
Does anyones sheepie love to swim?
Our little boy is ten months old and has never ventured much deeper than his knees. His big sister who is a shepherd lab cross loves to swim and we thought that she would teach him last summer but to no avail.
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Welcome Kasey,
My dogs go into the pool to cool off.
No real swimming with them. They basically just sit on the second step.
However if they can walk in to the water like a lake they will go in, still not deep enough for swimming.
There are a few sheepies on the forum that do swim regularly.

My suggestion is to just keep trying with your dog. Two summers ago Pepsi wouldn't even go anywhere near the pool. Now if he gets in the pool area he goes right into the pool. Though just to sit and drink the water. :roll: :lol:
My buddy Rupert will sit on the deck next to the pool but never attempts to jump in or drink the water, he's a bit nervous i think but just likes being up high so he can see everywhere otherwise, way to much hair to let him go in
Chewie loves the water! His whole litter love it, according to his breeder. Chewie and his sister Sybil are the most water loving. He jumps in our pond whenever he needs to cool off. He even jumped in on some of the warmer days this winter - even with ice around the edges.

This is a picture of him at 4 months.
Last summer we were up at the lake and sitting on the dock, my mom called me and I turned my head and "SPLOOSH" - Ava was in the lake :) - I mean REALLY in the lake - the water there wasn't super deep, but deep enough for her to go under - it kinda freaked me out, so of course I panicked and jumped in right after her :P I think she saw the reflection on the water and thought she could just walk on it - but alas, although I may think so, my dog is not so Christ-like :( After that though, she still liked the water and she will swim out to you if you are in deeper water than she is, but otherwise she doesn't swim on her own.
Tasker will dip his feet but he isn't really intereested in "swimming". When he is in the water he looks a bit like a floating bale of cotton.
Welcome to the forum! :lol: Kasey is adorable. And he has a TAIL!!! Cool! 8)

My Drez LOVES the water. :excited: We have a pool in the back yard and it's harder keeping her out than getting her in! She has hip dysplasia, has had an operation on her right hip, and I'm convinced that all these years of swimming masked the condition from us until she was 11 yrs old. She's now 13 yrs old and getting a bit more unstable, but just let summer come around and she sees the pool open, and she's off!!
both little guy and big sister are lovely :D
my 11 year old daytona loves to fish and swim we have a pond out back and goes in i could kill her when you comes and runs through the house,, now my derby who is 6 months has webb feet so he lives in the lake!1
Scruffy Loves the water. She's swims all over the place at our cabin and on walks. I think it just depends on the dog. Our Weim hates the water.
The only way my dogs will go in the water is if I throw a Tim Bit in...
My 5 month oes will not swim either. He loves to play in the water but only goes in deep enough to get his belly wet. I have tried to get him to get in deeper by using toys, sticks, etc. but to no avail. Not to worried about it, just as long as he is happy playing in the rivers and creeks I am happy. If he swims one day wonderful. Good luck in getting yours to swim.
my sheppie is 4 years old and has been swimming since we brought him home at 6 weeks. He will even swim in the winter time.

Kim mom of Maxx
Hi Kasey,

Welcome to the forum!

I currently have three dogs at home, 2 OES and a BlueHeeler/Lab. My previous OES, Shaggy never ventured further than an inch in the water. Even with her life long buddy the Heeler/Lab X who loved the water and still does, at age 17. Nope, no matter how many trips to lakes, beaches or ponds - she refused to go swimming even if her pal was diving in the water. They lived together for over 15 years and she never followed his lead.

I still have old Blue and he loves the water as do his brothers Merlin and Panda. Panda the most of all..once he's in the ocean he won't get out until he's exhausted. Loves swimming, chases waves and smelling everything on the beach.

Guess it all depends on the dog, although some breeds like Labs have a natural love of water than most. Then again, it was much easier to have Shaggy as she always stayed pretty clean. :D

Marianne and the boys
Bailey is 2. He loves to play in the water at the edge of a lake, but won't go in the pool because the water is over his head. He believes in having all four paws on the ground!
I think Obe is the same way all four paws on the ground. Like I said one day he might surprise me and swim. It is fun watching him run and play either way.
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