Freezing in the desert?

Hot enough for you yet, Darcy? :P
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I AM FREEZING! It looks and feels like friggin Michigan....Panda is happy, Im not!
Ugh! :roll: Supposed to be between 19 and 29 degrees tonight!
Right now it is 40 degrees with a wind chill factor of 34. 8O
I am freezing my butt off.
I just spent an hour in someones house who is in the midst of remodeling...holes in her floors and ceilings...the wind was actually whistling thru the house........Where is my nice warm weather........hands and feet are numb!
To all of you suffering with cold temps in the desert, don't forget to eather shut off and drain your outdoor faucets, or leave them running a little bit so they won't freeze and burst your pipes. :(

Also, if your "underground" water lines go from place to place, leave the end of the line running a little bit somewhere so the line doesn't freeze.

I put "underground" in quotes because underground lines here are deeeeeep to avoid freezing. Not as deep as in Alaska though. :D
Our water pipes run about 7'' under the took a long time to get that hot water to the shower this morning.....we have our pipes that run along the outside of the house wrapped in weather insulation...its not too bad....we only had the water freeze one time about 3 yrs ago....thank God nothing exploded.....just took sun up to thaw out!
Next time you may not be so lucky. 7" isn't very much. :(

Leave it on just a trickle overnight.

On the other hand, a reapiar to a pipe 7" underground and outside probably isn't that hard or expensive. It's when you're here up north and a pipe bursts in a wall or a ceiling that the expensive damage is done.

speaking of water damage, the average cost of repairs on insurance claims for a burst clothes washer hose is around $7,000. How old are yours? Mine are about 14 years old. 8O

I need to have a new shutoff installed before I can replace them, I lost the handle and I'm afraid to turn them off anyway at this point, they'll probably start to leak. :(

Hello, Mr. Plumber?
lol...our washer and dryer hook ups are 3 1/2 yrs old...we replaced everything when we moved in...including shut off valves to all sinks and toilet.....
Wow! I can't believe how cold it is by you guys. You might get snow 8O :D
Snow in Arizona would be funny... :lol:
You guys can come out was 70 and it'll be 75 by Monday. This actually feels SO MUCH nicer than it does in the summer. There isn't any humidity or anything. My poor husband, though, is out in Texas for an interview and got stuck in the ice storm and can't fly home :cry:
I am about to turn on the air conditioning again! What happened to winter? We did get a few cold fronts here, Samantha loved it.
I am about to turn on the air conditioning again! What happened to winter? We did get a few cold fronts here, Samantha loved it

OK, that did it, we are all coming for a few weeks! I'm tired of wearing thermal underwear. Today even the pool was a brisk 70 degrees.
Our pool isn't that much warmer even with the solar heating. Since November, we had 3 days of cold weather, then 3 days of "above" normal temps and then back to cold, than back to a/c wonder I've been sniffling and sneezing.
Wore shorts and a tank top today and will be wearing the same tomorrow since it will be in the high 70s again. Next week some time that cold front is coming through here for a couple of days but then right back up into the 70s.
Stomps feet, crosses arms and says a few cuss words...urg I hate this weather!!!

Now up to storm 14,15,16..and to add insult to injury they even had a Tsnami warning for our coast. A Tsanami warning!!!!! Luckily nothing occurred.

The tiny snowflakes they predicted - turned into a major blizzard with whiteout conditions and left thousands desperately trying to get home on icy roads. That night the temp dropped to -13!!! Never get winters that cold..we always have crocus popping up around now and our gardens stay green all year round. Now I just see ice, snow and feel so cold...brrrrr. My heater died on my van and it took over 2 hours just to scape the ice off the windshied..this is after I pried the door open and said a few cuss words about our nice snow. I hate snow!!!

Thought I wanted to move to the desert..but now thinking perhaps Costa Rica. Sigh
8) Been having some nice weather down here in Florida also. Temps have been around 80 and sunny. It is supposed to cool down a little around Wednesday for a day or two and then back up to around 80. Shorts and a Tank top like Wynette, and the windows opened.

Sorry to hear about your snow and ice Marianne. Come on down anytime. I'll have a Margarita waiting. :D
My daughter was supposed to go back to college today, classes start Tuesday. Yesterday was her last day at her Winter Break job. Unfortunately, they couldn't let her stop early - say Wednesday - so she could get back before all of this mess hit.

At this point, we don't know when she will be able to get back up there. They have icy roads, no church today. We are expecting ice today, so no church down here. The weather people are predicting highs in the low 20s up there until late in the week and we aren't going to reach freezing for several days either.

Being a parent is the pits.
The low last night was 28 degrees...holy cold cow :cow: There is a big marathon going on right now and boy do i feel sorry for can tell all of the out of staters vs the instaters though...out of towners are wearing shorts and all the natives are wearing garbage bags and thermal running

the hi today MAY hit 51.......yuck and double yuck
We are in the path of a big winter storm - kind of the 2nd part of the one that hit you guys. I can see it coming, and it's supposed to be 6" plus big wind on the open prairie. Time to go get dog food and groceries quick!
Just got to work...the bank ditital temp reader said....31 degrees...its 830 am eyes are watering, my hands are dry and im shocking everything i am such a wimp.....where is my nice warm winter???
I played tennis this morning and got a little sunburned :roll: . On the other hand, if you are missing any of your friends or neighbors, they're all here :twisted: !
Darcy wrote:
Just got to work...the bank ditital temp reader said....31 degrees...its 830 am eyes are watering, my hands are dry and im shocking everything i

You are enjoying winter in all its spectrum of discomfort---

and now it is heading our way :cry: :cry: :cry:

:D :D You'll be toasty warm again soon!!! :D :D
We have just hit 42 celcius this afternoon 8O , even the air outside burns your nostrils, I don't know what that is in Faranheit but it would have to be over 100. :roll: Had to put socks on the girls to potty them this afternoon as the ground is burny for their paws at the moment. :?

I hate summer now and can't wait till Autumn arrives, so sick of the heat.
Send the heat my way!
Our thermometer on the side of the house reads -8F now. That is about -25C.
Chewie is the only one of the dogs that doesn't freeze going out to potty. (He's the only one with big hair!)
Darcy wrote:
Just got to work...the bank ditital temp reader said....31 degrees...its 830 am eyes are watering, my hands are dry and im shocking everything i am such a wimp.....where is my nice warm winter???

Down here in Florida! 8)
This is wierd weather. Normally we would have had lots of cold weather by now. This is the 2nd time all winter that the temps have been anywhere near normal (OK, the normal cold!) We definitely have had an easy winter, and my fuel bill thinks so too.
It was a shock to get up and let the dogs out and find the temp is -19!!! Weather like this makes me love my corn stove. I can keep the temp in the bedrooms at 60, and have the living/dining/kitchen area at about 70!
I bet you guys are really cold north of me :lol: .
This morning it was 40 F here in the Phoenix area, so we're getting back to normal. Is that better, Darcy?
a little better, but still not warm enough to turn the space heater off yet........
Hi Darcy,

It's 14 degrees F here this am :cry:
SNOW DAY! Ya-hoo! Except we have to make it up the end of May.

San Antonio and Austin are pretty much shut down, as of yesterday at Noon. My hubby came in from getting the paper and there is already a build up of sleet. I got the call before it appeared on TV.

I bought some old TV shows yesterday (B&N has a good sale going on), so I'm set for awhile.
That solves it, we are all going down under to warm up.

Had to go to Santa Fe for a few days, a.m. temperatures a balmy 2 degrees. Car squeaked and groaned more than I did. All but the main roads were still snow packed and icy. On the positive side, I finally got to use the D1-3 transmission settings on the minivan.

Told the motel person I would not take a room on the north side due to all the ice in the parking lot! Since I take a handicapped room he only had one left........on the south east side 8)

The entrace to Starbucks looked like an ice rink. I had to decide whether crossing and risking broken hip justified the coffee.......luckily I found an alternate route to the door :lol:

Now I see another storm is due for us end of the week and it will be a southern storm. Haven't read the NOAA regional update for southern AZ, but fear Darcy will remain cold and blue......or is that blue and cold?
its blue and cold :?
Well, not too cold for you, NOAA says mid 30-mid 40's for your lows. Gosh, some of us would like that as a high!

I realize you have holes in your house, et al. so any further discomfort is intolerable. Wishing you warmer weather and faster workers.
Darcy.... it's 70 degrees and sunny today. Haven't you warmed up yet? :wink:
no now the house is cold and moist...dry wallers were here....although, my static electricity seems to have subsided for the moment.....its actually warmer outside than it is
I didn't metion your warm days because I know how houses can hold onto the over nite cold. It's strange to have to go outside to warm up.
Sheepieboss, we have a spare bed, you can stay here, only 32c today. :lol:
i dont know what 32 c equals but it has to be warmer than 75 for me to come....i LIKE HOT! hot hot hot, im not :?
Darcy, it was 57 today. I would be happy with 75, I am frozen!!!
32C is about 90 F.....sounds delightful!

Weather for us is big storm to south, expecting up to 2 feet snow, we'll be on the fringes this time........unless there's a sudden change in next 24 hours. I can live with that though they have said the ugly words........"possible freezing rain"......that's worse than snow any day!

SheepieBoss wrote:
though they have said the ugly words........"possible freezing rain"......that's worse than snow any day!

That's what we have this morning. Sleet & Freezing Rain. It's our first taste of winter precipitation this year. Fortunately, it's supposed to warm up a bit and turn to rain later.

We actually have daffodils blooming here. I'm afraid this weather will ruin spring. :evil: I covered up my magnolia buds last night to try to protect them. :?
Magnolias and daffodils??? We won't see those till um... try APRIL!

You guys with your early springs, you're so lucky! It was a balmy -5F here two days ago. Don't whine too loud down there Darce :) I'm still dreaming (literally, I had a flower dream last night) of spring, and will be for some time. Sigh!
Granted, we do get spring a lot sooner than Minnesota, but this is even early for us. Daffodils usually come up here in mid-February, but I don't think I've ever seen them bloom in mid-January.

The magnolias have just the tiniest start of buds on them, not nearly ready to bloom, but I didn't want to take any chances with them, because I really LOVE how beautiful they are in the spring. :hearts:

It's just been so warm here that the plants are all tricked into thinking it's time for spring. :?
Many flowers go thru two temperature cycles before flowering. We know the first, the chilling. The number of hours below 45 varies with species. Once that is fulfilled, many flowers also have to gather "therms" that is number of warming degrees. The chilling is by hours, the therms are temperature degrees, so the warmer the days, the faster they gather the therms to initiate flowering. Daffodils start to grow soon after planting in the fall and stop just below the ground, so their appearance isn't unusual, but the flowering can be held at bay with cold weather or a mulch. Well, not this year. Such a shame :cry:

Oops, spoke too soon, it is now about 60 this evening....brrr....all my plants are so confused, the mango tree was going wild last week. I don't think we will get any colder this weekend. I hope everyone is ok with the storms and not losing power.
4 degrees F // wind chill of -16 degrees here this am :cry:
Today a pleasant 26celcius, sun shining and nice BBQ weather for Australia Day :D , just popped another steak on the Barbee. :lol:
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