
help my cat recently got outside and returned several days later.Didn't think anything of untill I combed my daughters hair the other day. FLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than moving which sounds pretty good right now, Any suggestions
Itchy & CO.
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That's terrible!

First off, you can't just vacuum or spray them away with a single treatment, or multiple treatments over a short time. If your house is "crawling with them", you're going to have to spray the whole house repeatedly.

What's probably going on in your home is that theri are adults and eggs. You sprayed and that probably killed the adults or eggs, but not both.

The fleas much prefer living on your animal(s) than on humans. That's the good news! You have to break the cycle. There are products called insect growth regulators (IGRs) like "Program" which are given as a pill or liquid to the animal. Once the adult flea bites and gets a blood meal, the IGR will not allow their eggs to hatch. As for killing the adults that get on the animal(s) use a good insecticide like Frontline.

Check out some of the info and product resources available for flea control here:
(I plan to work on a better and more specific page about flea control, but it will be a little while before I finish that.)

Hang in there, you'll win.
I know this sounds crazy and may not be an option because of your location or situation, but I was told just over this past weekend, that if you will break off blooms from a crepe myrtle bush and put them around the house that it will kill the fleas. Does it work? I dunno, but a friend swears by it, her grandmother use to do it. Let me know if you try it out.
You can win this battle with the fleas - it will just take time and effort.

To help control the infestation, vacuum every day, and then toss out the vacuum cleaner bag every time you finish vacuuming (make sure you put the vacuum cleaner bag outside the house). The one time fleas got in my house I sprinkled flea powder on the rugs, left it for a few hours and vacuumed it up later. Wash all the pets bedding every day or two for a couple of weeks - this will destroy most of the flea eggs. Since the fleas were in your daughter's hair, be sure to wash her bedding more frequently also - make sure you wash any blankets and quilts also.

Wash the dog & cat once a week for the next two to three weeks. You don't need to use flea shampoo. If you leave the shampoo on the animals for over five minutes it should kill any fleas on them (this tip was passed on to me by a groomer).

Depending on the size of the infestation, you may also have to use one or two of those bug bombs. I didn't use them ( I had a cat that was sensitive to a lot of the chemicals) so I went the longer route and vacuumed, mopped and washed madly for a couple of weeks. Haven't seen any fleas since then.

Good Luck.
Have you tried Advantage flea drops or a similar product? It kills all fleas on the animal within 24 hours, and any in the house that jump on the animals will die as well. Once a month applications during the warm months.
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