not so quiet anymore :-)

Hi all. Our new pup, Mopsey is doing great. Out of her shell. Runs around the house; clumsy; loves to run after the kittens (i am so afraid that she might hurt them!); had her first 5 minute on leash walk (didn't like that so much... 8); learned how to go up and DOWN stairs; sits (sometimes); comes to you when you call her (sometimes); and lays down. She is starting to like it outside now. My question is, she gets awfully wild when outdoors. She hops, runs right into me (on purpose) and jumps and nips at my legs. I tell her "no biting", but she doesn't seem to hear me. :wink: Just goes wild. So, after she ripped my pants, I said you have to calm down, and took her back inside. She did relax right away. I want her to be outside,though. Is this normal behavior? She runs into my leges full speed ahead! And then falls back, turns around and does it again. I am actually afraid she might hurt herself! I mean she really tumbles back. :o Hmmmm Any advice?
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:lol: Cute... I mean, I hope she isn't hurting herself, or you, but it is a funny picture to think of... :lol:
Dancer has always been fairly laid back, lazy even... but I have a feeling her new sister Sky is going to be a bit of a hellion... I don't know why, I have nothing to base that on, just a hunch!
SHE'S BEING A PUPPY!!! Give her a chance to be one and don't be overly concerned. Let her know that biting isn't acceptable (over & over with patience & love) and other than that let her be her happy & crazy self.

It sounds like your girl is just being a Sheepie and trying to herd you.

As for the biting and nipping - very much a puppy trait and they are learning what they can get away with. It's not enough just to say "NO" always have an alternative on hand what is approrpriate like a chew toy or bone - they soon get the idea very quickly.

Good luck!
:lol: ...............LOL!!!well what you have on your hands is a sheepie who has the desire to heard ya!!! :lol: yes it is very annoying,but when your girl is doing that..............STOP 8O ,and think about me here in minnesota who has 2 hearders for dogs and im being hearder ALL over the place!! 8O the nipping of your ankles(pants) is what they do to make the animal go where they want them collie put wholes into ALOT of my jeans right around the bottoms,and too be honest my sheepie is in NO way worse than what jagger my collie that dog was a royal pain,finally i havd to smack him under his chin because he was leaving holes,and had to start stepping on his paws,because other wise id have a 60lbs collie nipping and tripping me and with that pointing jaw line those nips hurt!! :roll: .so just be stern and step on toes IF you have too,but she will get better at it.
Good luck
Ah yes, the running into your legs is cute now. Lola does the same with me. And it's fun, but when you have 70lbs coming at you...lookout.

I'll let her do it when we're playing. But I've somewhat taught her (about 50%) that the nipping when we're playing is not acceptable. We play with a milk bottle or her soft toy and I play soccer with her and she can get a little wild as long as she has the toy in her mouth and she doesn't come jumping & biting after me. She is starting to understand this game and it makes it much more fun. Less scratches and bites on my legs.

My funny pants story is, my parents came over for Father's day and my dad didn't even feel her tugging at his leg. He moved and she almost ripped the bottom of his pantleg clean off. :lol: I still owe him a new pair of pants.
Ha ha, what great stories! She is learning fast, and doesn't do it so much anymore. When she starts to run at me, and jump, I just back away, and say "no biting!" Now when she runs at me, all I have to do is say "Mopsey!" in a stern voice, and she knows and runs around me! She is such a joy! I never thought that I could love a dog this much! (SHe's my first official dog) Learns so fast. She does so many funny things. She doesn't like eating from her bowl, or any bowl, she likes eating off the floor lying down! :D And she is getting used to the collar, scratches the neck some, but ok overall. Walks are a different story! :lol: Wants to eat the leash! And gets stubborn: would just sit and look at you saying "I am not walking another step until you take this thing off of me!!!" hE HE HE HE I hear you on stubborness! I would tell her come on in after a walk, and she would just look at me at the bottom of the stairs, "Oh yeah, make me!" Ooooh. :?

I'm glad things are going well so far! When Mopsey bites/nips - say "OUCH" very loudly so she knows it hurts. If it persists, stop playing and ignore her for a period of time. She'll start to get the hint.

You should get her enrolled in obedience class asap (positive reinforcement) - it will be great for her socialization and behavior. Plus, it really "connects" the two of you.

Remember - what is funny & cute now won't be when she's 70 lbs! :wink:

Good Luck!
I agree with you! When she is bigger the jumping and nipping will not be funny at all. Well, its interesting, but its not really that I am playing with her when she does this, she is playing with me! I am standing still and she justs charges at me and starts to jump and nip. So, even if I turn around and ignore her, she contunues to do it. SO what I have been doing is saying "no" and pushing my knee out so that she can't reach and bite. Feel bad doing it, 'cause i am so scared that I can hurt her. She is still so little. But after a few times of hitting the knee she stops,and I praise her like crazy! IF she doesn' stop, I take her back inside and she calms down right away. Hopefully it's just a phase of puppyhood, but she should still learn that its unacceptable. Thanks for all your advice. :lol:
Dancer doesn't nip, but she jumps on people who come to the door or when we go visit other people. She never jumps on me, so she knows it is unacceptable, but I don't know why she doesn't apply that to everyone. I haven't been able to find any obediance classes around here unfortunately.
She really needs it though. She's 7 months old now, and I just hope it's not too late. It's my own fault, I was so busy working, and with the kids etc... I am so glad I'm off for the summer this year so I can really concentrate on my dogs. So far though I've still been so busy with a housefull of kids! LOL This week things are settling though, and I'm going to be keeping Dancer on a leash with me to reinforce housetraining and other things. I'd love to be able to walk her more, but she chokes and gags any time there is pressure on her collar! Sounds disgusting, and I worry that it is hurting her. :(
Hi Willowsprite,
I just read your post about not being able to walk Dancer very much because of her choking and I had the same problem with Cooper. It was awful the way he would pull ahead and choke himself when we would go for a walk and I was quite worried that he was hurting his throat and that he couldn't breathe. When I went to my first obedience class (positive reinforcement) I told the teacher of his pulling and choking and she suggested the "Gentle Leader" - my vet also suggested it - it was definitely worth the $45. No more pulling, no more choking and no more sore arms!! :D
Yes I have used the gentle leader before with my great dane, they are awesome. But with Dancer the problem is not pulling, just a very sensitive throat. If someone even touches her collar she gags. :( Vet says she is fine and should outgrow it once she beefs up and has more padding there, but it drives me nuts!
Yeay! We had our second bath today. She was much better! :D And during the brushing she was FANTASTIC! :D I have been brushing her two times a day for the past three weeks and giving her a treat after. I have never expected her to stretch out on the bed and let me brush her everywhere! Legs, back, sides, face, chin!!!!! I was so proud! 8) Its terrific to see fruits of your labor! he he he So, the munchkin is clean, fluffy, and smelling good! For tonight anyway! :lol:
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