
Has anyone come across this with their dogs? Sometimes when Laika plays to hard she limps on her right back leg for a day or two.

Panosteitis, also known as "wandering lameness" or "growing pains", is a spontaneously occurring lameness that usually affects large dogs. This disease usually occurs in dogs between the ages of 5 to 14 months, and affects males more often than females. In most cases the lameness occurs suddenly, without a history of trauma. Most often one or the other front leg is affected first, then without warning the symptoms will shift from leg to leg. Symptoms may appear to improve and then worsen in a nearly cyclic manner. Between spontaneous improvement and relocation "wandering" of discomfort areas, diagnosis can be difficult. X-rays may reveal that the bones have a greater density than is normally found.
In most cases, the pain subsides within one to two months, although it can "recycle" for up to one year. Panosteitis will eventually end its cycle and go away, with or without treatment. Pain relievers may be necessary to help make the dog more comfortable.
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Have you gone to the vet with Laika about this? I would be leary of diagnosing her yourself. Best to get her checked by the vet.
My maxwell had this when he was 4 months old. It lasted for about a month or so. It moved from leg to leg and he was in so much pain. I had him on lots of medicine, but eventually he grew out of it. I also took him off of puppy food immediately. I just felt so bad for him because there wasn't anything I could do. I had to carry him outside and back in,etc..
I know a few people in our basset rescue have had this (pano) in their pups.
I would still check Laika out to make sure she didn't pull or tear something. The pano sounds a bit different from what you are describing in her. I hope it is nothing serious. :)
Another note: Max will strain a muscle once in awhile and when I take him to the Vet, they let me know that if it does not go away in a day or so to come back in. It always does. He can play pretty rough, and jump 2 feet in the air. He grew out of his pano, but the vet doesn't think this is the hips either, unless it was more frequent. He gets this only once every 8 months or so.....
Have you actually had that diagnosed as the problem with Leika?

Another thing that can affect them with similar symptoms is.....

OSTEOCHONDROSIS can be a problem in larger breeds that have rapid growth periods as youngsters. Usually the first sign of this is limping and pain. It is a loose or flap of cartilage in the joints or growth plates. Lameness and pain is the first sign of this problem in youngsters. Around the 4 - 16 month age group.. During their rapid growth stage.

So have a read on OCD too as well and if she is not getting any better and is having pain then probably better to see a vet to find out what is going on with her.
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