Fireworks and Dogs

July 1st was Canada Day and I know our American friends will celebrate their country's b-day July 4th.

Egads! So many fireworks! While I knew Blue is terrified of them and cowers under the computer desk or under my legs I was unsure how Merlin or Panda would react.

Panda concerned me the most as a few days before someone was letting off firecrackers in the neigborhood and he went a bit crazy. Jumped right up on the computer table..on top of the computer!!

I decided to forgo going out this year to any celebrations as I thought it was best to stay with my boys. I made the right choice.

10 Pm the city let off numerous fireworks as did some of the neighbors. I was in the back yard with all three dogs and also had the opportunity to hear all the other dogs in the neighborhood.

Panda was terrified when the sky lite up - especially when hearing the whistling of bottle rockets. He'd race around barking and then threw up several times! I couldn't bring him in the house as he also had didn't spell that right, but you know what I mean.

Merlin was completely unfazed. The Bouvier that lives behind us howled as if in mortal agony - pretty alarming to hear. The other dogs in the neigbhorhood barked.

I brought Merlin and Blue inside but chose to stay with Panda outdoors. Poor dog his behavior was alarming...he chewed grass frantically and raced around the yard vomiting. This agony lasted for aprox an hour. So here I was in this dark back yark sitting on the grass with my boy trying to comfort him the best I could. I'm already dreading Halloween.

Sorry for the long winded post but just wanted to warn everyone about the possible ways your dogs may react to fireworks as all my three had different reactions as did the neighborhood dogs.

Take Care everyone!
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We went to see fireworks last night, but didn't bring Dancer with us. A lot of other people did bring their dogs though, some were fine, and some were definitely not fine! Our house was far enough away from everything that it didn't seem to bother Dancer much, but a few people in the neighborhood let a few go and she paced the hall trying to figure out what it was and where it came from, not really upset, just curious.
I don't have a dog (yet!) but I do have a horse and at the age of 19 he still hates fireworks. He gets extremely agitated, spinning around in his stall, not even realizing I am there to comfort him. This year the vet and I decided to give him a mild tranquilizer for the 4th. The vet said it's appropriate to tranq him rather than risk colic and dehydration.
My husband and I were discussing the July 4th fireworks last night, and although we love to see them decided that it would be better if we stayed home.

Hopefully Baxter won't have as extreme reaction as Panda. But I plan to give him Rescue Remedy - starting today! Hopefully being proactive will help.
I'm sorry to hear of Panda's reaction. I can only imagine what he's experienced in his life before he came to you - maybe the fireworks set off some sort of memory reaction. :(

You may want to consider getting a tranquilizer for the next time - I hate to drug them - but when they react that severely - you are better off! Stress like that can be a cause of bloat, etc.

I'm glad it's over for you! It's just beginning here. Brittney & Presley aren't close enough to any fireworks to be bothered - and based on the storm we had last night - I don't think it will faze them (I thought we were being bombed!). Sydney, however, will be with me at my sister's Lake house - where many fireworks will be setoff. She can't hear them - which is good - but she hates the flashes. I'm armed with Rescue Remedy. My friends Lab is horribly fearful of them - he's been prescribed ACE (a tranquilizer). I've been prescribed VODKA! :lol:

Stay safe everyone!
Thanks everyone for your replies. I feel badly I completely forgot about Nature's Remedy :( and sorta of admonishing myself for not realizing that Panda's reaction would probably have not been a good one as the incident before with the firecrackers was a good indicator. Great advice and I'll remember that for Halloween and next Canada Day.

This was helpful advice and I'm sure others on here will also appreciate it.
Thanks! I know the Humane Societies are full of animals after Halloween due to animals running off at the sound of firecrackers and in the past have always kept my cats in. Looks like I will have to do that with the dogs too.

Last 4th of July, a basset hound in one of our towns ran off during a fireworks display and got himself jammed into an old drain pipe - it took them 2-3 days to find him and unfortunately, he didn't pull through. It was horribly sad! :cry:
I am sorry to hear about Panda's reaction! Our puppy arrived yesterday from the country with no trains! :D (MO) We have a train going 10 feet away from our house. Its not going fast, because there is a stop not far away, but at first Mopsey hid when ever the train woiuld come by. Now, she is much better, just sits and watches it. I think if they are exposed to these annual events from puppyhood, they have a better chance of not freaking out. But Panda has come such a long way, and who knows what the fireworks remind him of back home. :cry: You did good Marianne!
Thanks again everyone and thanks for your kind words Marley.
I also had the opportunity to pass along this info to many dog owners at the dog park. I'm sure my area is going to have loads of sales of Nature's Remedy next time fireworks are let off.

Kristen...ha ha! How could I forget not to mention your comment about the Vodka..had me laughing!

Hope all of you in the States enjoyed your Fourth of July holiday and it was a safe one for all.

Marianne :D
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