Kennel Cough

We've just come back from a vacation up north and picked up Big Ben Sunday afternoon from a new kennel. He was clean and calm (although clearly happy to be back home on our (his?) queen-size bed and cold tile. They said he did really well for the 11 days he was there.

We had always boarded him at our vet but this kennel came highly recommended. Boarding him at the vet wasn't working, he is groomed there and he would get very aggressive with the groomer when she needed to get him in a kennel between stages of getting handsome. We figured if we separated boarding from grooming maybe he would do better.

Anyway, when I dropped him off at the kennel they were extremely professional, didn't ask if I wanted to see where he would be staying - they just immediately brought me back to his area. The area was bright and clean and the dogs who were already there were in clean runs as well.

To make a long story short, Ben is our second dog and we've had some kennel experience between the two. But this time Ben came home with this wheezing/coughing 'thing.' Not to be gross, but his body motion and the duration of each spell (one every hour or so) is similar to when he vomits - which luckily he doesn't do often.

Has anyone had experience with kennel this a symptom, these weird wheezing spells? He's up to date on the bordatella but I know in a prior post someone had mentioned some strains might not be protected by the shot? He's never had allergies before and we supplied his food to keep him on the same diet.

This morning he didn't have any spells before I left for work but he had a bunch yesterday. His appetite isn't quite a big but I know his feeding schedule is a little off from what we usually do at home.

I have an appointment for the vet Thursday morning but I was curious in the meantime if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions?
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Oops, that was me in the above post :oops: !

Just to be clear in my prior post, he's not vomitting, his body motions are just similar. Just wheezing very hard....
Is he actually wheezing (crackles and wheezes in his lungs) or just hacking?
Well, it's a wheeze I would say. He whistles, I don't think I heard any fluid in his lungs but I'll have to listen when I get home. When he would normally cough for whatever reason he kind of makes a gacking noise. This is something different....just very upsetting to watch him when he gets a 'spell'
Sounds like Kennel Cough to me!
Okay, ready for this? I just called the vet to see if I could move up his appointment and I spoke to someone different. I'll still take him to be sure, but they asked if Ben had been barking a lot. I know he barks non-stop when he's groomed -you can always hear him in the background when they call to tell us he's done. They think it could very well be a bad case of tonsilitis and she compared it to going to a concert and screaming at the top of your lungs, but times 11 days. The funny thing is that we were trying to get him to "speak" for a treat yesterday and he couldn't get anything out! Maybe this is the problem!? Very bizarre but I am going to take him to be sure it isn't anything more serious. Of course if he has a bad sore throat/inflamed tonsils that could explain why he's not eating as much as normal, either.
Rub your hand down the front of his throat with a slight bit of pressure. If he coughs or hacks when you do this that is a symptom for kennel cough.
Good news, no kennel cough and Big Ben's wheezing spells have disappeared all together. The vet had no doubts it was just tonsilitis. He's still not eating as much as normal but per the other posts maybe it's just the summer heat. We really didn't have the typically Houston swelter until just a week ago (lots of rain before that) so maybe it caught up with him while we were on vacation!
Glad to hear he's ok! :)
I'm also glad that Big Ben is going to be okay!!!! Thanks for the update as I hoped everything turned out fine. Give him a big hug and extra cookie for me!! :D
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