Unlocking and opening the door.

Pepsi has learned to open doors.
We realized it when we locked the dogs in the bedroom so we could put the house alarm on. (They have the dog door in there and there are no movement sensors in there).
We came home and the dogs were in the living room. Luckily the alarm had gotten stuck in bypass, so the movement sensors were off.
We had seen Pepsi do this before so we knew who had opened the door.

Our next trip out Billy said Lock the bedroom door so they don't get out.
We left the bypass on just in case.
Sure enough Lacey, Pepsi and Rags greeted us at the front door. I swore I locked it! My memory isn't the greatest though. Especially when we are trying to get everyone out of the house.

Next day we go out again. I call Billy over as I lock the door to show his it is locked. We leave the alarm on bypass again.
We get home, walk in the door and there are the dogs again. 8O

We have door handles, not knobs so all he has to do to open the door when unlocked is put his paw on it and pull down and in.
But he turned the darn lock and got it unlocked!!! From what I gather he was able to do it by scratching with his nails at the lock on the handle until it turned.

We decided to remove the door handle for our next trip out. This worked!!! But Pepsi had scratched that part of the door. :roll:

So much for his dopey act. He is smart....just doesn't want anyone to know. :lol:
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Smart boy!
:lol: :lol: Smart one there!
I want a hidden camera. This is a video worth seeing. I have heard about dogs opening doors (never unlocking though) and I've always wanted to see it.

Smart doggie, Pepsi!
Funny Pepsi!
My horse Pete can open the door knob on the side door into the barn. It's a round metal knob. He grabs it in his teeth and fiddles with it until he gets it open. We now have a safety loop on the inside!
thats funny :lol:
Lassie in sheepdog clothing! If he can unlock a door, maybe next he could turn on the vacuum and be useful around the house??

Pepsi, wear gloves next time so you don't scratch the doors! Also, no teeth!
Sadie opens doors too
SheepieBoss wrote:
Lassie in sheepdog clothing! If he can unlock a door, maybe next he could turn on the vacuum and be useful around the house??

Wow, wouldn't that be nice! :D If he could vacuum, I would pay him! It would definitely be worth it. :D

Dawn, that is so funny about Pete. :lol: What a smart guy!

Melissa, Pepsi says, Sadie is his type of girl :wink:

Sorry Judi, no video camera. I'd be interested in seeing it too.
Sam said Pepsi should come visit, he can show Pepsi how to use a paw to flip the lock and then use muscle to open sliding glass dogs and how to throw your weight on the bathroom door until it opens. :lol:
Mine has been doing this for 9 years. He can open any door with the lever handles - even pulling the door back toward himself.
He has also discovered that he can push the lever up with his nose and open the doors. He taught this to his sisters, who use this method to open my daughter's bedroom door so they can jump on her bed and wake her up.

They are so clever.
Molly learned to open the doors when she was 6 month old, so I always put her in the dog room and lock the door when we are going out without her,
I found out that Max can open our sliding-glass door. One day while he was outside playing (the yard is completely fenced and I can see him) he came up to the door. Because the tinted glass makes it hard for him to see inside, I don't think he knew I was watching him. He started pawing at the door. It slid open just enough for him to get his paw through. Once he did that, he was able to push it open enough to come inside. He was pretty proud of himself!
Such smart sheepies!!! Some people think the breed is nothing but dopey fuzzballs. Okay, so they do have a tendency to look the dopey part.
example: Pepsi looking the dopey part.

But he only looks dopey.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pretty snow in desert picture. Hopefully you don't get much cold damage tonight.
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