Blood in feces

Hey everyone, my foster pup Charlie came to us last night. Things were kind of hectic last night as I had 2 other foster pups with me for a few hours and Charlie had to be separated because he was going after them. Anyway, when I went to check on him he had had an accident in the house. There were drops of bright red blood in his feces and surrounding it. I cleaned it up and checked on him 15 minutes later and there were a few more drops of blood. Could it be stress? He has not gone again as he has barely eaten but we are about to go for a walk so hopefully we can see if it's still there.

Any suggestions or concerns?
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Blood in the stool is never a good thing. I'd go to the vet, as it can be so many things, from worms, to viruses or bacterial infections, to something the dog ate.
Stress can cause him not to eat but I don't think can cause blood in the stool unless there is some underlying medical condition. He needs to see a vet. Please post on how he's doing.
Keep him totally separated from other dogs. That is the drag about don't want to bring "problems" into your home, but that comes with the territory.

Urine and poopy in a separate place.
Tasker has had "bowel trouble" all his life. He will often have bloody diarrhea, the Vet has said that stress can cause that. Usually it is physical stress such as an ear infection. But the last time I left him at a kennel he came back with bloody diarrhea. Dogs can also have hemorroids from poor diet which can bleed.
Has he been recently clipped? I know that once Barney got too close a shave and had a few bright red drops of blood in his poop for one or 2 poops after his grooming visit...
he did just get clipped 2 days ago, so maybe that was it. he pooped about an hour ago and there was no blood... if it comes back we will go to the vet! thanks guys
I would definitely get him to the vet with a stool sample asap. Could be a chance that he has Coccidia which is fairly common for dogs to get and one of the symptoms is blood in a stool.
Was Charlie vet-checked before he came to you to foster? It's important to have that wellness check before he mingles with the rest or is placed in his new home. It just isn't normal to have blood in the stool so it's important to find the cause even if it's a nick from shaving or a hemorrhoid.

Believe me... you don't want to mix a dog into the pack, even temporarily, that might have something that can spread to the others like worms or some other parasite or bacteria. We had something a few years back that went through the entire pack a few times before two different vets could cure it (this was back when we added Emma and Darby). The other two had to be treated too.

If he's already been tested and checked out by a vet you might just call them and ask if you should be concerned. If not, you might drop off a sample to be tested.

Maybe I'm just a worry-wart. :wink:
Bright red blood means fresh/current bleeding, and in tiny quantities is often just a sign of irritation. Dark, black blood is digested and often indicative of more serious problems. It might be just a small irritation that is hurting him. Has he had to strain to go to the bathroom? Diarrhea? Yes, you should get him checkd out, stool sample for certain, but a real check up would be a very good idea.
charlie was vet checked before i got him and he has all his shots. they caught kennel cough and mange in the others, so i think they kept a pretty good eye on him. he pooped twice today and both were normal. i know that walter has blood in his feces when he gets very stressed out, so i am hoping it is just from that. the only thing that makes me wonder is that there were drops around the feces as well....

what do you guys think, get it checked out even if the last 2 were normal?
If the last two were normal I would just keep an eye on it. If it reappears I would check with the vet.
[quote="HeatherRWM":####]Hey everyone, my foster pup Charlie came to us last night. Things were kind of hectic last night as I had 2 other foster pups with me for a few hours and Charlie had to be separated because he was going after them. Anyway, when I went to check on him he had had an accident in the house. There were drops of bright red blood in his feces and surrounding it. I cleaned it up and checked on him 15 minutes later and there were a few more drops of blood. Could it be stress? He has not gone again as he has barely eaten but we are about to go for a walk so hopefully we can see if it's still there.[/quote:####]

Hi my names angelina im having egsactly the same problem with my puppy im so worried what you have described is egsactly the same as my puppy do you have any idea what this is? if you do plz help x]
my oes has an ulcer that causes occasional bright red blood in her stool and vomit. the ulcer can become aggravated due to stress. we've put her on nutrigest (helps to build up her healthy stomach bacteria) and that has helped tremendously.
When my pups were little they would often have diarrhea, sometimes for many days. This irritated their innards and it wasn't long before we'd start seeing some blood mixed in with their feces. And even though it was somewhat common for us, we called or visited the vet every time it happened. Please call your vet; even though there are many perfectly normal reasons this could happen, you don't want to risk the health of your dog hoping its harmless, and finding out much to late that it wasn't.
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