Kidney failure

Hi there!!
My OES Roxie is 12 yrs old and has been recently diagnosed with Kidney failure. :cry: :cry: We are trying to make the best of her last days with us, she has lost a lot of weight, She is now 40 lbs. She was on Hills KD but she was eating so much of it and costing us a fortune, I found a cheaper brand, HI-TOR NEO-DIET. She is eating lots now and may have gained weight. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or websites to offer me, has anyone gone through this with their dog??? It is devastating...
Does anyone have some do's and don't rules to follow, beside the obvious low protein and lots of water advice????
She has been a wonerfull freind to me for 12 years and I would really like to make her as comfortable as possible and enjoy her last days with us on Earth.
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I'm so sorry to hear about Roxie and the kidney failure. I know how hard it is to deal with the impending reality, but you are very right in wanting to make her last days the best. I do not have experience with kidney failure, but would think that others here may have some helpful insites and certainly follow any advice your vet has to offer. Keep these memories, as well as all the others you have from the past 12 years of your baby - they will make you smile. Enjoy every minute with her!

Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z.
I'm so sorry... :cry: I'm a first time dog owner of a 9 month old OES and I cannot imagine having to go through this...

I found a few articles for you... ... ilure.html

I don't know if this will be helpful, but, if you need it, this is an article from the College of Veterinary Medicine on how to give subcutaneous fluids:

We'll be thinking of you and Roxie!

Suzanne (and Tucker)
Thanks so much for your kind words!!! Suzanne, your adorable little pup is really making me want another one!!!! Oh my gosh, I think OES are the CUTEST puppies!!!
Even in Roxie's old age she is still the sweetest little girl... I was dogsitting my brother's Beagle yesterday and the little fart just would not leave Roxie alone, jumping on her, biting at Roxie's ear,... and Roxie was so GOOD!!! You'd think she'd be getting cross at this silly puppy, but nope, Roxie was good as gold!!! I have never seen her get cross!!!! Amazing!!!!
She is doing well these days, I plan to give her a hair cut this week as she is getting very scruffy and I think she was too week before but I think she has the strenght to withstand a hair cut!
Where in Canada are you from? I am from Ontario.
Nice to get some responses!!!
Take care!
Aren't they all cute, eh? Roxie sounds like a wonderful, sweet girl! Tucker's more on the lovable scamp side! Always looking to get away with something or conveniently forget a command (Sit?!? What's that?!? You never taught me that, I swear!!) Well, maybe a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea! He's very smart and very stubborn...

Sometimes on a particularly rough day, we say that it'll be nice when he outgrows his puppy stage but a part of me is always thinking "you're going to regret those words!!!"

He came up to me to play while I was reading your post and I just couldn't say no...

How is she doing, if you don't mind me asking? It's nice to hear she's getting a bit stronger. :D

I'd love to get another puppy -- my kids and DH think I'm crazy, although DH actually said the other day it would be nice to get another one so that Tucker could have a playmate! That got me dreaming!

I'm just outside of Montreal. We had a few inches of snow recently but then the weather turned spring-like and all the snow's gone... Tucker LOVES the snow!

I've been to Toronto a few times, Guelph, Niagara Falls and Stratford (I'd love to go back there -- I saw the Pirates of Penzance many, many years ago and enjoyed myself so much!)

Take care,

I remember when Roxie was SO hyper, she took forever to settle down!!! Like, I think she just settled down a couple years ago!!!! hehe! I also had an OES when I was growing up. I have only had two dogs in my life, first Maggie when I was 2 or 3 and then Roxie when I was 18 or 19. How old is Tucker and where exactly did you get him??? He is SO CUTE!!! Actually, I can't look at him because I don't want another one for a few years, but man, they are irresistable!!!! Two would be a hoot if you have the time, patience and money... they are well worth it!!!
I live on the border of Quebec and ON. and grew up in Chateauguay, Que. !!!!! My mom is still there and I go almolst every week end!
You mean your sweet little girl was once actually hyper?? You mean there may be hope for Tucker??? :lol:

Tucker's 9 1/2 months old now -- still very much a puppy but, boy, is he getting big! He's finally starting to look as big as I thought an OES would be. He's still nice and lean though. I worry about him getting fat -- I've heard so many stories about hip dysplasia! I bought Tucker at a pet store before knowing better. Next one will come from a breeder or from rescue!

Chateauguay, eh? I grew up on the South Shore -- St-Lambert, Greenfield Park! I'm in Brossard now. I bet we probably have friends/acquaintances in common -- that six degrees of separation thing! I figure I'm about 8 years older than you. I'm 38 and you said you got Roxie when you were 18 or 19, that makes you about thirty? Did you by any chance go to MacDonald-Cartier High School?

Suzanne -

It sounds like Tucker is starting to fill out, and that is good. And you are right - hip dysplasia is definately a concern in sheepies. I know that there are others here who are much more knowlegable on the subject, but I know from experience that weight is a concern.

I have been very concious of this fact with Guinney - having delt with hip dysplasia before with our last sheepie Merlin. I started her out on Iams large breed puppy formula but then started hearing very good things about another brand of dry food called Solid Gold (which is still a silly name for a dog food - I can only think of the Solid Gold Dancers from the '70s dance show everytime I buy it!). Guinney has been eating this since she was about 8 months old, and though it is a bit expensive, it is well worth it to me, since she has filled out nicely but seems not to be getting too fat.

Just thought I would pass that along. I know there are varying options of diets for our sheepies and in the end it is a personal preference, but this is just my two cents.

Hugs to Tucker!

Guinevere's Dad, Kevin Z. ("Dad, I like the food, but I like it better when you sprinlkle the parmasan cheese on top! Yummmmmm")
Thanks, Kevin! It's always good to hear suggestions from people! (And I'll never forget the name of that brand now that I've got the Solid Gold dancers dancing in my head!)

In Quebec, the choices are limited because manufacturers have to make sure the food has a French label, and not all are willing to do that.

I'm looking into alternatives to kibble though.

No, actually, I went to Billings. I am ALMOST 30!!!!
So Tucker's a big boy rh? How much does he weigh??? Have you taken him to obedience school???
I'm not sure how much he weighs. The last time he was weighed at the vet's was in July, and then he was 55lbs. He's 25 inches high at the shoulders!!! (Got out the old measuring tape). The last time I measured him -- can't remember when -- he was 22 inches high. I think this was around the time one vet said he probably wouldn't grow more -- wrong!

We went to puppy kindergarten and to obedience training. He got 187/200 on his final exam but six of the points taken off were because *I* repeated a command a couple of times! :lol:

I know I need to work on some commands, such as making him sit/stay & down/stay for longer periods of time. He's not perfect but he is making progress! (I'm not aiming for perfect; just a well-behaved large dog! :D ). I actually find he's calmed down a bit this past week! It's very strange... :lol:
I'm started facing the same situtation as yourself and Roxie with my nine-year-old sheltie.

Thanks for the tip on saving money, will try that however I've almost abandoned the over-priced KD anyway more to save my beloved pet than the cash.

The more I learn the more I realize we can do far better in our own kitchen than from a can. Have been cooking loads of fresh veggies with about 3-4 oz of lean, lean chicken breast chopped into hamburger.

After being cooked and over cooked in boiling veggies it's tough but no matter, the tender boils out a gel sort of like Jello that flavors the veggies amazingly well.

To it I add some olive oil that keeps the stomach feeling full for a long time. Another neat trick is the 28 cent lowly potato that has proved repeatedly by dieters, proves more satisfying than even people junk food.

Our big threats are salt and phosperous. Adding a Pepcid AC table crushed in the food binds phosperous in the gut so kidneys don't have to deal with it.

What kidneys do appreciate is a good well rounded liquid dog vitamin (dogs have the shortest digestive system of any mamal) plus a good multiple Vitamin B, again liquid if possible.

Best of luck.
Thanks again for the tip.
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