Isabelle seems very needy

My question may have been discussed elsewhere and I just haven't seen it. Isabelle, is the 2 yo I adopted/rescue from a local animal shelter. I kept here when I found out she is my Hannah Roses's mom. She has adjusted well to the other 6 dogs we have. There is still some grumbling at times and she is possesive of her food bowl(1 of 6). The thing I am curious about is how she is clingy at times, meaning every time I sit down. I sit at the computer, one hand on the computer the other on Isabelle. Go to the bathroom, Isabelle is right there, along with at least 2 more. But the others will wonder off. Not Isabelle, she stays until I finally have to tell her to take off so I can get done. It would be one thing if she would lay quietly but she doesn't, she will paw at me to get me to pet her. This morning she pawed me twice in the same spot on my side, then did it a third time. The third time I did stand up and yell and she backed off. She will also batt at me if she is on the bed and I walk by. It's funny the way she does this. She kinda lays on her side and reaches out with her paw and swats like a cat does at a suspended toy. I ask her if she is trying to play patty cake.
Is the clingy needyness due to her prior cercumstances or is it just her nature? Do other rescues do this?
Thanks ahead for any feed back
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It's probably both. It is a breed characteristic to want to be with their people. My sheepies have always been velcro, with Archie the least velcro of them all. Sherman at nearly 9 months is going through a phase, it seems. He just cannot get enough attention. He climbs all over anyone who will let him (and I'm working on convincing people he isn't to be allowed to do this). We've had them all since they were young puppies, so it's isn't just a rescue issue. But it may probably be very heightened as she adjusts to her new home and gets established in the pack.

Suggestions would be to work on telling her off when she demands affection. Do not give her affection when she's demanding. Give her plenty of affection, but on your terms only. I know you're good to your pack, so don't worry about being mean.
Panda wasnt a rescue...Ive had her since 8 wks old....and she does that all of the time...touch me, touch me...i think its in the nature of the dog :D
Darcy wrote:
Panda wasnt a rescue...Ive had her since 8 wks old....and she does that all of the time...touch me, touch me...i think its in the nature of the dog :D

I have had Harley since 10 weeks old and he is doing the same thing to me right now while I am on the computer. :D

All 3 of mine ages 9mths to 5 yrs "help" me go to the bathroom, bathe, cook, type on the computer, make the bed, sweep the floor, go to the store, unload groceries, etc... I believe it is just the nature of the breed to be nosey/velcro. :lol:
No privacy in our household, velcro nosey sheepies with everything we do. Thank goodness for a large bathroom, one even knows how to open the sliding door if you close it 8O

Paw whacking for attention, well I have an expert here and a few bruises too. :lol:
hannahrose wrote:
Not Isabelle, she stays until I finally have to tell her to take off so I can get done. It would be one thing if she would lay quietly but she doesn't, she will paw at me to get me to pet her. This morning she pawed me twice in the same spot on my side, then did it a third time. The third time I did stand up and yell and she backed off. Susan

She seems to be asking for some attention the only way she knows how to. She may be insecure and if she gets yelled at for asking it will increase her stress and insecurity.

If I were you I would teach her an appropriate way of asking for attention that both of you can live with. And any behavior that you do not want to be repeated should be ignored, until it stops. If she has been getting pats when she did this in the past she will not understand why it is not working anymore, so it may get worse. This is normal, and you must be consistent.

Think of a way that you would like her to communicate with you and reward that.
Thank you all for the reassurances and helpful ideas. I do make her lay down when she starts the pawing at the dinner table. She had about figure out that she doesn't get pets when we eat.
Velcro is a great description. Hannah has to be where she can see us and requests her share of attention but she is joined at the hip with Zumi. They keep each other busy. Isabelle will play with them some especially during the back yard 500.
They were all so funny this afternoon. I was playing ball with Pudge (lab) and Zumi (lab). I would throw the ball. Pudge and Zumi would go after the ball. Hannah and Isabelle would go after Zumi. So 4 dogs got exercised instead of two. The 2 OESs had no use for the ball, but they were not letting Zumi run without them.
Thanks again for the replies. I really enjoy reading the posts and about everybody and their furkids. You are all a veery special group!
You are describing my Bella exactly :!: She is a year and a half and is constantly pawing at me, I have had her since she was 8wks. I do the off thing , sometimes she will let up a bit , , most often not. I have started doing some just mommy Bella things, let her lay on the bed while I get ready for work without the other two, taking her potty alone, playing in the yard alone with me.I think it is starting to work a little bit. Sometimes I will tell her off and try to get her distracted with a toy. Hope this might help you :)
Yeah, my dogs would happily accompany me to the bathroom if I let them. But I require more privacy, so they have learned that they aren't allowed in the bathroom with humans. Or without, really. There's just too much tempting stuff for them to get into. At first they would be outside the door, trying to get in. Now, they wait patiently until I am done. My husband has more problems because he talks to them and scolds them for the bad behavior. I just know that I am perfectly in my rights to want to go to the bathroom or bathe alone and so I don't feel at all bad about ignoring them. I also make them leave the bedroom when I'm getting dressed for work. Not out of modesty, but two are still puppies and they frankly get in the way a lot. They can't help it because they're so excited and it's morning and a great time to play, but I really need to be at work on time, so, I kick them out. They are not emotionally scarred from learning limits.

I think that's key with dogs: deciding what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable. Then encourage acceptable behavior with praise and perhaps treats (food or affection or play) while discouraging what is unacceptable, mostly by ignoring the behavior, if possible. Keep in mind that what is cute when they are small becomes less cute when they weigh 80-100 lbs and can eat off the table without jumping on anything.
Molly does this as well and will never be in a room alone. Our past sheepie only did it for 14 years of her life :D
Same same same with Stella. I cannot have her alone for 5 minutes without her going craaazy. Poor Zak has to babysit when I'm not around and I have even started bringing my Brother in to stay with her when I work. I worry that I am caving in to her behavior and I wonder if I should work more on making her OK with being on her own.
HAHAHA Sorry to post again so soon, but I just read another post about the pawing and it reminded me that my trainer told me when she paws for attention, I should grab her paw and hold on to it and not let go. This will drive her crazy and she won't paw anymore because she will hate losing the power.
Well, Stella smiles and loves when I hold her paw, we can sit that way for a hour and she won't budge. HAHA So much for expensive dog training know-it-alls.
My old Izzy (not new Izzie) used to be a pawer. The worst was if you were sitting on the floor and he would come up behind you and to get your attention....full paw swipe on the back :twisted: Owwww, man did that hurt :lol:
I think OES love to be around people but I have four dogs not all sheepies and I am never lonely 8O I always have a dog or four with me where ever I go. They lay on the bathroom floor and wait while I shower!!!! As I type I have all four with me!! Two on the floor and two on the daybed that is in the room with the computer. I think I would worry if I went around my house and did not have all of them under me!! I am just so used to it... But no one paws, just nudges me with a nose or two.
Yep tried that too Mark, stella can come here and paw away with my pawer, she loves it too when I hold her paw to stop it, just like holding hands and boy she can sit there forever too that way. :lol:
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