Life get teejus

For years husband has quoted a line or two from a song......I got tired of hearing the same few lines so searched for the entire song. Man, some days this just fits:

Life gets Tee-jus, don't it?"
-Carson Robison (and the Oxydol Pioneers) c. 1947

The sun comes up and the sun goes down,
hands on the clock they just keep going around.
I just get up and its time to lay down,
Life gets tee-jus don't it?

The tin roof leaks and the chimney leans,
and there's a hole in the seat of my old blue jeans,
and I've eaten the last of them pork 'n' beans,
You just can't depend on nothin'.

My shoes untied but I don't care,
'cause I ain't figuring on going nowhere;
I'd just have to wash and comb my hair,
and that's just wasted effort.

The water in the well its getting lower and lower;
can't take a bath for six month's or more,
but I've heard it said and its true, I'm sure,
that too much bathing'll weaken you.

I open the door and the flies swarm in,
shut the door and I'm sweating again,
move too fast and I crack my shin;
Just one darn thing after another.

There's a mouse been chewing at the pantry door;
He's been at it at least a month or more;
when he gets through he sure going to be sore-
'Cause there ain't a darn thing in there.

Old brown mule, he must be sick;
I jabbed him in the rump with a pin on a stick.
He humped his back but he wouldn't kick;
there's something cockeyed somewhere.

The cows gone dry and the hens won't lay,
fish quit biting last Saturday,
troubles pile up day by day;
and now I'm getting dandruff.

The old dog's howling all forlorn;
Laziest dog that ever was born.
He's howling 'cause he's sitting on a thorn,
And just too tired to move over.

Grief and misery, pains and woes,
debts and taxes and so it goes;
now I think I'm getting' a cold in the nose.
Life gets tasteless, don't it?
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That was a bit teejus to read... :lol:
According to hubby, the "singer" would sit on stage, pluck a banjo and speak these lines, that would be tee-jus.

Some verses are worth remembering, but I hope he doesn't memorize the whole dang thing!!!! Like you Ron, once is enough.

I remember hearing that song when I was a little kid! I think my folks must have had that record. It sure brought backsome memories!

I've had those days!! :(
I remeber that song too. My Dad would sing little snipetts when we were working in the yard.
I've checked around a bit; seems this "song" is just the spoken word with a music background.

Here's a video of it

Teejus!! Like watching a record spin :lol: :lol:
But I like how he zooms in at the end for dramatic effect! LOLOLOLOL
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