Excessive barking

My 4 yr old monster barks at everything and nothing. I could use some advice on how I could get that under control.
A little background on her...
Me and my then husband (Marc) got her (Puffer) as a 3 month old puppy. Marc was very anti social and it rubbed off on me so we hardly ever had people over, therefore Puffer never got properly introduced how to behave when people come over. So Puffer is now an anti social dog. She insanely barks at anyone who as much as looks at our house, and not to mention if someone dares to ring our doorbell!!!
She has a thing against bigger sized men, I have no idea where she got that from. She's never been abused or threatened by a large man, maybe it's because our mailman...? When my handyman neighbor comes over to work on something at my house, I have to lock Puffer up in another room.
When I take her for walks, however, she barks at nothing. So this whole barking thing has to be territorial.

Any advice on how to train her to stop doing this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
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It could be also that she feels the need to protect you because of the changes in your life?

I would go to either an obedience class, or if you don't think she is ready for that, even handling classes wiht your local kennel club. Most handling classes are once a week, pay as you go and many do go just to socialize their dogs, not intending on showing them. It does teach manners though, and shows her new people and dogs in what she will hopefully feel is a safe environment.

I made several mistakes while raising Dancer, including not having people stop by enough. My house had been broken into a few years ago, so instead of saying no or quiet when she barked at people coming to the door I think I subconciously encouraged it. Also, when meeting new people if she seemed anxious I coddled her. I said "Oh it's ok baby" and pet her, thinking I was reassuring her. All I did was teach her that yes indeed there is something to worry about, and mommy approves of me barking.
With Sky I was totally different. I had people come over, I took her out more, I didn't coddle her in any way when meeting new people or going to new places. I ignored any nervousness and she immediately settled in and had fun anywhere we went.

Dancer is 3 years old now and while she still barks at people who come to the door she is fine out on walks or anywhere else I care to take her. It just took a while since the habit was developed. All I did was stay consistent, said that's enough if she reacted in a negative way, and then ignored her. She got tons of praise for greeting new people happily without any signs of shyness.

Good luck! :)
I was also having problems with barking issues (but in my sheepies case it was excitement to go). I heard about Cesar Millan on the National Geographic Channel. I specifically ordered the NGC in my cable network (for an extra $4. a month). Let me tell you, THAT was the best money I have spent in a long time!
I have learned SO MUCH from watching him deal with dogs, that I have been able to effectively train my sheepie to stop the barking and quit chasing the vacuum sweeper.
I have watched episodes that specifically deal with dog barking when the door bell rings to dogs that are anti-social.
He truly is amazing. The best advise I can give you is to watch and learn from Cesar.
Kim wrote:
I was also having problems with barking issues (but in my sheepies case it was excitement to go). I heard about Cesar Millan on the National Geographic Channel. I specifically ordered the NGC in my cable network (for an extra $4. a month). Let me tell you, THAT was the best money I have spent in a long time!
I have learned SO MUCH from watching him deal with dogs, that I have been able to effectively train my sheepie to stop the barking and quit chasing the vacuum sweeper.
I have watched episodes that specifically deal with dog barking when the door bell rings to dogs that are anti-social.
He truly is amazing. The best advise I can give you is to watch and learn from Cesar.

Please do tell what Cesar said to do for those who have not had that channel offered to us from our cable company yet !!!! :pupeyes:

Thank You !!!!! From all of us with crazy sheepies who bark at nothing in front of our houses...lol :oops: :roll: :oops:

Honestly, it really is something that you have to WATCH to get the concept. It's not something easily explainable as there are many factors to consider. I am surprised at how quickly the techniques work!
His tapes/DVD's are available to buy at the store.
Let me send you my pizza pan :D

Kaytee, our littlest sheepie that's also blind, was a recreational barker up until about 1 1/2 months ago. A few barks I allow but she would escalate to the point where she was bouncing off me trying to get me to let her outside or bouncing into the other girls. My husband and I couldn't have a conversation without her joining in... this occured just about every morning. When she went outside she would run and bark her fool head off so we had to bring her right back in... she would bark right through citronella spray collars. We had tried everything to stop this obnoxious behavior but nothing had worked... a squirt gun, penny can; distraction including commands; Kongs; citronella collars- both automatic and remote control; more exercise; giving her toys to run around with to act as a muffler; only letting her outside on a leash as a professional trainer advised which was fine but, despite being blind, this sheepie-girl was born to run and this took that freedom away. Some of the trainers techniques involved avoidance rather than changing the behavior... he had us tether her to us so the pacing would stop but if she was let off leash, she would again begin the behavior. We briefly tried a collar that gave different levels of shocks when she barked (we flunked that one because we felt guilty). I had actually wondered if we would have to have her de-barked. We then tried Clomipramine used for anxiety but this drug has the exact opposite on her... she was basically bouncing off the walls. She even bit Emma because she was so wound up... no blood but it made her yelp. The vet said this can happen to some dogs and that he had to do some research to see if there was something else but he didn't sound too hopeful.

One day back in November I got so fed up with her barking and bouncing off my legs that I grabbed a metal pizza tray that was sitting on the counter and slammed it on the kitchen floor. Silence...

I've had to do this maybe 4 times over the past 1 1/2 months. The loud noise broke the focus and finally the cycle. The relentless barking has stopped so she doesn't work herself up to the point of bouncing off me anymore and there's much less pacing. She discovered on her own that if she quietly sits by the backdoor it will often open for her. Barking has gone down by probably 95% and we no longer use any collars or other devices to stop it. If she starts to get wound up, all we have to do is tap a pan and it stops. We're still kind of holding our breath about this because it seemed too simple.

Anyway, this worked for us. I don't know if it would work in your situation but it might be worth considering.
Jaclin, this principle also worked with Chauncey, only I use a rolled up magazine and hit the metal plate on our fireplace or a piece of furniture. This worked pretty quickly for us. Now when we go outside if he barks, I tell him " no, we don't bark at the neighbors" and he grumbles to get the last word but will not bark. He will still bark if someone or something is in the driveway or our back yard but will stop when I tell him it's okay.
Chauncey wrote:
and he grumbles to get the last word

:lol: :lol: That made me laugh! That is SO SHEEPIE!! :lol: :lol:
I liked that too. :lol:

Stubborn sheepies anyway. I guess it's just finding that happy medium. You want them to bark to alert you of a potential problem but it just can't get out of control.
Grumbles I can live with, kind of cute. Any suggestions for Sun./ Mon. night football when all these men ( reflections) are running in all our windows????????? ps: Husband is a football widower, boy I love the game! The big sceen TV doesn't help. GO STEELERS!!!!
Thank you for all the responses. I like the pizza pan technique and will definitely put that to use. :rimshot:

I have one other question to add to this. She also barks if I hug my girls, if we laugh, if the kitty looks at her the wrong way, and not to mention if someone dares to goof off! I don't know that I'd always have a pizza pan ready when I'm hugging my daughter.... :pupeyes: Ideas?

Thank you!
I have NO personal experience with this as I am not a sheepie owner, just a sheepie lover. But what Jaci did with the pizza pan is exactly the same principle as Cesar Milan does with his "sssssssssht" and tapping the dog. It breaks the dog's concentration on barking and gets the dog into a calmer state of mind. As Cesar says, it's best to do the "ssssssht" (or pizza pan) BEFORE the dog starts barking. Watch your dog for signals or signs of an impending bark-a-thon then nip it before it starts.

Just my take on Cesar.
Dogs who bark incessantly usually are trying to tell you something. They may be trying to get attention, are bored, are jealous, etc. The fact that he barks when you hug your children seems to me he is saying " Hey, what about me!"...

I would definately try an obedience class. It is such a great way to bond with your dog and its time just for you and him. It gives dogs a job to do and tires them out! A tired dog is a happy dog...and makes for a happy owner :)

oes rule wrote:
Thank you for all the responses. I like the pizza pan technique and will definitely put that to use. :rimshot:

I have one other question to add to this. She also barks if I hug my girls, if we laugh, if the kitty looks at her the wrong way, and not to mention if someone dares to goof off! I don't know that I'd always have a pizza pan ready when I'm hugging my daughter.... :pupeyes: Ideas?

Thank you!

I would definitely call a behaviorist and ask about that. It could be she is just excited and likes the sound of her own voice, but if she is being territorial or dominant, it could escalate.
I keep a spray bottle of water or small super soaker within reach. I usually don't have to use it, but just showing it to them works!
I have seen a few episodes of Ceasar Millian and he is amazing at what he does. Seems alot of what he does is very common sense. Makes his dogs and other peoples dog know right up front that he is in command. I dont have the channel that it comes on I think it is National Geographic. If am somewhere and he is on I try my best to watch and learn. I will check into the purchasing dvds of his shows. I did not know you could buy them, thanks for the info.
Wow!!!! I thought that nothing would stop my baby from barking up a storm...but the pots & pan really did the trick!!! I have only had to use this method once & finally....no more barking....like you I am kind of holding my breath just hoping that this lasts!!!!!!!!!!!
something else to try is a childs bike horn it also helps to break the cycle
I had the same problem with my Lilly. (the barking non stop about nothing) I tried a ton of things but nothing seemed to work. I am a teacher and use to disciplining small children so one day when I had enough I yelled time out. I grabbed her put her on a rug and told her to stay. I set a timer just like you would with a little kid, for 2 min. The first time she moved I put her back on the rug, and then she stayed. As weird as it sounds it has solved the problem. I had to put her on numerous time outs at first but within a few weeks she had just about given up the barking. Now once in a while she will start barking and all I do is say timeout and she walks to the rug lays down (usually with a grumble) but stops barking and waits for me to release her. This seems to break the barking cycle and gives her time to calm down. I know it is unusual but it has worked so thought I would suggest it to others!
Rufus says You should be able to see some episodes of Ceasar Millan on youtube if you search his name on there.

I didnt see what Rufus wrote just then... :sidestep:
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