Pet supplies for Dickens

My puppy OES, Dickens, is arriving next Sunday, 12/24. It's been a while since we've had a puppy, and this is our first OES- so we want to be prepared. Any advice on puppy supplies, food, grooming tools (I just read the grooming tutorial on here which was fantastic), and any other relevant advice would be very much appreciated. We have a large crate (I'm worried it may be too big for the puppy initially- I've read that some people have partitioned the crate early on- how?

I am so pleased I found this site- the people have been so nice and the info invaluable. Any tips on introducing my 11 year old to puppy care? grooming? I want to make it fun for Ryan but also give him some responsibility.

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- food (obviously)
- bowls
- crate - got it
- lots of old towels
- soft toys, chew toys, balls, etc.
- pin brush or poodle comb
- small, round-tipped scissors (for paws)
- nail trimmer
- collar and leash

It is best if you partition the crate to be just big enough for Dickens to turn around and lie down. Crate training is the fastest way to housetrain a puppy because they want to stay clean so will try to hold it in the crate, but that doesn't work if he can pee/poop in one corner and stay dry and clean in the other side of the crate.

Our crate came with a divider, but you can make one using a piece of plywood (not cardboard) - you can drill small holes to attach ties to it. You might have a better idea than that, but be sure you make a divider with something Dickens can't chew/destroy.

Grooming tools - I didn't list everything you'll need as he grows, but those are good starter tools. A puppy his age doesn't really need much grooming, but it's good to get him up on a table and brush or comb him a little bit everyday to help him get used to it.

The small scissors you will need to trim the hair that grows between his paw pads - even at his young age there will be enough to require trimming regularly. Or you could use electric clippers, but that can be more difficult if his feet are ticklish.

I might be forgetting something but those are good starters.

Be sure to touch/handle Dickens everywhere, every day. Touch his paws, stick your fingers between his paw pads, put your fingers in his mouth, touch his ears, his bum area, chin, etc. This will help him get used to being touched all over, and will help him be much less squirmy during grooming and vet exams.
Oh, I forgot: carpet cleaner especially for pet messes!
That's Steph- I needed that- now I have my shopping list for the Pet store

have a great holiday

You're welcome!

Another thing: yummy treats

It's great to have a really special treat (like liver treats) for when Dickens goes potty outside. Lotsa praise and a special treat and he'll learn very quickly that you love it when he goes potty outside!

Merry Christmas! Can't wait to hear all about it! We'd love to see pictures of the kids' reactions!
Yummy treats- okay

any particular brand that you like?

Also, what puppy food do u recommend? Should I consider giving anything in addition?

Thanks Steph!

This site is great for OES puppy newbies like me.

For treats, we just bought soft liver treats. I honestly can't remember the brand. Read the ingredients and avoid anything with lots of fake stuff.

A good quality puppy food will be all the nutrition Dickens will require. A good idea is to start with a small(ish) bag of whatever food the breeder has been feeding him, as it is hard on their stomachs to have a sudden change in food. Then speak with your vet about what puppy food he or she recommends. Then you can gradually change Dickens to the new food, if it's different from what your breeder was feeding.

In general, I've heard terrible things about Iams ( Don't ever buy no-name or grocery-store brand. Don't cheap out on food for your pup, because a high-quality food can greatly affect his health and length of life.

We feed Purina Veterinary Large Breed Pediatric - available at our vet's office. This is what was recommended by both our breeder and our vet, and our vet has actually visited Purina's research facilities and was extremely impressed. When Barkley is either a year old or starts to "get a little chubby", whichever comes first, he'll be switched to an adult food - Purina Veterinary Joint Mobility formula, which is excellent for preventing/delaying hip or joint problems and arthritis.

Be sure to get a Large breed puppy food, but I would really recommend speaking with your vet to see what they recommend.
The most invaluable toy that we got for panda was a Man stuffie...its a woolie fleece man...she takes that silly toy everywhere with her....she doesnt rip him apart like you would think, but calmly lays there and sucks on an arm or leg...she knows its quiet time when I tell her to get her baby....

good puppy chew toys also...super hard rubber..kongs are great and keep them occupied...

besides regular water bowls (i recommend two) one for indoors and one for outdoors....I like the nylon collapsable kind that you can take to the dog parks or on family outings...

A good leather me, much better on your hands with a pulling puppy...especially as they get older and stronger.

I also recommend getting your puppy chipped...we did it when she went in for her rabies shot.

Steph had a pretty good list going...but she is still in the puppy stage herself :) Im sure others will mention more too!
I would highly recommend getting a spray bottle of bitter apple. Spray it on the legs of furniture, cabinets or anything you do not want the puppy to chew on. As the name of the product states it leaves a very bitter taste in their mouth. It will save wooden legs of chairs, coffee tables, etc...

You will also need a large bottle of Nature's Miracle. Wherever the dog has an "accident" after you get it up spray the floor with the NM and wipe it up. It takes the pee/ammonia smell out.

Welcome to the forum. I have a 8 mth old sheepie and I am fostering another 8 mth old sheepie. (Plus I have 2 older sheepies)

P.S. Buy extra toliet paper and pick it up high. Toliet paper seems to be a serious food group with puppies. :lol: :lol:
My parents' sheepie had a thing for Kleenex...would gently take them one by one out of the I'd keep ALL paper products up high!
I just printed out this page and am taking it to the pet store- thanks everyone

I sincerely appreciate all the helpful advice

I swear by bitter apple, I have used it with both dogs to address chewing issues, neither have turned into a problem chewer.
You might consider adding calling groomers to your list.

Ask friends and coworkers who they like for grooming
in your area.

We took Bogart at 10 weeks just for a nail clip and to
be introduced to the grooming area. Our groomer took
him early and discharged him before the other dogs arrived.

We took him to the groomer consistantly and by one year,
he couldn't wait to jump in the tub and have his spa day :D

Not all groomers welcome sheepdogs , so ask the ones
who do how much experience they have with this breed.
Once you find the right groomer who loves OES its a
nice experience for your sheepie .

In time you might want to learn to do the bath and grooming
yourself-there are some great threads in the grooming
forum .
i brought home a rescue pup at 6 wks. old to my 2 oes they are 11yrs. introduce them outside.. my girls have set the rules he gets in their face alot but the one shows her teeth and he backs off.. it has been 4 months and i still watch them .. as we speak the pup is in bed pushing on my old girl!! the old girls know he is just a silly pup .. good luck
My dogs love PUP Corn, it is a low fat low calorie treat.

Paper towels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In addition to a 6 ft leash, a 20-25 ft lead (found in tack shops)
is helpful. The one I just bought is by Hamilton and looks
like a long dog leash. (You do not want a lead with a chain
and then the clip).

This useful for letting you dog have more room to explore
while remaining safe. We used it as a reward for
training lessons.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, is Dicken HOME???????????

We want to, NEED TO hear the sotry!!! :D
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