could be sensing that you are grieving and be having a reaction to your emotion. There are others who would be able to answer your question.
I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss of Simba. I wish you and your family peace. Stormi and co.
PS, Welcome to the forum, stay and look awhile. We would love to hear about Winston and Simba.
I'm so sorry for your loss....
I really don't know, as I've never been in that situation.
As Stormi said, welcome, and please stay and tell us all about your dogs.
Hi again,

Thank you both for your kind messages.

Simba was a wonderful friend and he will be missed....I am suprised to find myself misting up a bit writing this. He was a quiet and timid guy who only wanted to be loved. He was diagnosed with lymphoma and thankfully passed peacefully in his sleep.

Winston our OES is a total joy. He is friendly and smart and the "baby" in the family. He is spoiled rotten and really has added a lot of happiness to our family. I had an OES as a child and always wanted another one.

I have read this forum since we got Winston and have enjoyed reading the posts of other OES lovers.


ps. Winston seems a bit livlier and has jumped up on the couch to sit by me....a good sign!
Hi, sorry to hear about Simba's passing. I think that Winston's scratching behavior is related to the passing of Simba. Especially if it's in the same spot each time. Please keep an eye on it so that a hot spot doesn't develop. Even though they weren't best of buds I am sure Winston is grieving the loss of Simba. Simba was part of his pack.

After losing our dog in February our cats even grieved which surprised me. We also lost one of our cats at the end of March and the remaining one still isn't himself. Not eating as much, meowing a lot.

Give Winston plenty of extra attention and I am sure he will be fine.
Hi again Diedre,

I was thinking and Winston and Jack are only a month apart. Jack turned 15 months old yesterday. I would say puppyhood goes by so fast, but with our OES it isn't the case, they do get bigger.... but they keep the puppy in them.
I also had an OES a child and was excited to raise my children with them as well. I am glad Winston seems to be feeling better. Stormi and co.
I am so sorry about Simba. We also lost a furry friend three months ago. He was a good and wise old cat. We still miss him. Your baby will get better. He misses his pack member, and sences your grief as well. As all begin to heal, it will get better for you and your furry family member.
I'm sorry to hear of Simba's passing.

It is common for dogs to experience grief over a loss of a companion. It may take up to several weeks for Winston to get back to normal. Be sure to give Winston the opportunity to socialize with other dogs and give him lots of love! Give yourselves all some time to grieve.


I'm really sorry to hear of Simba's passing. Hugs to you for losing a friend which is really difficult.

A long time ago I had a cat that meowed as if in agony ...those mornful long meows and took him to the vet. Turned out we finally surmised it was due to his losing his friend. The vet said "definately animals mourn the passing of a friend"

With the recent passing of my 15 1/2 year old Shaggy, her lifelong pal Blue whom is 15, developed a hot spot shortly after. While I couldn't consider them the best playmates as he would sit beside her they never played together but seemed to enjoy being in close proximity to each other.

The most amazing thing happened recently. Blue whom had always paced himself with Shaggy on our walks...both sleeping during the day and going for these S L O W walks to the end of our block. I thought he was also nearing the end of his life. After a few weeks he's playfighting with Merlin (my 10 month old Sheepie) , the two have developed quite a bond.

Now, that's where I'm suprised the most although I have heard of old dogs suddenly acting like pups with a younger dog. Blue is 15 and until now I had never seen him playfighting with another dog!

Perhaps you may consider getting Winston a playmate which doesn't necessarily have to be another Sheepie. Or like you mentioned in your post you are developing a stronger bond with him each day and it may be that after a time of mourning he'll be back to his usual self.

Good luck and keep us informed how he is doing.

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