American Idol

Anyone in this year?
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I watched some of this, hoping to catch the guy they teased before the first show.

If I recall he was heavy set and sang "Stormy Monday."

Did I just miss him? I assume he made it through if I did.
Hmmmmmmmm :roll:

I don't remember him. Sorry....
I'll be watching b/c I know everyone I know will be, but it got off to a boring start imho. Usually, I'm cracking up, but in an effort to be funny, the show itself was a little slow last night.

The 16 yo boy who complained that his parents didn't come to support him, but got through to hollywood ...had me all choked up. I loved his soft voice, and he's cute, but I couldn't tell if he liked girls or not (yet). I hope so.:hearts:

I felt bad for the vocalist teacher. HOW EMBARRASSING for him. If I was a student of his, I'd definitely quit after seeing him last night.

Then I got laughs from the guy who they asked to sing a different song w/o his "rock star" scratchy voice, and he couldn't do it. Then he said, "no wait, I can do marvin gaye..." then used the same exact voice. hilarious.

I had shakira in my head the entire night though.
Ya know, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out what Jewel was doing there. She was personality-less and totally useless.

I just didn't get it.
Yeah, she added nothing to last night's show.

I'm upset that AI comes on the same night as my Beauty and the Geek. :( I'll be switching back and forth the entire hour. Thankfully AI is usually 50 min. of recaps when it gets down to the top 10.
There was on singer...can't even remember now if it was a man or woman...but the screeched the beginning of the song. Poor Pirate! I could tell his ears were hurting!!!!
What a bunch of losers!!!! And the next city, (is it tonite?) looks to be even worse!

This show has become more of a comic relief, and a contest to see who can be insulted and embarassed on TV the most. I cannot believe all the folks who have been taking lessons and have singing degrees etc. AND CAN'T SING!!!

I haven't watched if the past few runs, so has it changed? I was so hoping to see a lot of talent...there was some, but not much...
I'm in - reality shows are my guilty pleasure. Although I thought last night was slow, too. I don't really want to know the backgrounds of the people at this point - I just want to laugh at the horrible performances.
debcram wrote:
There was on singer...can't even remember now if it was a man or woman...but the screeched the beginning of the song. Poor Pirate! I could tell his ears were hurting!!!!

:lol: :lol: Beau & Gen had that same reaction, Deb! It was so funny. They were both asleep beside me and when she started that screeching, they sat up, looked at the TV, cocked their heads to one side and then they both looked at me as if to say "What IS that??? 8O " I laughed so hard I almost fell off the sofa. :lol: :lol:
Bosley's mom wrote:
This show has become more of a comic relief, and a contest to see who can be insulted and embarassed on TV the most. I cannot believe all the folks who have been taking lessons and have singing degrees etc. AND CAN'T SING!!!

Obviously, they purposefully let these people in for their comedic value. There are at least three "try-outs" with AI people before they ever make it in front of Simon, Paula and Randy. And you know the screeners can't all be tone deaf. :wink:
i felt bad for the 16 yr old boy that did the juggling act while singing....boy was he bad, but for all of them to tell him he would be better on americas got talent was mean...but funny :twisted:
I don't like most reality shows... other than Survivor and even that is losing my interest the last couple seasons.
I've tried to watch american idol a couple of times, but I guess I don't see the point to it. For me, tv is entertainment.... and watching and listening to complete losers isn't my idea of fun. I think I was spoiled by Star Search in the Ed McMahon days, THAT was a good show. :lol:
That 16 year old boy, really seemed to have some "issues". Nope...he had so many issues, I think he had a subscription! :rimshot:
Okay, tonight was kind of slow too. In the other seasons, the auditions are the best part, but this season ...the contestants are taking it too seriously (as they should), so what it meant to be funny is just sad, pitiful, and VERY DRAWN OUT.

That guy that looked like one of those weird creatures from LOTR (huge eyes) and his overweight friend were hilarious. I really liked his friend (overweight guy), and am SO glad no one made fun of him! But LOTR dude really thought his stuff didn't stink. :lol:

Red cracked me up too!

That 6'4 chick was ...well, tall. ;)

Having only one exit door was annoying. I got tired of them saying "the other door."
Being 6'3" myself.... *sigh*.

Well, I saw the guy again that I had seen hyped 3 days ago... he was being hyped as part of the Memphis tryouts next week. I think that was a dirty trick, that worked-- I wouldn't have been watching but for the hope of seeing that guy.

Sad thing is, they showed him doing a slightly later section of "Stormy Monday" and it wasn't nearly as good as the first part I had heard him do 3 days ago. Now I'll have to watch next week to see if he is any good at all.
1. you're a guy
2. with heels, which she had on, she was 6'7
3. who in the world wants to be that tall (and not be a basketball player or a guy)?

4. it's past midnight where you are, shouldn't you be sleeping, so you can wake up early tomorrow to celebrate something special that happens just once a year? 8)

I don't know the guy you're talking about. I didn't get to hear some of them closely because I had my mom and lil j making lots of noise ...and I just couldn't make out what some of the contestants were singing.
I was sighing at the pleasant thought of dating someone in my same height range, and back in leisure suit days, that would have included my 3 or 4 inch platform shoes. :D
Yea...the exit door thing is getting my nerves. If everyone is trying to leave out of the other door...why don't they just unlock it?

I finding many of the auditions "sad". Tony said its like watching the special olympics. Even though that sounds cruel, I know what he means. Some of these people seem to really have some problems and are not funny. The geeky guy (who sang whatever song is supposidly Simon's fav) was just sad. The heavy guy was sad...the big eyed guy was sad.

I'm not enjoying this much. I'm feeling badly for these folks, not because they stink, but because I have the feeling AI is using them for a sideshow effect.
debcram wrote:
I finding many of the auditions "sad". Some of these people seem to really have some problems and are not funny. I'm not enjoying this much. I'm feeling badly for these folks, not because they stink, but because I have the feeling AI is using them for a sideshow effect.

I agree that AI is taking advantage of thses folks for sake of ratings. I felt so sorry for the mother/daughter team......where the daughter sang, and the mom was her support. I usually enjoy Simon's harsh critisms, but now I think he is just being hurtful on purpose, where there is no need of that.

I think that I will put off watching any more until the talent part starts...with the real competitors. Right now it is like watching a freak show at a circus... :cry:
Personally, I think this season is "sad," BUT I don't necessarily feel BAD for them. They ALL have seen the show before. The reality of auditions is being turned down with a WTH were you thinking, you're fat, you're not good enough, you're just terrible, etc... There are always people who are going to take it VERY HARD when being told the truth. The truth that maybe their parents or friends should have told them, but didn't have the guts too, and/or were in some fairytale dream w/their child or friend that made them think they were good. If you don't want to be insulted, you shouldn't have auditioned. IMO

A lot of times "this season," Simon WASN'T harsh, just honest or just said "no." ...but the contestant just took rejection really hard.

Honestly, if I were a judge, I would have been like "WTH, this ain't America's Got Talent" just like Simon or whoever said to the guy with the juggling sticks. To me, that's not harsh but the truth. His audition was odd ...and sucked. Then again, I always agree with Simon.
Well the big-eyed guy and his friend are on the Today show because they were made fun of on AI. So hopefully they are happy with the extended 15 min. of fame. I definitely don't think simon should have made fun of his eyes, but I don't think they said anything else wrong or something bad about his friend. These boys have "agents" now b/c people continue to tell them they had great talent.
I thought I'd bring up the original thread to get things going again...

There seem to be a lot of girls this season. At least I feel that we see them the most.

I didn't like the two best friends last night. The shorter one is already on my bad side. She's WAY too cocky. I did like her tall brunette friend.
I felt they were too "Paris and Nicole"-ish!

I also didn't like the opera singer. She seem to have a terrible personality.

I'm tired of these people begging. Its irating!!!!! And annoying.

I really wasn't wowed with anyone...yet. (I have not seen Tuesday's show yet, though)
I will say it one more time....

A lot of people are self deluded and that's sad but understandable. What I don't understand is when their co-workers and/or "friends" put them up to it when they shouldn't be performing in private, never mind in public. Some people ought to be ashamed of themselves for trying to embarass others.

Who would do such a thing. I mean, besides Jill. ;)
I am amazed at what gets to the show. They are judged before they get on and yet a woman who is tone deaf and knows she can't sing gets to humiliate herself in front of the whole country. Then fusses because she isn't chosen. Simon asked her why she evn tried out since it is a singing contest. If she gets on, what in the world has been deemed not worth going in front of THE panel of judges. The last girl on last night was so stoned I doubt she will remember being on. Hope her friends tell her how bad she was so she won't submit other folks to her "singing". I haven't sen anyone yet that was all that great. Granted I've only seen 2 nights. I guess they want us to appreciate what the producers go through to find that one special talent that becomes the AI.
My younger sister thinks she can sing well & personally I think she's close to being tone deaf. She's cute & petite, and spends many a night at a Karaoke bar singing, while the drunks there genuinely encourage & compliment her. I think people like that really get a big wake up call when they audition. It must be frustrating for the judges to get all of the people just goofing off trying to be the next William Hung too. Personally, I love how brutally honest Simon is. My husband thinks he's mean but he is the best part of the show although I really did feel bad for the girl that sang "Dancing in Street".
We have a rule for watching Idol in our home...its the 3 second mute button rule. Whoever has been entrusted with the remote has 3 seconds to determine wether to give the performer a chance, or just end the PAIN! We also mute ALL the weeping and whineing...Last night's show was pretty dared QUIET here! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
debcram wrote:
Yea...the exit door thing is getting my nerves. If everyone is trying to leave out of the other door...why don't they just unlock it?

Deb, you and I have the same thoughtwaves! This bugs the heck out of me. Just put a sign on the locked door that says USE OTHER DOOR ===> Goodness, four cities and four hotels. They ALWAYS lock the left door. They NEVER put up a sign. Just to make people look foolish, I guess.
I loved the family who said (after daughter was rejected)

Simon needs to go back to... Where he from? French?
then ryan says, he's british.
she says well then he needs to go back to british.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Some of those people are just morons!!!!!!
For now, I think my favorite is a 19 yr old boy. He gives me tingles when I see him. What a cutie!!! I think I like the Jack Osbourne look alike. They didn't show him singing, so I don't know, but he was in the group I liked the most that had to sing together.

Ron - Sundance made it through but BARELY. His second round didn't go so well, and then in his group performance, Simon said Paula was generous letting him through. I kinda agreed he didn't do too well. :?
Did the girl from NYC, I think she was from Queens, who had worked out every day for the past year in preparation for the auditions, get cut last week? I don't remember seeing her last night? I can't recall her name. :?
The goofy blonde Rocky? Yep....gone! Poof!
Yep, she did. She didn't make it to last night's round. :?

I wrote down my favorites, but with LOST being so good, I forgot who was who...

I want to say I love Phil (wife was having baby during his auditions), Chris (I think this is jack osbourne), and one other guy...
Yeah....that was her. I don't remember her being that talented, but she sure had worked herself out to the point of being a chiseled goddess. :lol: Gotta admire the dedication. :wink:

Looked like Sundance barely squeezed by again last night. Makes ya wonder, doesn't it? Don't the early underdogs usually make a comeback? :?
Sundance is my favorite, because he looks just like a younger version of my hubby! :hearts:
Maybe he'll be the underdog who comes back to win it all! That seems to happen a lot. :D

I was surprised and almost thought he didn't deserve to be passed through this last round considering who they dropped in his place. His teammate (girl who was dropped) sang with Justin Timberlake the other week at the Oscars ...or was it Grammy's? Bahh.. I forget.
Ron, what's up with your boy Sundance???!!!!
I didn't see his performance... in fact I haven't seen him since the audition. I saw the recap tonight, and it sounded like he really chose a bad song and didn't sing it well.

Other than that, he's the next idol!
Sundance did BAD tonight, but it's still early, so he's got time to improve.

Blake Lewis: The BeBopper rocked! Could have been because I really love the song he sang too. :D

And I liked Phil (navy, minister, wife just had baby). Seems like a sweet guy, and personality plays a part in it for me. The Asian guy comes off cocky, and that immediately turns me off, outside of a voice I didn't like (at least in tonight's singing).
I forgot about AI being on last night. I just happened to be flipping channels and caught the last three performances. I like the last guy best. I think it's the same one you liked, Jo. The navy guy whose wife just had a baby.

I DO NOT like the sniping between Simon and Ryan. :twisted: Grow up already. :twisted: It makes it uncomfortable to watch -like the Jerry Springer show. :evil:

Jo - did you see the Deal or No Deal episode the other night with the Korean guy on it? It was terrific!! :D
I wasn't impressed with anyone :(

The bee-bop guy was one of the best (if there were any bests).

Phil sings pretty good, but I can look at him. With his pointy ears, and bald narrow head, he looks the German vampire (I can't think of his name).

Sundance was a big disappointment (sorry Ron, I loved his Stormy Monday too).

I like Chris, the big, curly haired guy. He's got a ton of personality.
Yeah, that's Phil! :D

Yes, I did watch that Deal or No Deal!! I loved it! thought they were a deserving family, and was so glad they didn't lose all their money!! That was cool how it ended up being 750,000 750 75 :D
debcram wrote:

The bee-bop guy was one of the best (if there were any bests).

It's beat-box, not bee-bop. And I agree, Blake was pretty good. Most of the top 12 guys were pretty disappointing. What were they thinking with those song choices? It was like a bad wedding band. I loved Chris Sligh and his comeback to Simon about how he wasn't singing Il Divo or Teletubbies music! Simon was really annoyed.

Ron, I think you're friend Sundance will make it through because he's been chosen by the crew as their candidate, and they generate a lot of votes. I'm looking forward to seeing the girls tonight, they have to better better than the guys....don't they?
Bee-bop...beat-box...hey! give me a break! I'm OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:
I think Sundance is history....

I wasn't impressed with any of them....

The last fellow, who just had a baby, and the beat-bop fellow get my votes..if I had to vote.

The girls have GOT to be better pickin's....
The whole bunch were just SAD, SAD, SAD...we started wondering half way through if maybe the sound-system for the stage was screwed up! 8O

My favorite at this stage is the beat-box kid...I'm hoping the girls will pull this season out of the toilet though. Early favorite girl for me, is the black lady with the HUGE know! :D

After tonight??? yup...HUGE TALENT!!!!!! :D
I liked the black girls. As my MIL stated to me tonight, the white girls just came off snobby (she used another word). I loved the last performance by Lakisha and Jordin the most.
As boring and dull as the guys were Monday...the gals were GREAT! Yes...the black gals were all so powerful, and fabulous. The one white chick from Naperville, Il (with the red in her hair) was absolutely terrific too.

Looks like the Chick year!!!
(gotta root for the local girl! She's our Arizona Idol :D )
I adored her! She reminds me of my daughter, Stefanie. Same mannerisums.!!
I am partial to the name. :oops:
Sundance is back!!!!


The guys were definitely much better last night. Except for Sanjaya - was he channeling Michael Jackson? And I don't get the excitement about Chris Richardson, the judges rave about him but I must be too old to "get" it.
Was Chris Richardson the second to the last (Sundance) to sing? When he was singing, I told Tony, this is nothing to me! BUT! I bet the judges will just love him.

Yea...I thought I was too old too.

I really liked Nick Pedro voice, but again, I think I'm old and he might not be popular.

The Michael Jackson kid turns my stomache.

I adore Chris Sligh (sp?).

I thought overall, they were pretty great last night!
Yeah, I think Sanjaya is history, too. He did okay, but really didn't put any "oomph" into it.

Chris Richardson was good, but not phenomenal. Chris Sligh was great, and it was so cool that he dedicated it to his wife, who was there.

Sundance made me cry when he dedicated the song to his infant son, and he started tearing up, too. Was SO glad to hear he was back to singing what he does best!

Now on to the girls . . .
I have to say, I totally don't get the appeal for Sundance. From his name to his singing, I just do not like him...
I was bored last night. Waiting for it to get down to the final 12 ...or maybe even less. That's when it gets exciting again.

My MIL keeps talking about Antonella... says she's always on fox news and stuff. I finally saw her "peeing" picture, and it's very tame. G-rated imo. She has pics of her topless with all her friends at the beach, but she's covering her chest. I'm sure there are more, but I don't go looking for them. These were emailed to me by a friend.
It's funny because there was an article on msn yesterday with her friend that antonella auditioned with saying that those pics were definitely not antonella...different nose, face, etc. and then she goes on to say the pictures were only meant to be seen by antonella's boyfriend :roll:
From what I heard, some of the pictures are definitely Antonella taken by friends and some were from a calendar she made for her boyfriend. But her friends are saying that the porn-like pictures that have come out lately are scams. Who knows? It sure has made her a household name :wink:
I cannot believe Sanjaya is still there. 8O
I was very disappointed last night. I think both of guys going home are really talented.

Sanjaya really should be gone.

I wonder how different the results would be if you voted people off, instead of voting them to stay on.
I didn't see this week's performances, just the recaps. Still....AJ was miles better than Sanjaya. He's a cute kid who can sing, but he doesn't have the presence or projection he needs for this competition.
OMG :excited: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see Kellie Pickler? Has she aged terribly in one year?

I was shocked!
I think her hairstyle made her look a lot older. :?
Yeah, almost all the AI's I've seen look better after they get off the show ...except her.
Sanjaya hula dancing and bragging about it was just too weird.

Phil Stacey was unbelievably horrible tonight. Good grief, and WHAT was he wearing?!?!

I like Sundance as a person, but I didn't like him either.

I only liked the beatbox guy and Jack Osbourne did great!
I missed another episode....
I agree. I can't look at Phil. He just gives me the creeps. And Sanyana is just horrible. Again, I get the Michael Jackson vibe from him.

The beatbox guy was really good, he was my husband's fav. I love Chris Slige...the Jack Osborn guy.

I also like the back up singer guy (the younger black guy)...I think he has a lot of charisma.

All the judges love Chris Richardson, but I just don't get it. :roll:

All in all, the guys were very disappointing again last night.

Agreed. None of those performances were anything to write home about. Very disappointing.

I think if they'd put the guys and girls together sooner, there wouldn't be many guys left at this point. :twisted:
debcram wrote:

All the judges love Chris Richardson, but I just don't get it. :roll:

I'm glad I'm not the only one. He's such a dork. Everyone keeps comparing him to Justin Timberlake, but from the time he was a child Justin was an amazing dancer and singer. This guy has a decent voice but his dancing is embarrassing. Why do the judges rave about him so much? Maybe some of the younger forum members can tell me what I'm missing?
He's the 'local' idol around here, so everyone's all hyped up on him...I keep missing the guys' nights, so I haven't heard him sing recently, so I don't know. But even the people around here aren't as hyped on him as they were on last year's local Elliot
Oh...I loved Elliott. What's he doin' now?
I'm not sure. I think he has an album coming out soon--hopefully it'll be better than Taylor Hicks' album (I heard it flopped).
Guys night was just plain BORING!!! I tuned in late, didn't start watching until Chris Richardson (I think he was #4). From what I saw on the recaps, Blake did pretty well, Sundance did horribly, and Sanjaya - well, let's just say that I hope he's not the pick on the site! If he is, people would be voting for him just because he's so bad! :roll:

Chris Sligh was the best last night. But in the end, I think the girls will take it all!
Sundance is the Votefortheworst pick for the guys. Sanjaya actually seems to have a pretty strong fan base - I'm not sure why.
Let's hear it for the girls!! :clappurple:

They are so much better than any of the guys this year. It's crazy. I thought Melinda stood out last night as the best performance by far. She's really talented.

I think Antonella and Gina are gone tonight.
I sorta thought it would be Antonella and Haley going home. never know. There are always shakeups there.

The girls are much more talented than the guys.
Was hard for me to pick a fav. last night.
Your kid is gone, Ron...

Antonella, Sabrina, Sundance, and Jared left tonight.

I totally knew Sanjaya would make it. :lol: I love when people do that. Adds to some excitement (screaming at tv) to a typical slow start to AI. I laughed last season too when the Harry Potter looking kid kept making it round after round. :lol:
My husband is so angry that Sabrina was sent home instead of Haley, that he won't watch the show anymore.
The look on the judges faces when Sundance was sent home instead of Sanjaya was priceless. I don't know where Sanjaya got so much support but it's making the producers crazy. If he survives two more rounds they have to send him on tour :lol:
I never thought of that! How many go on tour?
That's true - the top 10 go on the tour. Makes me wonder if there's some sort of scheme keeping him on there. But you know Sanjaya had to have felt like dirt when the judges started talking about how Sundance should've made it. I kind of felt bad for him.
Something is definitely wrong with the universe. How oh How did Sanjaya survive another week?? 8O
He's on vote for the worst. Maybe that's how he stays in. I still can't look at Phil Stacey. He totally freaks me out!
Vote for the Worst is pushing the public here BIG time to keep Sanjaya on!! :evil: He sings okay, but there's no power to his voice. And that hair - don't get me started!!

Sanjaya already had a lot of support before VFTW took him on - he placed really high last week too. I don't get it at all, I guess there are a lot of young girls who think he's cute.

He's also the only one left who isn't white or black - America is ethnically diverse, although Idol doesn't reflect that. Maybe he's striking a cord for that reason.
I heard they want him in the final 4 but that won't happen. India needs to stop voting. :lol: I really think that's the only thing entertaining about the show though... seeing him NOT voted off. That and the skits they do for Ford. It should get better now that it'll become more personal...
Joahaeyo wrote:
India needs to stop voting. :lol:

That's so funny that you said that! Tony said, heaven forbid your computer breaks down right after Idol, and you have to call Dell for tech support!!! They'll all be on the phone voting for Sanjaya!
debcram wrote:
Joahaeyo wrote:
India needs to stop voting. :lol:

That's so funny that you said that! Tony said, heaven forbid your computer breaks down right after Idol, and you have to call Dell for tech support!!! They'll all be on the phone voting for Sanjaya!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That Ford commercial with the Modest Mouse song really freaked me out. I didn't like how they were all moving in that computer-y way. I love the song, but it was just creepy looking to me!
Okay, who's up for a discussion about last night??

For all the praising the judges did, I have to honestly say that I thought just the opposite!! The 60's was my era and I remember all the originals way too vividly, so maybe I'm just comparing their versions to the originals.

And sorry - I can't agree with them on Sanjaya. Yes, he put some energy into his performance, but he still doesn't quite have it, IMO. The song he picked (You Really Got Me) really didn't give him a chance to show off his vocal skills, just his screaming and jumping skills.

I was disappointed with Lakaisha - too bland a song for her powerful voice.

All in all, it wasn't a great show to me. Anyone else?
Chris, I really love the 60s music, and I thought they did a pretty good job.

Once again...Sanjaya should go. He turns my stomach AND he can't sing!
Phil Stacey -YUCKO...he still scares me.

We had interference here in Chicago during LaKisha, so I missed her.

I thought Jordin was great, I thought Melinda was great, and I surprisingly thought Blake was pretty darned good!!!

Chris (not Slign, the other one) leaves me cold.

It will be interesting tonight. (Actually, I thought the little girl crying in the audience should be voted off....what the heck was that???? :excited: )
I KNOW! What was all that about, with the little girl? I'm beginning to think she was a plant. Trying to bring up memories of girls crying in the audience while watching The Beatles. Give me a break!!

And the camera kept going back to her even after Sanjaya was done, and she was STILL crying!! Just a little too phony for me.

Agreed on Chris Richardson - did okay but not good enough. Jordin was GREAT - was a voice on that girl for 17 yrs old!! Melinda was her usual phenomenal self. I liked that instead of picking a 60s rock song that she picked a 60s show tune. It really showed off her voice.

Everyone else was just - eh, okay.
I don't understand why they let Melinda do a show tune. To me, that was outside of the theme - granted, it was a British musical but still, not comparable to the songs everyone else did.

I think Jordin had the best performance of the night.

As for Sanjaya, last night was the first time I actually enjoyed a performance of his! He needs to break out of that wimpy shell more often. But, I still think this is the worst bunch they've ever had in the finals. Other than Jordin, I don't see any star quality out there.
I think Melinda and Lakisha are in a league of their own as far as talent! I like Jordin too. I wish the boys were better.

I LOVE listening/watching to the beat-box kid, but when he hits those high notes... let me re-phrase, he can't hit them, and I notice every time he sings.

That chick who cried when Sanjaya sang made me puke. I bet she follows Michael Jackson around too.. weirdo.
Okay, something's wrong with the world when Sanjaya and Chris Richardson stays and Stephanie Edwards goes home. Ugh.

The Today Show had the little girl on today, and she was just so annoying. Sorry, but she was. She's 13 and she acts like she's 7.
Make that, Sanjaya, Chris Richardson AND Phil Stacey.

I didn't think Stephanie was fabulous, but I think she was superior to those three (stooges).

Yes...that little was obnoxious!!!!
Sanjaya is the new William Hung. He will get someone to make a CD for him, and make millions. I feel like doing an evil laugh at the briliance of votefortheworst (which IS linked to Howard Stern).
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Okay, something's wrong with the world when Sanjaya and Chris Richardson stays and Stephanie Edwards goes home. Ugh.

Agreed - and I include Phil Stacey too. Yuck.

Johaeyo wrote:
I feel like doing an evil laugh at the briliance of votefortheworst (which IS linked to Howard Stern).

Vote for the Worst has been around since 2004. From what I hear, Howard just found out about them this year and has been interviewing the founder on his show pretty regularly. I don't listen to Howard so I don't know - but I've been lurking on the website for years.
I remember when it first came out. I mentioned it because earlier people were wondering if Howard Stern was having some pull, and so I was just confirming he is linked to the website in that he fully supports it and tells all his viewers to go there. Didn't feel a need to break it down out of laziness ;)
8O How about the ponytail-mohawk on Sanjaya 8O I LOVED it! The kid isn't the best singer but anyone who has the guts to take the stage in that deserves a vote!

I liked the musical selections much better this week. That Melinda has an amazing voice, if this were really a talent contest she'd be tough to beat.
I didn't like No Doubt chick there. Love her singing, but she just wasn't interesting.

Sanwhacko reminds me of Prince, except w/o the phenomenal musical talent.

I hate to say this because i don't like him, but Phil did good. Something about him makes me dislike him, but he at least gets recognition this week. BTW, someone tell him to grow some hair.

I think Chris S. will go home next. He was terrible.
I loved Sanjaya's hair too. There was just something about it that was just awesome for him.

I definitely liked this week's music choices better too. I think because they are more contemporary, even though some of the songs were from the 70s and 80s...I like how they have themes, but when you have 'hits of the 60s' week, to me, how does that relate to an 'idol' in today's culture other than them being able to sing an old song.

Phil creeps me out...and I thought his song was perfect for that "I'll be watching you"...I thought he COULD be a creepy stalker who watches people! But he did a nice job singing his song.

I liked Gwen, but then maybe it's the SoCal in me. I thought she seemed nice and normal and genuine.
Okay, must be because of my age, but I totally HATED Sanjaya's hair. It was like he was saying - I can't sing, so I have to capture the attention in other areas. And he really CAN'T sing. Ugh.

I think the thing that creeps most people out about Phil are his eyes. HUGE!! 8O And when he wears a hat it brings them out even more. He sang better, but still not phenomenally.

There's just no stopping Melinda. That girl can really belt it out!

Didn't like Gwen Stefani there either. Her comments on each one were boring.
See, when I said I liked his hair, it was mostly just because it was fun(nny)...I couldn't imagine him becoming a rock star and actually wearing his hair that way--but I thought it was a fun thing for him to not take himself seriously
That's what I lke about Sanjaya's hair too - that fact that he's willing to be young and whacky. Jeez, these people all take themselves so seriously! Granted, he's definitely one of the worst vocalists left, but he's good enough to front a band and cut an album once he develops a little more confidence. That's what I can see him doing after his time on Idol is over.

Can someone please explain Chris Richardson to me? The judges were practically drooling on him last night. I don't think is voice is very good and his looks don't appeal to me at all. What's so hot about him?

barney1 wrote:
I liked Gwen, but then maybe it's the SoCal in me. I thought she seemed nice and normal and genuine.

I'm a big No Doubt fan, although I don't like her solo stuff as much. I thought it was cool to see her looking down to earth since she usually looks so glam these days.
OMG - Sanjaya made it through AGAIN!!!!! When will this torture end??? :roll:
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
OMG - Sanjaya made it through AGAIN!!!!! When will this torture end??? :roll:

I'm with you Chris, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely don't get the Chris Richarson thing AT ALL! I think he is annoying!!!!

I'm sorry to see Chris S go. I didn't see the show tuesday, but I heard he really wasn't that good.

I can't wait for Sanjaya and Phil to go. I can't look at either one.

In the NY times, there was an article, that predicted, if Sanjaya doesn't go soon....AI will lost ratings big time...and that it will be the moment that AI "jumps the shark".
debcram wrote:
In the NY times, there was an article, that predicted, if Sanjaya doesn't go soon....AI will lost ratings big time...and that it will be the moment that AI "jumps the shark".

It seems to me that there is always someone who lasts way longer than they should. John Stevens was adorable but didn't sing well enough to have made it to 6th. Scott Savol was awful and made it to 5th. And Kellie Pickler? The only reason she made it to 6th was because America wanted to see which word she'd mispronounce next.

So you've got to matter what the judges say about Sanjaya, voting totals are up and everyone is talking about AI because of him. The stylists are probably getting direction from the producers - he didn't think up that crazy hairstyle on his own. And that whole schtick with the little crying girl? The AI producers are loving Sanjaya, and want him to stick around until the rest of the marginal singers (Haley, maybe Phil and Gina) are gone.

Remind me to get a life :lol: Actually, my scrapbooking group was over last night and we didn't even watch Idol. Tim came in just to tell me who got eliminated. My friends think it's sad that I have this reality TV problem :oops:
I haven't heard him sing all that many times, and while I don't think that Sanjaya has a great voice, his voice DOES remind me of Stevie Wonder and I found it to be soft and pleasant.

They don't all have to be loud screaming pop or blues stars, do they?

Now I think I'll go crank up my record player and find a Stevie Wonder album to put on the HiFi. :sidestep:
I was sorry to see Chris S go......... I thought he had a "unique" voice.
I liked Chris okay. He wasn't that funny to me, though. His voice reminds me of Barenaked Ladies.

I agree that Sanjaya is helping their ratings and interest levels...and why not--it doesn't hurt anything. And really, even if he DID win the whole show, it still wouldn't hurt anyone.
barney1 wrote:
I agree that Sanjaya is helping their ratings and interest levels...and why not--it doesn't hurt anything. And really, even if he DID win the whole show, it still wouldn't hurt anyone.

. . . except AI's credibility. I'd lose faith in it, not sure if I'd want to watch anymore.
He's changing it from a singing show, to a freak show :cry:
Okay all you Sanjaya haters, let's remember that this is American Idol, not American Singer. :twisted: Even though there are plenty of people who are doing great this season, if the public likes Sanjaya, even with vote for the worst votes, then he will win. Although, I'm sure some people are voting for him as a goof, I still think there are plenty of little girls that love him.

I think he's a bit freaky in a Michael Jackson sort of way, but I also like his voice when he sings songs in his range.

I am still favoring Blake Lewis for the win! :wink:
I'm a Blake fan! ...but will be the first to admit he does not have the best voice (not just in this competition, in general). He cracks all the time during high notes. However, performance and entertainment wise, he's so awesome!

I think it's great and funny that Sanjaya keeps getting through. I do not believe he has enough votes to win though. Weighing those who watch with those who watch and support votefortheworst... the numbers aren't there. However, I would LOVE for him to make it to where they predict (4th place). Just funny and w/o him, the show is B-O-R-I-N-G.

No Neck Melinda (what she's being called) is a good singer too.
A.I. has become less of a talent show and more of a popularity show. I like Melinda but I wonder if they could truly turn her into a star. Fantasia hasn't done so well even though she won and has a fantastic voice.
Has anyone besides Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood really done well? Like continuously? I know that Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken sold records and stuff, but to me, they haven't really made it...unless I'm totally wrong.
I usually work at an Alternative High School and when we are working they like to watch BET and Ruben is on there a lot. He lost like 100lbs. I know Clay sells Christmas albums but other than that I don't think anyone has done much.
Is anyone else finding this year's Idol boring? The contestants are boring, and the judges have gotten boring (IMHO).

I find, I don't really care about any of them!
debcram wrote:
Is anyone else finding this year's Idol boring? The contestants are boring, and the judges have gotten boring (IMHO).

I find, I don't really care about any of them!

I hear you!! There are a few good voices, but that's it.

I just want to smack that Paula Abdul upside the head! She always sounds like she's on something, and nearly always agrees with Randy. There's not an original statement that comes from her mouth.

Randy's "dawg" shtick is getting old, too. And Simon looks so bored himself, like he's saying to himself - what am I doing here??

So whoooooooo got the boot last night, or is it tonight??????
It's tonight. One can only hope . . .
I'm TERRIBLE with names but SEVERAL of them are now hosts on various entertainment shows, have been in movies, and many other things. From what I hear, they're all doing good. It's always what you make out of it. I've heard Ruben made lots and lots of money and his hits are continuous, but if you're like me... you're not always tuned into R&B stations. Many are touring too.

Is there anyone other than me that thinks that maybe there will be one more year of AI but if it continues like this it is doomed?

I honestly don't think the judges know what to say about Sanjaya anymore he is just so horrible compared to the others with regards to singing.
Actually. I thought that Sanjaya was quite good on Tuesday nite. I can't stand him, but if you put aside the young, immature, atittude, his singing wasn't bad at all.

Maybe because that is his niche, but he moved well, sounded great and actually was presentable...for a change...I doubt he is going anywhere soon.

Sad to say, but I think that Ashley is getting the boot....Or that spooky fellow with the big eyes...

And I think that Melinda is going to go the distance...

And don't even mention that spineless Paula to me....She drives me NUTS...there is not one intelligent sentence that comes out of her mouth...It has come to the point where I just MUTE her... :evil:
I also thought Sanjaya did okay the other night. My problem is just that he creeps me out, and I wouldn't trust him with my kids ...ever.

Prince creeps me out too, but I love his singing. Sanjaya has a long way to go...
Is it just me or was anyone else thrown for a loop when Haley got to stay. I'm a Lakisha fan so as long as she stays till the end I'm going to be pretty happy. But I think Gina is a much better performer and singer than Haley. The judges were right all you can say is she looks good in green. :roll:
This season, the judges have lost all credibility for me. It's so painful to watch them rave about certain performers no matter how badly they do (Chris R was terrible this week), and then downplay others even when they do well (I thought Phil was great this week). So, I'm losing interest. I watch on Tuesdays just to see Sanjaya (yes, I'm a Sanjaya fan) and Jordin (our local girl). But, I'm not loving it the way I used to in the past. In fact, if it wasn't for Sanjaya I probably wouldn't watch at all.
I usually love A.I., but it really says something when I'm reading other people's comments and I realize I don't even recognize the majority of the names this season... :? Even the ones I like aren't making much of an impression on me. :roll:

This site was posted on my knitting forum. I find it kinda amusing that people are getting so passionate about it all.
Gina is much more talented than Haley, but Haley has much more "curb appeal".

It seems everyone has given up on getting Sanjaya to leave. And, I too, get the pediphile vibe from him (just stating my opinion, not passing judgement, after all, he's just a kid too.)

I think the show is terribly boring now. Yes, the judges don't seem to care anymore.

The top three (my darlin' divas) are great, and I love them all. But I think for this competition, Jordin should take it, because she's younger, and hipper than the other two, and this is American Idol. That said, I think all three women are incredibly talented and deserve huge stardom!
I never watch this show but our local morning radio guys talk about it all the time. They theorized that Sanjaya was winning because he also had the Indian vote behind him. They made a few calls to India (my calling Dell and HP tech support ;)) and every person that they talked to in India was watching the show and voting for Sanjaya. Since India has about 1500 people were square foot of land, that's a lot of votes.
You can't vote on American Idol unless you live in the states.
This show is really starting to disillusion me. I've been an AI fan since day 1, but they're really testing me this year.

First and foremost, the show really is boring this year.

Second, to praise Chris Richardson that much is insulting to the viewing public.

Third, to have Gina go before Haley is another insult. I think people are just afraid of Gina because of the way she looks/dresses, but her vocals are heads and shoulders above Haley's. Haley's just playing into her "you've got great legs" shtick.

Fourth, just plain ugh. Maybe NEXT week we'll see the end of Sanjaya. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt this week. As he sang, I closed my eyes so that all I could do was hear him. Not impressed. He sings okay but he does not have a powerful voice.
I think there are too many pre-teens voting, so I wasn't surprised she was voted off instead of buldgy-eye Phil! I always don't mind if someone is voted off (in ANY order) as long as they had no chance in winning anyway. It's the final 2-3 that count in my opinion!
WizardMerlin wrote:
You can't vote on American Idol unless you live in the states.

So much IT is outsourced to India, you don't think they have figured out a way to call or text their votes? :D
El Gato wrote:
WizardMerlin wrote:
You can't vote on American Idol unless you live in the states.

So much IT is outsourced to India, you don't think they have figured out a way to call or text their votes? :D

That's exactly what they've been doing. One of the girls said that she voted all day from the office that they worked at.
ButtersStotch wrote:
El Gato wrote:
WizardMerlin wrote:
You can't vote on American Idol unless you live in the states.

So much IT is outsourced to India, you don't think they have figured out a way to call or text their votes? :D

That's exactly what they've been doing. One of the girls said that she voted all day from the office that they worked at.

I guess the rule of thumb is if you need IT service, don't call Tuesday nights.
debcram wrote:
Joahaeyo wrote:
India needs to stop voting. :lol:

That's so funny that you said that! Tony said, heaven forbid your computer breaks down right after Idol, and you have to call Dell for tech support!!! They'll all be on the phone voting for Sanjaya! hubby thought of that awhile ago! Oh my....what is broken computer to do?
:excited: I just don't get it!

I hate Chris Richardson! He was terrible!!!

Why do the judges praise him so much?????
I agree about Chris. It seems every song I like he happens to butcher. :cry:
Blake was much better than him last night. I missed Chris' actual performance, just caught the recap at the end. He's "okay", but I don't get the all out praise either. :?
Well, they did get rid of the right girl (Hayley), now they just have to get rid of the worst guy. For me, that's Sanjaya. Down to 7 and he's still there??????????? Ugh.

Last night's show was so bad it was laughable just in its absurdity. In the beginning of the show, Ryan asked Paula if she saw another side to the group when they sung their Latin songs on Tuesday night. Her face went completely blank and she just said, "Another side?" She never did answer the question!!! What an airhead!

Then after Jennifer Lopez performed, Ryan asked her what she thought about the group, too. Her response? "I come from the Paula Abdul school of judging!" Meaning - absolutely NO response!! TOO funny!!
This episode put me to sleep. I tried.
I'm really bored, too. I think they dragged it out wayyyyyyyyyy toooooo

I just don't feel any spark on the show this year.

I think I need to find something else to watch when its on.

Here is my prediction on the elimination order for the rest of the season :


(Did I miss anyone?)
I like Blake the most, followed by Jordin and Melinda. Jordin simply due to her name. Melinda because she's sweet and actually the best singer. Thankfully or Unfortunately (????) this show isn't on singing capabilities alone.
I am in disbelief about who got voted off tonight. Finally, it's about time.
Geez...its about time!
some idiot told me what happened before the show came on.

I'm glad America vote him off this week. He honestly did bad, and it's great knowing Sanjaya got the shock of his life (since he thought he was untouchable).

Look for his CD in stores, haha
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