A Year Without Mopsy

It has been a year since we lost our Mopsy. We filled the void left behind in our physical lives with our loveable crazy Harrington. But our already full hearts expanded to include both of our babies. We all still talk about her and I still tear up periodically.

I have often given my boys an ornament for St. Nicholas Day so when they came home for break this year I had two for each of them. A 2006 ornament with a picture of "Happy Harry" and a 1995 ornament like the one on the tree for the last 11years of Mopsy. I found them online and scanned the picture of a six week old Mopsy so that they would each have a childhood ornament of their childhood dog to take with them.

They arrived home on separate days but their reactions were the same. They got real quiet when they saw it so I know they were touched.

Her tribute post is a little long but if you feel like stopping in to see the dog that we loved so much the link is below:


We miss you little bear!

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She was so beautiful, Judi!
So was the tribute.
We are about to mark a year since our GSD, Harley went to the Rainbow Bridge.
He has definitely been on our minds a lot.
Judi I can feel in your post how very much you miss Mopsy.... they truly do touch our lives forever.
The ornaments were a beautiful idea...
Hugs Judi! Hopefully, you can smile thru those tears....she was beautiful!
Lots of Hugs for you Judi, it is such a terrible loss. Were it not for the overwhelming joy they add to our lives while they are with us you would almost wonder why we open ourselves to such pain.
Hi Judi,

What a wonderful tribute and how touched your boys must have been with such a thoughtful gift.

Mopsy will live forever in your mind and heart. She was truly a special girl.

Marianne and the boys
Just such a wonderful tribute to Mopsy Judi, they are all so special and really do touch our hearts and minds forever, they take a piece of our heart with them to keep with them forever.

Thanks for sharing Mopsy with us, I have a 2nd Anniversary coming up soon, still miss her terribly, but wonderful, special memories are there forever :D
Judi, it is so apparent how much you loved Mopsy, and I remember trading emails with you about our girls' shared hip problems. You will always tear up when you think about the special times with her, even if those special times were just when you were cuddling with her. She will live in your hearts forever, as well she should. My sympathies, even after a year.
the tribute is beautiful but your love for her is her biggest tribute
Your tribute to your girl was so touching. What a wonderful way to remember all the joy and love she brought to your life. They change us and take a part of us with them when they go.
What a beautiful tribute to a very special sheepie!
It's just so sad to lose your sheepie. We lost our Katrina in January FIVE years ago. I feel your pain. :(
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